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hehe, hi Saki

hyperness is good, it reduces the need for sleep :P

hehe, the colour is alright, it gives uniqueness to the post :) purrrrrple is a good colour anyway i just prefer the darker one

Bunny is always like that :P constantly bouncy

feel free to pm in game/forum if you need any help with how anything works, will be happy to help where i can, and am allowed to

enjoy the game, tis a nice treasure, and am certainly glad i found it :)

I prefer caffeine as my drug of choice, Mmmmm caffeine

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hehe, hi Saki

hyperness is good, it reduces the need for sleep :P

hehe, the colour is alright, it gives uniqueness to the post :) purrrrrple is a good colour anyway i just prefer the darker one

Bunny is always like that :P constantly bouncy

feel free to pm in game/forum if you need any help with how anything works, will be happy to help where i can, and am allowed to

enjoy the game, tis a nice treasure, and am certainly glad i found it :)

I prefer caffeine as my drug of choice, Mmmmm caffeine

Thanks for the warm welcome. ^^

Yay! Another purple lover!

My hyperactivity seems rather short-lived, though. I blame my school; it seems to suck out lifeforce from the students. <--- (I believe some would call this an overactive imagination...)

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Nope, school is like an elemental, the older it gets, the stronger her power, and therefore less life left in you. I only hope college will liberate me as much as I hope it will :P
Eloquently put.

Except I rather like my Elemental. :P

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warm welcomes are one of me specialties :)

I fail to believe anyone who says that they don't love purrrrple :P

Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality. :P (unfortuantely i didnt make this, i stole it from someone famous)

Unfortunately i'm under the impression it'll get worse before it gets better in college

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warm welcomes are one of me specialties :)

I fail to believe anyone who says that they don't love purrrrple :P

Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality. :) (unfortuantely i didnt make this, i stole it from someone famous)

Unfortunately i'm under the impression it'll get worse before it gets better in college

That's a really useful skill. ^^

Come to think of it, I really can't remember meeting someone who doesn't like purple... :P

That is a great quote, even if you didn't come up with it. ^^

I suppose that'll be true in some aspect. Especially since I seem to have issues to focusing on studying...

But not having to get up uber early for class would be a plus. =D

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Hey all,

New here just wanted to say hi to you all. Must say I'm enjoying this so far... Wonderful art.

And oh have a question, I'm allowed to use multiple accounts right, just not at the same time. May I use myself as a referrer?

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are there really so few romanian players in this amazing game??? :P nu pot sa cred asa ceva... (en: i can't believe it...)

Don't worry, there are more, but they don't really mind replaying in English :P

Hi dude, welcome, and hurry to MP5 and I'll give you a few good battles :)

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Din cate am vazut, sunt destui jucatori romani activi :P

(As far as I've seen, there are many active romanian players)

are there really so few romanian players in this amazing game??? :P nu pot sa cred asa ceva... (en: i can't believe it...)
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Don't worry, there are more, but they don't really mind replaying in English :P

Hi dude, welcome, and hurry to MP5 and I'll give you a few good battles :)

i'm actually a "dudette" :lol: and i'm hurrying as fast as i can but i still need 1 mil and more of experience :P so don't hold your breath :)

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Oh dear lords, you two are such ... uh... stalkers? forum stalkers? post stalkers? waiting for that one moment when the other replies and then "Bam" you post it right afterwards...

Ahem... _-=^"|!FREAKS!|"^=-_


Naw I'm just kiddin', you're not freaks, just people who seriously need to stop posting after each other and get some more activity in the game and other topics :P

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*suddenly remembers he can click the 24h meditate again*

*clicks 24h meditate and reads new script thingie*


hehe, i dont sleep early so I have to do something at 1.30am :P and dont say that you never do it Bunny :)

and proud of it :P:)

see i waited a whole hour since you posted, and a whole 13 since Saki did, it wasnt due to sleep, sixth-form and work, honest.


It does come in handy from time to time :)

see it's true, everyone likes/loves it :)

I know a great site for quotes so i try to use it lots

i think most people have the same issue with studying :) i do at least

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@MB: Aww...Bunny thinks I'm a freak? *sniffles* :P

Haha, just kidding.

I suppose this is a habit that carried over from another site I go on. That one's more forum oriented, so yet...I stalk forums... >>

I was waiting for my vitality to come back anyway.

@Grido: Ooo, that's cool. I can't seem to find good websites like that. I get my quotes the hard way: from reading books. Unfortunately, most of them don't really have anything clever or insightful to say. ><"

Haha, looks like I'm not alone. ^^

I think my signature says it all. I'm considering letting my dog bury my modem somewhere so that I don't get distracted. >>

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I use an 'origional' titled site for my quotes, www.quotationspage.com

I like to read lots, but like you said "most of them don't really have anything clever or insightful to say" which is a shame really.

