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Yes, it’s that time again after so, so long. But it’s not a freshly made Treasure Hunt. Going down memOry lane, I decided to bring back one of my older Treasure Hunts. It’s a quest full of self-sarcasm, annoying NPCs, frustr- erm, I mean fun tasks and painf- eh, intricate puzzles and, of course, it has a treasure at the end. It does, doesn’t it? Hmm, anyway…

It’s an MDScript based quest that uses clickables scattered around No Man’s Land, Marind Bell, Loreroot, Golemus, the Archives and the East. It’s also a race. The player that completes the quest in the least amount of time is the winner. Starting times only matter in case of a tie; the player that has begun the quest earlier wins the tie.

Restrictions: no alts – only one account per player is allowed

Duration: From the moment of announcing the quest till the end of the Birthday.

How to begin: Visit the shopkeeper at Willow’s Shop and, after seeing his notices, speak to him.


1st place: A Wish Point, an Anniversary Creature and a choice out of three spell stones

2nd place: A rare-ish creature and a choice out of the remaining two spell stones (after 1st place has made a choice)

3rd place: A Gold Coin and the remaining spell stone (after 1st and 2nd places have made their choice)

The spell stones offered as rewards are: Acousticremains, Lockinchaos, Sendtogazeebo.

Important: Choices matter and can have consequences. Some paths can kick you out of the quest; some of them may be more obvious, but others may not. Tread carefully.


A reminder about MDScript behavior following last year's server change (though why I'm telling you this, as I'm competing too, but....)

If you use "return" instead of the "speak words" button you get weird behavior.  You may get nothing, you may get the first text display then it chokes.

Always use the "speak words" button and "reset" button when appropriate.

If you get in a jam, just exit and enter a few times....

Good luck!


It's bugged for me. This is all I see:

RPCQ: rpcq-shopkeeper-willow

MDScript Enhanced Document
This document contains user created functionality using MDScript. Use on your own risk.
Author: Valoryn DocID: 4341 Lines of code: 291
"speak" - [reset]


I have tried multiple solutions (Fyrd's suggestions, clearing cache and logging out), but none work. The problem is most likely related to this quest, as other trigger words work just fine.

16 hours ago, Valoryn said:

Restrictions: no alts – only one account per player is allowed

No, but if you did miss something due to a technical issue, I can provide information privately.

Otherwise, remember to take good notes. 🙂

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