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It's really amazing how two months of summer vacation can make a game take over one's mind like this. xD

Anywhom, feel free to add stuff of your own, whether they're true or not. Most of mine just happens to be based on true events 'cause I'm a dork like that. :D

You know you've been on MD too much when...

- No matter what is said, you can always link it back to MD.

- During the Olympics opening ceremony's Parade of Nations, you try to think of someone you know from MD who comes from that country.

- You tell your friends so many MD stories that they already know who all the people are before they even join. (See how awesome I am, Bunny? I found you a minion even though she didn't join yet! No worries, Glai. She know who you are too. :( )

- You walk by a shop called "RK's Surf Shop" and had to do a double-take because you thought it said "RJ's Surf Shop."

- You'll never look at a rabbit the same way again.

- You'll never look at a goat the same way again.

- You'll never look at a box or a cube the same way again.

- You've named the trees in your yard Bob, Steve, Jack, and Manu.

- You hear someone yell out the name K.C. or Casey and thought they were shouting for the Knator Commander

- You want a plastic mallet at your side at all times to protect yourself from clowns.

- You want to hit the Joker with said mallet during certain parts of The Dark Knight.

- MD ceases to be the abbreviation for Maryland in your mind.

So...anything you'd like to say? Comments? Or some MD moments of your own to add?


your friends IRL ask why you havent slept for days and your reply is "I need more heads"

or your randomly cusing and shaking from withdraws for a ten minute server glitch thingy

also you upload picts of Bob the tree in bloom to a social site as a background


- You try to type "RPG" and keep typing "RPC"

- You start playing out your MD role in real life.

- You keep logging into MD forums and the game during your busy periods just to complain that you don't have enough time to play.

- You woke up and the first thing you tell yourself is: "****, I forgot to get the free credits last night!"

- You have enough authority to create a topic titled: "You know you've been on MD too much when..."

- You tell your friends so many MD stories that they already know who all the people are before they even join. (See how awesome I am, Bunny? I found you a minion even though she didn't join yet! No worries, Glai. She know who you are too. ;) )

Huh. What do you say about me behind my back, Yami? Tell!

*snickers* Haha, I bet you didn't think that Lu and I might talk about you in real life. We can match thy uncomfortable freakiness 8D

You know you spend too much time when you start "You know you've been on MD too much when..." topics. ;)

...and for me: You know you've been on the MD forums too much when you spend more time on the forums than the game. n_n;

Last--for the both of us--you know you spend too time much on MD when you're supposed to be doing homework instead. :') Yami~ For what was that good-bye characterized by the silent, mournful weeping on both sides? Are we both fated to placidly ignore our own forum signatures telling us we shouldn't be on MD? How is your homework now?

EDIT: Just so we all know, I was here and in the process of writing this post before Pi got here, although I happened to get disrupted by a loose power cord falling out of place. >_> So, you know, my part about creating "You know you've been on MD too much" topics is more legit than his.

... You know you spend too much time on MD when you spend the time to debate whether or not what you write is more legitimate than another player's words in a "You know you've been on MD too much..." topic.

- You try to type "RPG" and keep typing "RPC"

- You start playing out your MD role in real life.

- You keep logging into MD forums and the game during your busy periods just to complain that you don't have enough time to play.

- You woke up and the first thing you tell yourself is: "****, I forgot to get the free credits last night!"

- You have enough authority to create a topic titled: "You know you've been on MD too much when..."

I have actually done the 'free credits' thing so many times over and over again..

You know you have been playing etc when:

-You label your agenda: 'Daily progress'

-You need help, you call for an LHO...

-You keep on saying that you are better than the god they worship, because you can cast real spells

-You call people with gender issues, goats

-You start saying: 'Oh My Mur!'

-You start bragging that your Mindpower is higher than the rest

-You start asking people in reallife, if they want to become your adept

-You start calling cultists: 'shades'

-You actually know of enough examples to the above mentioned thingie..


-You pass by a random butcher shop with a sign saying "Fresh Meat" and you hear, "Hraa~ FRESH MEAT."

