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...Bunny, I did not comprehend any of that post, and I've read it at least 5 times over the course of two days...

Gawd, it was as if I was rereading Walden! *twitches at the painful memories* >.0

@Lulu: Er...what physics class are you taking? I'm practically dying in AP Physics...I can't wait to burn all those practice tests my teacher gave me. It will give me the greatest pleasure in the world to roast marshmellows over burning physics homework. >>


Lol, love the poem. But it is not my fault that they made gummy bears so darn good now is it :] Besides, what I do to one gummy bear I do to them all no gummy bear left behind. : D

@Lulu: Er...what physics class are you taking? I'm practically dying in AP Physics...I can't wait to burn all those practice tests my teacher gave me. It will give me the greatest pleasure in the world to roast marshmellows over burning physics homework. >>

Lulu is taking basic physics, no worries. She does plan, however, on taking advanced physics... She has said to me that her brother said it was pretty much the toughest subject in IB.

  Yami no Sakura said:
...Bunny, I did not comprehend any of that post, and I've read it at least 5 times over the course of two days...

Gawd, it was as if I was rereading Walden! *twitches at the painful memories* >.0

@Lulu: Er...what physics class are you taking? I'm practically dying in AP Physics...I can't wait to burn all those practice tests my teacher gave me. It will give me the greatest pleasure in the world to roast marshmellows over burning physics homework. >>

It happens sometimes... you know, like that poem, it just vents out of me.

Basically it says that school was a breeze for me till the start of the 5th year.

The reason for that is because my government has people in it's parliament whom I suspect have serious delusions of adequacy with their below average intelligence and nihillistic wisdom.

Then there was something about you people being underaged and that the legal year for alcohol is 21 in the US, while it's 16 here...Then some side effects of alcohol and how much hours I have to spend for the exam that is the hardest in my opinion.

Then there was the almighty icecream college with awesome flavor.


GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAY, My max xp has been reset to 0xp. First fight with ugauga gave me 40k xp, total of 9 attacks in 3 minutes gave me more than 188k xp, Bwahahahahhaa BWHAHAHAHHAAH. After almost 2 weeks, finally stat increase.


I feel like biggie now...


Time to kill! Murder Death Kill!

After I'm done with my studies ofcourse.... :)


Better than gummy worms, I got a chocolate bunny (relatives of the Metal Bunny) yesterday. Solid milk. (:

This is getting bad; dreamed of making decisions for ch3 because saw Glaistig saying I could be MagicDuel's test hamster to see if only MP5 was getting the bug or something. Then it went on a tangent or something. n____n'


hey there, like the others have said, enjoy magic duel, just about everyone i've come across is nice and friendly, so talk to other players on the chat, they don't bite, well not usually, and bunny there is usually hopping about :)

even some of the more experienced players ask questions about how parts of the game work so ask away if you want to know anything :)


We don't like chocolate bunnies, they attract to much unwanted attention and are weak to women and heat.

And why do you people dream about magicduel, are normal dreams not good enough anymore?

... is it me or is this topic getting more and more disturbing? :)

  Metal Bunny said:
We don't like chocolate bunnies, they attract to much unwanted attention and are weak to women and heat.

And why do you people dream about magicduel, are normal dreams not good enough anymore?

... is it me or is this topic getting more and more disturbing? :)

"We"? I was not aware that the species of metal bunnies consisted of more than one specimen. . . I am shocked. This is a breakthrough!

I have to disagree with your opinion of the chocolate bunnies, however. I like chocolate bunnies; they're quaint. (: . . . There was a disturbing period in which they no longer visited during Easter, however, so I made a report out of concern and sent it to the Supreme Overseer, Mom. There was no need for the worry though, for they returned again only shortly after my report. A little bit belated though, because Easter was already months passed. . .