*shamelessly steals idea and edits signature*

hehe, nice idea, the problem arises when you get a crave for it back so rather than studying you go dig around for it where your dog might have burried it, thus distracting you more :P

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I have an insane amount of quotes, from civ IV, school, especially philosophy class, Wikiquote.com, and discovery/history books :P

Also, I' m studying as well for my endexam, but I study real hardcore, like true (wo)men!

I go batf***crazy and lock myself up in my room, wherein everything is clean and neat, so that there is no distraction. I have a small sign that reminds me of work hard, so that I can mess around longer, and a pc, which is really old and has no internet, besides that the keyboard sometimes doesn't work and the sound is messed up.

I'm like a hardcore hermit.

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There's actually a wiki of everything isn't there? *bookmarks wikiquotes*

/Is quite confused over what 'batf***crazy' means

Well my room is messy, my only desk in my small room is covered with stacks of dvd's and books, they're mostly fiction so not too helpful with revision, i also have a tv, ps2 and a cd player, so plenty of distractions :P

I also have a small sign, but mine says 'beware of spillages in the lab' which my sister took from our old school and gave to me.

hehe that sounds like a nice comp :P

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Lol, we kids in the Netherlands (I am sure everybody else does it as well) go out at night when we went binge drinking (I'm not an alcholic, lol, I don't do it often :P), we always take 'for sale' sign and other loose stuff paid for by rich wealthy people or companies :)

Also BatF*ckCrazy = Weeeirrdoooo

As SickF*ck = pervert

Etcetera, check urban dictionary(.com) :), It's the only way I'm learning new and 'hip' forms of 'decent' language use of the 'great' American 'language' :P:P:P

Did I use to much "? :)

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How many Wikis are there? O_o

I'm rather selective about cleaniness. My locker, backpack, and computer files must be neat and orderly with files and tabs for everything. Otherwise, I go insane. My room on the other hand...well...Let's just say it's not the stereotypical girl's room where everything's nice and neat. There are books everywhere, especially now that I have a lot more higher level course work. You literally cannot see the floor. There's a path from the door to my bed, the desk, and the window. If I want to get to my computer, I have to climb over my bed. xP

And I have no motivational sign/poster/sticky note whatsoever. I have a wall full of pictures I printed out years ago of a favorite anime character. ^^

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Lol, we kids in the Netherlands (I am sure everybody else does it as well) go out at night when we went binge drinking (I'm not an alcholic, lol, I don't do it often :P), we always take 'for sale' sign and other loose stuff paid for by rich wealthy people or companies :)

Also BatF*ckCrazy = Weeeirrdoooo

As SickF*ck = pervert

Etcetera, check urban dictionary(.com) :), It's the only way I'm learning new and 'hip' forms of 'decent' language use of the 'great' American 'language' :P:P:P

Did I use to much "? :)

Sounds like fun. Of course, my parents would kill me when I get home from one of those. xD

Bunny used naughty words! D=

Tsk, tsk. Shame on you.

Honestly, there's nothing really new in the American vocabulary. Just add the F-word to the end of every other word and that's basically it. Oh, and be sure to randomly insert "like," "totally," and "ohmigawd" in the middle of your sentence.

EDIT: Oh, oh! Look! I'm forum stalking again! =3

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You'd be surprised at how many girls rooms I've seen (and no it's not 0, har har) And every single one of them is ugly and/or dirty.

Also, check www.wikia.com, which is the umbrella site for all things wiki. We could (not me, I'm not that zealous... yet) make a Magicduel wiki, lol. Also, Uncyclopedia is kinda funny, it's the mocking and satirical version of wikipedia.


LOL, I just saw your 2nd post, people usually edit their posts, and I'm not naughty, I was just over stating my hermit hardcoreness...

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Yeah, sorry 'bout the double post. Different forum etiquette here. Just gimme a while, I'll catch one. ><;


Wow, really? I guess my friends are neat-freaks, then. 'Cause their rooms are spotless.

I suppose we could, but there's a limit to what we could put on there since we don't want to spoil anything.

I actually found Uncyclopedia while doing a research for a paper a few months ago. Oh, how I wish I could've used that site. xD

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/backtracking, annoying comp crashed so couldn't post constantly one after another like you two :P

-MB, most countries do ye, not every person though lol, i do chuckle lots at the drunk chavs :P

The english slang is quite fun to try an learn cos it varies depending on where you grew up, funnier if you have 2 people from different areas talking about the same thing using different words for it :)

I grew up on the norfolk coast, an now live in cambridge so nobody understands it when i use certain words like 'leccy' :)

-Saki I know what you mean, i like things to be in the 'right' place an get picky an squirmy sometimes if they arent.

I have many posters rolled up in a cupboardy type thing in me room, never got around to putting them up yet, have lived here since sept :)

My room is an 'organised' mess, i know where everyhing is, it just looks messy to outsiders

Have you got a pic of the anime character? :)

-MB, i'm guessing the page is meant to be completely blank?

Wooo!! :) hehe

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