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Lol, pressure is the thing that saved me, I cannot work without pressure, which is kinda cool, because I get to procrastinate some more :P

So you need to finish math and spanish assignments, like right after you get them? That sucks, first 4 years were a breeze, like a real breeze. Math, latin, every single class, was easy. In the first class you are surprised at the word 'homework' and are actually enthousiastic about it, simply because you never had any in junior school. (Because we Gymnasium people are so damn awesome (translate to nerdlike smart)) That illusion luckily fades away fast and you simply stop doing homework till like the end of the 4th year or the start of the 5th. Every single class started with the entire class (that is the ones like me, who are going to make it in 6 years (keep believing bunny and it will come true :() and not the ones who were doomed to do the year over) of reading what we had to make, then answering out of our head, the correct answer. :) aah good times...

Why is it so easy in the start you ask? Because our government is r*t*rd*d, that's why. They work from the nice socialistic/hippy (dang hippies) view that everybody is not just being equal in value, but that everybody should also be having the same chances and opportunities, so most classes, besides stuff like latin, was of the same level as it was in VMBO, except that we had less time to answer it and had some extra 'challenging' questions. Basically the first 3 years the schools work towards the average student, the HAVO student, which sucks for the VMBO student as it is to hard and it sucked for me because I had to learn how to learn at the start of the 5th year.

Also, once you start 'partying' (you're like what 14? it'll be a long time untill for you in the US :() you'll start to recognize the smell of alcohol in the 'drainage' the 'regurgitation' and the overal average bar and/or alcoholic bum :).

So basically ice cream rules, my governments policy on the school system is ... well suffice it to say I'm still not convinced that the people in parliament have a basic highschool degree or that they are simply ataraxic.

But I did get 4 years of fun :o (not that it's really hard now, the hardest class is latin and according to my planning it takes me about 30 hours to study it for my exams, and that means the entire grammar system, 500 lines of latin that I need to know out of my head, alongside the background story and philosophies.)

Yeah... can't wait for ice cream college...

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Hello everyone, I'm glad I found this game it has really captured my interest. I have tried a few browser based MMO's out there along with MUD's and other MMO's but really none have kept my attention like this one. Its only be a few days that I've been playing, probably like two >_>;, but I can tell that this will have my attention for quite a while. Seeing as it is still in development I look forward to the future with this game : D

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So you need to finish math and spanish assignments, like right after you get them? That sucks, first 4 years were a breeze, like a real breeze. Math, latin, every single class, was easy.

Not quite; I mean I feel compelled to finish them during class/lunch instead of at home. :P

>_>; The highschool workload for me took a little getting used to after I came out of my nice charter middle school. Doing two studyguides and a speech a week, a lesson of math a day, and actual writing assignments was kind of new, but I've gotten a bit better, I think... Plus they're kinda slacking off a little 'cause it's the end of the year (:.

I didn't write Spanish/Physics assignments in there because those are just kind of easy stuff.

I relate college to potato salad/french fries more than ice cream, lol...

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Second life, lol this will probably become my main life as I wait to enter college. Nothing else to do, the job doesnt fill enough of my time and yeah. And once more, thank you for letting me know I have your support and help :P

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hi im gona post hello,s in as many ways as i can think of



3:hey you!


5:whats up

6:morons im back :lol:

7:what yall up to

8:i cant tipe hand langweg

9:stuped get up(when your asleep on my couch :lol: )

10:give you a wegy(if your a bully :P)

11:super wegy(for mega bully)


13:yo my dog

14:fart in ther face(couch :lol: )

if you can think of any more reply this post

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Second life, lol this will probably become my main life as I wait to enter college. Nothing else to do, the job doesnt fill enough of my time and yeah. And once more, thank you for letting me know I have your support and help :)
I'm definitely guilty of that. I started dreaming about MD a little while ago. xD

And I must say, shades are a lot scarrier when they can chase you... :)

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Lol shades would be scarier for me if I wasn't so fond of the darkness and the night. I tend to be nocturnal so yeah >_>; I have just played one day prior to this and already I could help but look forward to playing today. I truly love the whole system of the game, btw hot cocoa is the best, I like it better with milk instead of water, however to keep me awake I stick to good ol' soda.( And candy...yum...gummy bears :) )

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Hum.. I dreamed about MD; it was about the adventure log. (: I was in the middle of a grassy place with big chopped tree chunks, and a voice said that it picked me because it liked me. >__> That was the day Manu said one day I might know for myself what being part of the adventure is when I asked him about what it's like... Carrot to the horse, false death and cats.

I feel sorry for those gummy bears.. they always look accusing to me. Not to mention the special ones with belly buttons...

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Hum.. I dreamed about MD; it was about the adventure log. (: I was in the middle of a grassy place with big chopped tree chunks, and a voice said that it picked me because it liked me. >__> That was the day Manu said one day I might know for myself what being part of the adventure is when I asked him about what it's like... Carrot to the horse, false death and cats.

I feel sorry for those gummy bears.. they always look accusing to me. Not to mention the special ones with belly buttons...

Heh, see thats why I bite their heads off first so they can't give me that sad look :] Its the smart thing to do. I dreamth of MD last night too, since I barely finished the first chaper I dreamth of the little girl >_>; Playing ring around the rosy with a little psychotic yet innocent girl can be quite fun. Especially with shadows all around you :]

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That is...

Disturbingly freaky weird doesn't seem to describe you all that very well...

.... oh gods....

Anyway... you can always pm and such, yada yada, I'm here to help :)

Ah but I do rather enjoy being weird and eccentric, its alot more fun then being bland and normal. :] And I shall do if I ever need help

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Hi! My uncle and I are joining. He was able to get registered and started, but I never got my confirmation e-mail. Heeelllppp!!!!

If you're hotmail.com check the "secondary" e-mail box to where the spam usually goes, I don't know the name of that specific box because my hotmail is in portuguese so the name must be different, anyways I hope you get it.

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Heh, see thats why I bite their heads off first so they can't give me that sad look :] Its the smart thing to do.

Speaking of gummy bears, my english teacher likes to cut off the top of the Hershey Kisses, put the bears on the Kiss, and replace the tip on the bear's belly. He said it looked just as if the bears got skrewered on the end of a Hershey's Kiss. xD
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Mommy, the weird humans are scaring me...

Why do they crawl in my mind?

Why are they so scary?

They are ever so unkind...

Talking about a cute beary,

While screaming for mercy, it's eviscerated!

Their story in their vanity:

Forced to watch, the bears family is devastated!

They're molesting my sanity!

Why are those helpless gummy bears so hated?

Those people are a profanity!

Their sugary bodies eaten, thus desecrated!

It was like seeing a rolling wave of evil, like a tsunami.

Oh gods, a cruel death for them to be fated!

One worse than they propagate, I just want my mommy...

Sicko's... what did those bears ever do to you?

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