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Lol... welcome and enjoy your stay :P

Game does look nice doesn't it? :P

Anyway, if you need any help, feel free to ask questions or for help, here or in game.

Trust me, I'm a big fan of questions. I've been asking them all over the place. The only real issue I'm having is trying to even out my Win/Lose ratio but thats slowly getting better since I actually have Archers and Garasans now.

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All Hail The Lord Of Bunnies!

Wow, Yami, better watch out or Xever might claim the new title-holder of longest 'hello, I am new to magicduel but love it already' conversation at the rate this is going~

Many of the newbies seem a lot more talkative than usual players.. excepting MB and a few others.

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Hello. (: I am Glaistig, and I like to lurk around the newbie area to regenerate after mean bullies of mp5 such as Metal Bunny attack me and win because I know of no real tactics to fight others~

Hai! >.>

I'm the mean bully of MP3 who sits around the Willow Store place and beats up on other MP3s... Which basically means I walk up to them, they laugh at me and then beat me senseless...

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Hai! >.>

I'm the mean bully of MP3 who sits around the Willow Store place and beats up on other MP3s... Which basically means I walk up to them, they laugh at me and then beat me senseless...

(: My tactic when I began was to let everyone kill me over and over.. somehow along the way I was able to train up my creatures and beat other people till I got to mp4, and then I started getting way more wins than losses. Odd.

You know, there are a lot of new people who use the ">.>" emoticon quite often, not to say that I don't ever use it, but it used to seem to me that it was one of the rarer kinds to find.. is it something new in online culture? Probably spread from person to person. >_<;; They all stare at me accusingly when I pass my eye across them.. does that say something about my own conscience? (:

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(: My tactic when I began was to let everyone kill me over and over.. somehow along the way I was able to train up my creatures and beat other people till I got to mp4, and then I started getting way more wins than losses. Odd.

You know, there are a lot of new people who use the ">.>" emoticon quite often, not to say that I don't ever use it, but it used to seem to me that it was one of the rarer kinds to find.. is it something new in online culture? Probably spread from person to person. >_<;; They all stare at me accusingly when I pass my eye across them.. does that say something about my own conscience? (:

Honestly, I've been using the eyes like that for a long time. And when I started playing WoW, I realized that it had become the "thing" to do when people were trying to be deceitful. So now I need a new face...

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This face: n______n;?

We can be the "n_____n;" excessively using people together. I do it a lot, but I start to feel stupid, heh. . .

Maybe I should shift from exasperated-embarrassed-cheer emoticon to distraught emoticon.


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Psht you can't blame us for being addicted to a video game! Its in fact worse then crack and if not treated correctly can have worse long term affects then crack. So like yeah, not our fault the game was made so addictive.

P.S. Gummy bears...yummmmmm they rule as the smallest gummy sugery product :] Next to gummy worms.

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Psht your emote rocks, its yours afterall. o-o I use that face alot dunno why, I guess I just grew into it. OH and welcome to the game, don't worry I used to get pummeled by the mean bullies, still do once in a while, but my creatures have leveled and its easier to pummel others, so I'm sure as you level your creatures you will pummel others as well :]

P.S. Bother Glaistig with your questions, he's quite good at answering them >_>;

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Psht your emote rocks, its yours afterall. o-o I use that face alot dunno why, I guess I just grew into it. OH and welcome to the game, don't worry I used to get pummeled by the mean bullies, still do once in a while, but my creatures have leveled and its easier to pummel others, so I'm sure as you level your creatures you will pummel others as well :]

P.S. Bother Glaistig with your questions, he's quite good at answering them >_>;

Ehh?..! Oh! It's Xeveron! I didn't make the connection of him on the forums and ingame. (:

Oh, but Metal Bunny in his supreme wisdom might be right~ Just yesterday I thought someone was talking about the Berserker Way Puzzle and gave her/him some clues, and for a couple of hours afterwards she/he spent time trying to solve the Broken Pattern Gazeebo puzzle thinking it would open up another land.. and that puzzle is tough. x__x Man. I don't know how to make it up to that guy/girl. T_T

My emoticon use kinda fluctuates. Not only do the ones I use vary, but also the frequency with which I use them. Like see, just a month or so ago the only one I used was the traditional smiley, but then I got flustered because people made fun of the way I type. So now I use 'XD', ':P', ':D', 'n__n', 'x_x', '^^', 'T__T', 'o__o' and 'i__i'. Oh, and '>_>' every once in a while. Now Lulu is telling me that I use them to often. :P

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I'm not blaming :)

I like gummies~ But even though gummy bears are cute, I don't find them as appetizing as other gummies. The texture is alright; when I bite off part of it I like the gleam of the incision which is all smooth and clean. But they're not really as tasty as say.. apple gummy rings, sour straws (gummy) or Sour Patch kids.

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Yet still their merciless slaughter and their hubris-filled vanity compels them to continue their horrid boastings of evisceration parties and toying-with-body-parts-coz-its-fun-sleep-overs, oh poor bears...

Lament, woe, wail, waah, withering weep, why?

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Oh dear lords... just...




/ \

This man is sad, because he thinks you're sad, uhu. You need a puppy bunny to be happy again, not emoticons... Life is bigger and more real than emoticons... :) (I know ironic huh? :lol: )

'_' and ':)' are pretty nice

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lol, this topic has derailed, I think.

I used to use :} and :{ a lot. I should use this one: ':B'

Nonsense, MB, emoticons are very important. They express feelings and supplement words.

Hmm, when I use emoticons I rely on SFX's less. Muu.

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I agree with MB.. they always look so sad, although it is true they are fun to eat. I think I'd prefer some lumpy form more.

............This is an extremely weird conversation..........

What is your idea of a conversation? :) Generally, I talk about homework and weather to my classmates.

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Oh dear lords... just...




/ \

This man is sad, because he thinks you're sad, uhu. You need a puppy bunny to be happy again, not emoticons... Life is bigger and more real than emoticons... :) (I know ironic huh? :lol: )

'_' and ':)' are pretty nice

Excuse me, sir, but are you not the same person who agreed that my way of typing was weird and dislikable? But this is welcome news, nonetheless~ To me, use of emoticons I do not feel is annoying.

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