I haven't dreamed about Magic Duel before, I just fell asleep thinking about it, and I think my thoughts shifted to a dream. I've dreamed about being on a colony and being a exterminator of alien-monsters that be, too. There was this deep sense of forlorn nostalgia for Mother Earth and her hamburgers. . . and then I got off that planet and was sent to a planet that looked like tropical regions of Earth. There was another one where I found a mermaid on Mars (which seemed to have the appearance of a red watermelon) and adopted her as my sister. There's been lots of other ones, too, that were fun. I could relay them in some detail if you wish. [:

  Lulu said:
"We"? I was not aware that the species of metal bunnies consisted of more than one specimen. . . I am shocked. This is a breakthrough!

I have to disagree with your opinion of the chocolate bunnies, however. I like chocolate bunnies; they're quaint. (: . . . There was a disturbing period in which they no longer visited during Easter, however, so I made a report out of concern and sent it to the Supreme Overseer, Mom. There was no need for the worry though, for they returned again only shortly after my report. A little bit belated though, because Easter was already months passed. . .

I haven't dreamed about Magic Duel before, I just fell asleep thinking about it, and I think my thoughts shifted to a dream. I've dreamed about being on a colony and being a exterminator of alien-monsters that be, too. There was this deep sense of forlorn nostalgia for Mother Earth and her hamburgers. . . and then I got off that planet and was sent to a planet that looked like tropical regions of Earth. There was another one where I found a mermaid on Mars (which seemed to have the appearance of a red watermelon) and adopted her as my sister. There's been lots of other ones, too, that were fun. I could relay them in some detail if you wish. [:

Psht you're dreams seem to be a bit too upbeat ;-; Its scary. I usually either have no dreams, or have dreams about certain aspects of my life which I enjoy ( in this case being the game I just found and am quickly being swallowed withing...damn addictive games they shall rule the world one day. )

Lulu what was her name? I'd like to meet this mermaid, maybe they really do taste like fish when barebequed. >_>; Mmmm mermaids. :) Anywhoooo chocolate bunnies are alright but they can get old real fast, I enjoy their eggs better. We all know chocolate bunnies lay the best chocolate eggs, unlike the opinion of the makers of Charley and the chocolate factory I mean geese laying golden eggs which we know is just golden foil to cover the chocolaty inside, but anyways yeah thats just silly.

I'd still prefer the slaughter of gummy bears over the chocolate bunnies and their chocolate eggs though, and you seem to have access to too much sugar, wanna share? I don't have enough sadly.


Yes, we...

How else to achieve world domination? I'm the emperor, as depicted below. I'm the leader of all bunnies, every other kind of bunny is my automatic subject. Like the rabbit of caerbanog :), he's has spawned many fierce warriors. Our goal is to dominate the rest of life, if you hadn't noticed yet.


GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAY, My max xp has been reset to 0xp. First fight with ugauga gave me 40k xp, total of 9 attacks in 3 minutes gave me more than 188k xp, Bwahahahahhaa BWHAHAHAHHAAH. After almost 2 weeks, finally stat increase.


I feel like biggie now...


Time to kill! Murder Death Kill!

After I'm done with my studies ofcourse.... :)


Speaking of bunnies, I saw one of your fleshier minions in my garden yesterday. And I must say, I don't believe that it knows that its brown while the plants are green since it tried (very hard) to hide in it. (Un)forunately, my dog wasn't out. That would've been an interesting episode: Saki's doggy vs. MB's minion. xD


Glai: Well, that's a pretty accurate statement. I heard from friends that Honors Physics even isn't that scarey, but something must've happen in that gap between honors and AP because AP Phyiscs is scarey as hell. My brain just about imploded these past few days when our teacher decided to teach us particle physics and special relativity. >.<

Bunny: If you meant the gummy bear poem, that actually made sense. I dunno...maybe it's all the chocolate that's in my system.

