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Is it Worth it ?


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I need some opinions on this matter.

Are the creatures in the shop worth it, because i can almost buy the Imperial Armor, just need to wait a few more days and get some honor, and the other creature the Blood Pact Archer (Think thats the name) is he worth it because i would need to waste 8 credits on Concoction of True Self without needing it just to unlock him.

So can anyone give me their opinion on this matter


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Blood pact archer kicks ass...can't tell you more without spoiling. I don't have the imperial aramor (honor challenged), but I hear once you level it, it too can be quite nice.

Here's the deal....do or don't, you'll find those concoctions just may come in handy. My advice is to lean back...purchase the things on the page as you need them, and let the creature come along when you're ready for it.

Is it worth waiting for? yes. Worth blowing $8 on nothing? Not much is, in my opinion.

As you get further advanced, you may find honor harder to acquire. If you have the aramor unlocked, I would get it. Again, I don't know what it does...but I sure want one.

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The Imperial Aramor is worth the effort. At some point you will be unbalanced and be stuck at 5,000 homor. When that happens, splurge the 3,000 honor points.

Bloodpact is very worth while and may be the best of the three.

All three of these are slow to grow. They need lots of creature xp. I can't think of anything in this game not worth the time and effort required to earn it.

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