Well, that isn't related so much to MD, really, in fact, probably not at all. Heh. Why you---!! JUST TURN THE MICROPHONE OFF ALREADY?!

Anyway, back to MagicDuel. . .

-You log onto MagicDuel during Photography, lunch, and whenever a computer is available.

-You worry at school whether Chimaera has overtaken you yet.

-You stay up until 5 am watching your heads fervently, then wake up at six and check again.

-When you hear about Romania, you no longer think of gothic buildings and vampires, but of Manu and MagicDuel.

-You read Of Mice and Men and identify yourself with Lulu, Candy's dog.

-When you have a dream about being a protagonist surrounded by thugs, you devise a solution in which you knock down ten of them, then use an energy burst to get away.


Huh, some of those are surprisingly not very good examples. And there are surprisingly little of them. @_@ Maybe I'm not so glued to MD as previously thought. :)

-You call people with gender issues, goats

-You start saying: 'Oh My Mur!'

-You start asking people in reallife, if they want to become your adept

-You start calling cultists: 'shades'

-You actually know of enough examples to the above mentioned thingie..

:D :D :D Seriously MB, we're are too alike in some ways...


Whoot! I'm not alone in my addiction!! xD

I love how I've done most of those...Especially the one about Romania and Mur that Lu said. My parents were looking at me funny when I started to shout (quietly) "ALL HAIL MUR!!!" when Romania came up in the Parade of Nations...>>

Last--for the both of us--you know you spend too time much on MD when you're supposed to be doing homework instead. :') Yami~ For what was that good-bye characterized by the silent, mournful weeping on both sides? Are we both fated to placidly ignore our own forum signatures telling us we shouldn't be on MD? How is your homework now?
Hm...er...about that...The reasons listed in this thread is should clearly explain why my hiatus only lasted a week...>>

Yamisaru... thou art Saki-bum hithermore.

For what purpose doth Minory serve if not to constantly nag thee to do thy massive load of work as Lu nagged me to finish my summer homework? She neglecteth her work and duty!

Marry! I can do what Minory would hath done proper for thy sake! Thou errant, clay-brained mammet! Thou hast thy duty to do thy work, and work as thy duty!

O' thy dark, unlucky days to come! if thou continuest to ignore thy work and duty. Nay, it is my very obligation! to keep thou from thy foul fate as a bumbling bum even by posting such posts in such a topic as this. Thy immoral lack of guilt, thy initiative to create a topic of such a nature, harketh to me!

So, for thy sake, be inspired by my words, for thrice do I now remind you: THOU HAST THY DUTY TO DO THY WORK, AND WORK AS THY DUTY!


You know you addicted to MD when:

~You dream somthing one night and wake up and find that what you dreamed has just been announced in the newslog.

~You run out of room on your comments on self page.

I can't think of any more but I will probably get bored again and think of more :)

Yamisaru... thou art Saki-bum hithermore.

For what purpose doth Minory serve if not to constantly nag thee to do thy massive load of work as Lu nagged me to finish my summer homework? She neglecteth her work and duty!

Marry! I can do what Minory would hath done proper for thy sake! Thou errant, clay-brained mammet! Thou hast thy duty to do thy work, and work as thy duty!

O' thy dark, unlucky days to come! if thou continuest to ignore thy work and duty. Nay, it is my very obligation! to keep thou from thy foul fate as a bumbling bum even by posting such posts in such a topic as this. Thy immoral lack of guilt, thy initiative to create a topic of such a nature, harketh to me!

So, for thy sake, be inspired by my words, for thrice do I now remind you: THOU HAST THY DUTY TO DO THY WORK, AND WORK AS THY DUTY!

...I had to reread this three times to figure out what you're saying. ><

Don't use Elizabethan English on me now. I haven't gotten around to reading Hamlet yet. >>


Saki-bum; I present to you:


I tend to neglect my duty as well. But I have Lu to get me on track. It goes like this~ she starts off by making ugly faces at me and shouting. When I ignore her, she pinches my arm repeatedly. "Why don't you work? Why don't you work?" Then she grabs my ears and pulls outward and up several times. She will release them, and then start pulling again. "Work! Work, why don't you?"

