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MagicDuel Festival!!!

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

I am proud to announce that the first MagicDuel Festival beginns today!

The Festival are the rewarding festivities for all your efforts on the RPC/PWR contest and much more.

As you know from the contest description, 3 players will be rewarded for their efforts with a nice prize ....well, i lied! :)))....

During the festivities, a lot more players will be rewarded based on their progress so far. For a few days from now on each day there will be players rewarded, characters created, gift abilities dispatched and the MD world will go WILD!

Please try not to contact me to give you prizes or so, if you do that i will make sure you wont get anything. The rewards will be given based on your history as a player and based on your personal doc info.

To get rewarded you must be ONLINE during the festival, idle is ok too.

More news on the festival progress will be announced on AL and newslog.

So .. let the party begin! ;)

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  • Root Admin

Every day, players will get rewarded for their efforts so far.

Rewards on 06 sept 2008

*Rex Umbrae Killer*

- promoted to permanent RPC status

- +30k max VP

- spells: opennecro, otherarmy

- access to secret logs

- tag: Walker of Mind

- custom description

- alliance changed to necrovion


- tag: Adept of the Dao

- custom description

- 20k max vit

- 80 loyalty

- spells: undisclosed (ltb)


- tag: Leader of MR's

- custom description

- own alliance: MR Fraternity

- spells: prot-weaken, mirrorritual

- Gates of Golemus always open


- promoted to permanent RPC

- +10k max vit, +10k max vp

- spells: invisibility

- tag: Loreroot Illusionist

- custom description

- promoted to dreamcatcher

- access to secret logs


- tag: Gardener of MDA Garden

- custom description

- +15k max Vit

- spells: prot-freeze, undisclosed (ltb)

- land assigned to archives

many more coming soon

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  • Root Admin


- promoted to permanent rpc

- access to secret logs

- tag: The Bard of LoreRoot

- custom description

- moved to loreroot alliance

- spells: toadspeak, openlore

- +10k max vp

- custom ability to ask knaty to stand down and open loreroot hidden entrance


- tag: Moon Knight

- custom description

- +20k max vit

- +10k max vp


- promoted to permanent RPC

- access to secret logs

- tag: The Drachorn Experimentalist

- custom description

- +10k max vp

- spells: opennecro, otherarmy, mutatedrachorn

- custom ability related to his role, genetic manipulation of drachorns

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  • Root Admin


- tag: Guardian of Bob

- custom description

- +20k max vit

- spells: traveltobob

- custom ability/curse related to his role, he will be summoned everytime the tree blooms, with maxed vitality, to defend it if the case.


- Tag: Dojo Assistant


- tag: Servant of Light

- custom description

- spells: givevital

- "writer" medal for story

Azrael Dark

- tag: The Silent Reaper

- custom description

- spells: prot-movelock, invisibility, prot-holyarmy

- +10k max vp


- promoted to permanent RPC

- tag: Walker of Words

- custom description

- spells: invisibility, mirrorritual

- +10k max vp

- +10k max vit

- custom permission to trade info from secret logs

- dreamcatcher ability to use only as communication way with his role


- tag: The Puppet Master

- custom description

- +10k max vp

- +10k max vit

- spells: invisibility, otherarmy

- 20 credits

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