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Hello! Just joined the game and am saying hi. =P This looks like it could turn into something really involved and complex! I'm a big fan of the idea, personally - something new is always good. I consider myself pretty friendly, so feel free to message me if you notice I'm logged in. I'm always up for a chat!

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Hey there guys! Great work the game's just awsome and i'm so happy it finally works again and i can play :P

Thumbs up for the drawing and the storyline and for the whole of the game!

Anyway Buna! to all the Ro players here :D

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Quiero conocer jugadores de habla hispana, asi seria mas facil este juego si lo que uno va descubriendo puede ser compartido con otros jugadores en nuestro idioma.

Saludos a todos y espero que contesten...ya que debe de haber mas como yo :D

Hi to "all the people who dont undertand spanish" too.

I speak english very bad so i prefer to speak in spanish. For that in this mesange i am looking for spanish players. Im from latinamerica, from a little country call Uruguay.

ok that all... HI!!!

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Hola, yo soy de Uruguay, me alegra encontrar a alguien de latinamerica, mi nombre en el juego es carlawg, asi que si quieres contactame cuando entres. Yo soy nueva asi que si me explicas algo te agradeceria mucho.


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