When I relent to the point of wandering away from the computer and laying on the public bed in our common room, she piles on top of me and starts punching my arm, inserting between those punches--when she's drawing her arm back again--"TWO ASSIGNMENTS! DON'T YOU WANT TO WATCH CODE GEASS?! JUSTFINISHTWOASSIGNMENTS--" another punch.

So, when I go to lie on the carpet, she continues punching me for a bit. After a few punches, she realizes the transition warrants another form of coercion. She elegantly places her foot on my face and starts squashing. Press, relieve pressure, then press again. HARD pressure. "No! You don't want to do work? You don't want to watch Code Geass? Why can't you get up and work?!" At which point I finally get up and come here to post this fine example.

I claim abuse! I was trying to negotiate with her the whole time, but she's like a machine. She won't listen.

Lu can train Minory if you want.

EDIT: I sincerely apologize for making this fine topic go offtopic a bit, but you know, I just have that useless emotion called "obligation." I know, I'm too good for my own good. :(


You know you've been here too long when:

-you read this page and scroll to the bottom to go "Oh! Manu's reading this post! If I say something, I'll get noticed!"



Here's some that I have to Deal with...

-You start Using the same Random Capitalization in Everything you Type B)

- You start Announcing to Strangers that you Have a Quest with Rewards...

- Everything you Learn in School makes you think "How can I turn this Into a Quest?"

- You Keep thinking How much your Power Stat is Going up While Working out

- You Stop Keeping Track of Time in Hours and Start Keeping Track in Terms of 3k VE...

-You pass by a random butcher shop with a sign saying "Fresh Meat" and you hear, "Hraa~ FRESH MEAT."

Happens all the time :)

and to contribute to the post.

You know you've been on MD too much when...

- you run around doing the *evil laugh* in RL

- you keep your wins and losses balanced in counter strike


I just realized that this thing got pinned....lol

I'm awesome. xD *Bunny brainwashing kicks in*

@Glai: You have my sympathy. Poor Glai. =(

Well, in my defense, I finished my homework for psychology, calculus, and French class. And I finished reading The Inferno. Hehehe...Yami be more productive than Glai. :P

More contributions to the list:

- You start associating any and all Dark Lords with Khal. (With one exception. For some reason, I've always invisioned that he looks like Virgil...only...with more evilness now...*been reading The Inferno a little too much*)

- You want to call the ASPCA to report a case of Drachorn abuse. (Braiton...D< )

- You find yourself quoting the gossip texts even when offline.


... Well, you know--hnn. It's just that I'm awesome enough to be able to ward off Lu and play MD for about the whole day. I did end up doing two assignments.

"We aren't going to watch Code Geass today. Quit that. No! You're not even doing your homework and you're lecturing Yami? No! Exit! Don't you have any shame? It's 11:40 and you've done oh, your study questions for English and you're now on your writing assignment, although it seems like that document's been open for how long?"

And so she drags me away when I was trying to make you return to reading. Ironic, isn't it? If I'd been able to stay just a bit longer. . ~ Yes! Yami would've been convinced by my convincing arguments! She would've been able to finish her homework for psychology, calculus, and French class. And finish reading The Inferno. And Paradise on Something.

But now you, Yami, you should feel my pain and guilt vicariously. Or something like that. Atone and read Paradise on Something!

--You start calling your sister by her ingame name, or a shortened form of it: "Lu-I mean, ****!"


u wake up at night to go to the bathroom, and when u see your shadow in the wall, u say "greetings, Dark One, I pledge my loyalty to you..."

U see your reflection on the mirror and wonder if Necrovion is on the other side..


Man this is great stuff

you know you have been playing MD to much

when you keep logging in to check an update or to mass attack other and this take away from one deadline.

Even worse you miss your deadline by a whole 24 hours! :P



Techno Mage


i love them all to

- Every time a candle goes out you think 'oh shits shes gona kill me'

- You see someoen giving someone a present and think 'Stupid fool why did u take the box'

- You try to defeat the guards on the way into a night club

- You walk around in circles try to see how much heat you've gained :P

:P you guys are brilliant at these hope mine are ok :P

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