Ehehehe...Good thing I'm not in MP5. :unsure:

  Yami no Sakura said:
Speaking of bunnies, I saw one of your fleshier minions in my garden yesterday. And I must say, I don't believe that it knows that its brown while the plants are green since it tried (very hard) to hide in it. (Un)forunately, my dog wasn't out. That would've been an interesting episode: Saki's doggy vs. MB's minion. xD

Bunnies really like to eat leafy greens.. We used to have a lot of bunnies who gave birth to bunnies, at one point culminating to a number of 34, which would eat in our expansive Chinese vegetable garden. Mom and Paupau would complain a lot~ We didn't have the heart to cage them, though. Sometimes they dug to the other side despite our surveillance and then dogs ate them.

Of all animals that are domesticated, my least favorite are dogs. Lulu and I used to walk to school across the street and a whole pack of mostly small and some big (a pit bull, once) would start barking and risk the passing cars in order to chase us. They were very intimidating, especially with the bigger dogs, and we would begin running... and Lulu fell down once, poor thing. Horrible memories. Not to mention their bark is annoying, and they are sometimes very playful in an unpleasant manner. Saliva is gross, and pouncing is not polite either. Cats, which mostly seem indifferent unless you are giving them a nice stroke or massage, are far more preferable to me.

  Glaistig said:
Of all animals that are domesticated, my least favorite are dogs. Lulu and I used to walk to school across the street and a whole pack of mostly small and some big (a pit bull, once) would start barking and risk the passing cars in order to chase us. They were very intimidating, especially with the bigger dogs, and we would begin running... and Lulu fell down once, poor thing. Horrible memories. Not to mention their bark is annoying, and they are sometimes very playful in an unpleasant manner. Saliva is gross, and pouncing is not polite either. Cats, which mostly seem indifferent unless you are giving them a nice stroke or massage, are far more preferable to me.


  Xever said:
Psht you're dreams seem to be a bit too upbeat ;-; Its scary. I usually either have no dreams, or have dreams about certain aspects of my life which I enjoy ( in this case being the game I just found and am quickly being swallowed withing...damn addictive games they shall rule the world one day. )

Lulu what was her name? I'd like to meet this mermaid, maybe they really do taste like fish when barebequed. >_>; Mmmm mermaids. rolleyes.gif Anywhoooo chocolate bunnies are alright but they can get old real fast, I enjoy their eggs better. We all know chocolate bunnies lay the best chocolate eggs, unlike the opinion of the makers of Charley and the chocolate factory I mean geese laying golden eggs which we know is just golden foil to cover the chocolaty inside, but anyways yeah thats just silly.

I'd still prefer the slaughter of gummy bears over the chocolate bunnies and their chocolate eggs though, and you seem to have access to too much sugar, wanna share? I don't have enough sadly.

Humm, they sound somewhat more upbeat than they are when I describe them like that. . . I've had a few nightmares too. I usually have a dream whenever I sleep, though sometimes I can't fully recall them.

I don't recall addressing her any particular name, but be warned. First of all, mermaids are like screaming banshees that can swim, and second, if consumed, you're supposed to turn into a monster that doesn't survive very long (lol, Mermaid Forest).

Really now? I always thought chocolate eggs came from marshmallow Peeps, and chocolate bunnies' young were the bunny Peeps. . .

Unfortunately, the chocolate bunnies have left us already. It was fun while they lasted. . .

  Yami no Sakura said:
Speaking of bunnies, I saw one of your fleshier minions in my garden yesterday. And I must say, I don't believe that it knows that its brown while the plants are green since it tried (very hard) to hide in it. (Un)forunately, my dog wasn't out. That would've been an interesting episode: Saki's doggy vs. MB's minion. xD

:l I don't think it would've been an interesting episode... MB's minions were also once my cherished live masses of fur which I could hug and stroke, and it was very traumatic to see one of them with its leg bitten off by a dog (whom I often consider to be an inferior being that is overly territorial by instinct, though it cannot help it; being an average female human, however, means I'm still very susceptible to the need to "oooh" at any animal and try to pet it. In any case, excuse me of my rude, condescending manner towards those dogs that are so prone to barking and slobbering and chasing bunnies and Lulu's). Haha, adorable bunny helplessly cowering when confronted with Yami's menacing human aura, despite knowing it's brown and the grass is green (actually, it probably doesn't...).

