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"Cheating" at Trophy Head Contest


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I don't mind the overpowered MP3's. As long as they aren't spam attacking me or something, whats the problem? I have alts myself, because i don't like having to wait for more action, so it's nice to see their creatures and what i could possibly achieve in my MP. For example; I believe it might be possible to get into loreroot before MP4, and somewhere there is a clown creature. These guys spent time to get to their ridiculously overpowered state, so why not let them enjoy it?

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which isn't participating, it's just going around and attacking people then going "damn!" when someone else attacks you back. same as regular life....why does it seem like i hate this contest more with every phase of it...

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Mm.. well, consider that newbies don't get to compete and see if they're doing well or not among the people who are playing the game the first time around. They can't really test themselves and say, "Oh, I'm near max exp, and I'm besting all the other players at my level in this head contest; doing pretty good." They instead expect the people on the leaderboard to have been played the game for far longer which does mean a great deal. They can participate, sure, they can try and learn something, but they're not truly competing for the purpose one might imagine a head contest to exist for: to prove yourself against similar players, ones who've been playing the game for about the same amount of time as you.

That's why I can kind of feel how alternate accounts of veterans winning head contests is unfair. Neither do I really see how winning against newbies is really fun and enjoyable. Creating an ideal account once you've learned the mechanics of MD does sound nice, but if you're going to compete with it, shouldn't you wait until you hit the higher mp levels like mp5? When you'd be against people of similar age and experience?

And as for the rpc part, I can feel the pain. Until they gained their special powers, they were like any other player and worked just as hard. But then again, you know, you sort of expect some sacrifice for those powers. Rpcs not being able to attack was a rule established pretty long ago, when there were just a few rpcs, too. So, I guess that's why rpcs usually create an alternate. :P

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I'm curious, but is the use of spells in the competition cheating? At least at a MP Level of 3 or 4?

And I will be PLENTY happy to name names.

Also, I do apologize, I actually was not aware jumping to leader was unallowed. Now that I know I shall not use it. But it should be something mentioned on the contests rules page.

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Actually Necro and Loreroot were open to contest last time - nonpublic meant places like Golemus or Sages Keep or the islands. Stuff like that. (There was some confusion, I did get it clarified at hig levels). So pardon some folks for doing what was always legal in the past.

For the part of my flying minions, it was just inconvinient that I got the gate opening power just at the time when Heads contest started.

God I hate heads.

Also if you swear at Khalazdad in public, he will take you off the "kill quickly" list and add you to the "Barry Manilow Albums for Eternity" list, so settle down. Its just a game.


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not meaning to stir the pot, but necro can be accessed by MP5's i heard....

i also heard this time you can gain scroe there...

but i might be wrong. i know loreroot was always allowed, but people have been told to leave this round..

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Well, I just confirmed it - You CAN score while in Necrovion

and the Vale of Oblivion is quite lovely this time of year :D

P.S I'll trade heads for honor any time with you Khal

P.P.S Ok, we get, the MR clan is a really powerful clan. Now please move up in mind power so you can stop scaring the noobs and crushing their hopes of winning a head contest! (No hard feelings, but it is kind of intimidating the new mp3s)

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I wonder if this is cheating lol ^^

I was hiding away somewhere when I am RJ can and attacked me. Then I ran away and he followed me, we had a nice short chat and then he logs off and comes on as SmartAlek and Locks me. Luckily I logged off before he could do much... O.o

But anyway I don't blame him... He's a bit mad at losing his heads he collected so hardly... So calm down RJ ^^

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RJ.. n_n; ahm, rpcs participate in the head contest solely to make it "more interesting" and provide competition to those who have been holding a lot of heads unopposed, right? And then, you aren't supposed to use two accounts in that manner--one to help the other?

Next time, Sol, get screenshots. :)

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  • 1 month later...

its possible if dst did that XD

oke lets get real i know that this **** happens often when you press logout and actually you arent loged out, you are still loged in for 1 more minute, and even if you logout with one acc and login fast in other acc, your first acc still can be attacked i know that this thing with logout button sucks a lot

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Neah...you can be attacked offline even if you haven't been logged in for more than 24 hours (your trace doesn't show). So, yes you can be attacked if you are offline whenever the attacker feels like it. It's a bug that Shadowseeker told everyone about. So thank him for the new and improved head contest.

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