@MBunny: Yes, I have always know it has been your ambition to take over the world and bunnies are automatically your loyal minions, but I assumed there was one and only one Metal bunny. :unsure: And congratulations on your exp reset thing. (:

Okay, here ends this needlessly extended and long post.


Am I one of the few Chinese people who doesn't have an innate fear of barking dogs? :)

I'm not a fan of those annoying yippy dogs that look as if they've been through a meat grinder, but not all dogs are that bad. And I'm proud to say that my lovely Felix is a German Sheperd/Siberian Husky mix. Not one of those annoying pugs and shapeis that my neighbor has. :unsure:

  Yami no Sakura said:
Am I one of the few Chinese people who doesn't have an innate fear of barking dogs? :)

I'm not a fan of those annoying yippy dogs that look as if they've been through a meat grinder, but not all dogs are that bad. And I'm proud to say that my lovely Felix is a German Sheperd/Siberian Husky mix. Not one of those annoying pugs and shapeis that my neighbor has. :unsure:

Well, for some reason smaller dogs seem a bit more annoying to me, probably because their bark is more high and frequent. Big dogs can be annoying too if they slobber and pounce (esp. if they smell) but they are nice to pet if quiet. We had a teacher in junior high who was training guide dogs which she brought to school everyday. They were quite nice because they were trained to be so, and I sometimes spent break staring at it.


Yup, I prefer the big silky doggies that are quiet. That way I can pretend they're my hounds (not that I would have then do anything resembling the atrocious crime of hunting bunnies! n___n'). Yami's dog sounds like that.

My mum doesn't fear any dogs. If one barks at her and chases her, she either a) ignores it and walks at an exasperatingly leisure pace, or 2) tells it to go away angrily and waves/throws a stick at it.

Cool mum.


Bahahaha I have three dogs, two golden retrievers and a Doberman. The Doberman is still a pup but its big as hell, its too playful for my tastes it likes to bite me too much ;-;.

To the bunny fight, my cousin has an obese bunny, I'll steal it and pit it against your camo bunny if you want. :]


King Manu, thank you so much for starting the design work on a game that isn't all fantasy based and ungodly boring after ten minutes!

I can't wait to stay and help test!



seriously... lol...

after reading all of your comments....lol...

excachinnans... :unsure:

I like doggies and I've never been afraid of them (I'm chinese...), which is kind of funny, because sometimes when I'm invited into someone's house and they have dogs, they always try to warn me or try to make sure the dog doesn't bother me. A few times (lot's of friends with dogs) it so happened that the dogs were huge, like 'ahmahgawd, it'll eat mah babeh without biting' huge. I always confront them it's so funny. First I always act humilified and friendly, then when it gets to close I stare at them incessantly yet smile (they get confused, so funny XD) it's like seeing those scary clowns who secretly have a kiddie porn dungeon and will try to lure you into their van with their lollipops. I don't have a kiddie porn dungeon btw... Somehow, I'm appearing to them as intimidating and friendly, because it looks as if I want to be friendly with them and hug or stroke their bellies, but it feels as if I want to hug them to death. So they shut up, run away, or cower before my awesomeness. It feels good... but when I do it to little children they always cry... Sometimes the doggies bite tho, not that great, but they never bite that hard, and the dogs that bite are always the dogs that are male and their owners are female...

Anyway people always say "oh ur so 1337 with dogz" and stuff... Not a real citation btw, but I bet it would be funny to hear that.


lol, I put the gummy bear lament in my comments section, I love myself...

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