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I'm now working very hard at getting the Archives completely up and running, but it's taking a lot of effort. I need writers and editors to start finding an Archivist in the game, most likely Logan Marquis, and applying to help out. I can also be PMed.

I don't just need writers, though. What I need most are people who are studying something, and keeping track of what they've discovered. The Archives will host many things that pertain both to MD and the real world, so scholars that have something to say, by all means: say it! Let us know what's going on out there. We need articles explaining the basics of biology, chemistry, mythology, philosophy, history; YOU NAME IT!

If you've got questions, ask them, and we'll try to answer to the best of our abilities. The project largely just has a direction right now, so not everything is clear. But, what is clear we will work with.

Master Archivist


We'll see.... :P Though, the calendar isn't exactly a piece of the Archives...though the information it holds may possibly be found therein.... :P


Yes it will be nice to see the Archives in full bloom... I've enjoyed submitting all my articles about Astronomy a lot more than I would have thought, guess I'm more of a Nerd [i]*Ahem*[/i], Scholar, than even I knew :P

I also look forward to seeing some feedback on whats already Published in the Archives...


I would like to point out that I don't want masses of people streaming into the Archives and trying to fill its shelves yet. Not until I have a firmer control on how it's working. If you want to have a look, browse, but don't try anything unless you've spoken to the Archivists first, please.

Master Archivist


Ok, perhaps Renavoid didn't make it really clear...

We are looking for individuals who have a capacity for writing and who enjoy writing. If this is you and you think you have what it takes, find me in-game and PM me(or PM me here). Also, if you have a sample work for me to look over, that would go a LONG way in speeding the process up.

For questions on this, please consult me in-game. Thank you.

  • 1 month later...

i have to say what is this all about?
if it's about recruiting people for writing then i think i want to join :P
but if it's about asking questions then, i think i have the right to ask this because this puts my curiosity to it's peak ^_^
What world did Wodin come from?
Wodin -a summoned warrior who came from somewhere ^_^
he was born to fight the shades but why???
What kind of world bears a creature as powerful as this?
What is Wodin really?Is he human?or is he an Angien?
What mysteries can be found if someone would try to shed some light on this subject?
These questions are what makes me stay in md ^_^ for now
I have the right to ask and the right to learn
So today the knowledge you can give is all i yearn


Here's another one :P
dimensions are made from things like time travel in which an event can be affected by a single action in which an unknown event may happen or an event may be erased or it may never happen at all.
So in time travel if there were ever a change in the stream of time a dimension would be created
So Dimensions are mirrors of the original yet they are different from it because it has been changed by some factors like human intervention ^_^
if dimensions were to be say a person's own vanity point then every person must live in his/her own vision of the world thereby creating his/her own dimension in on itself because he/she has a different idea on what the world may be or on what things must work like so ultimately:
every person has the power to change his/her dimension just by utilizing his/her own power to change his/her own perception of what is the world
So All in all does anyone think that my theory is right?
so if controlling dimensional travels is like controlling time in which changes in a human's psyche about time and vanity points in their lives do they have the same mastery tactics?
and in the end it comes to this what is a dimension ?
if i define what it does, does it justify my reason for it's existence?or does it even give it a definition in the first place?

a poem to lighten your day

If i were ever to come in a fight
would i join the path of the light??
If my reason were ever right
Would i use all my might??

Why o why do i need to choose?
but if i choose what may i lose?
I might be right or i might be wrong
but it was there all along

My mind was set to do all it can
To save and protect the son of man
And today i know i have done something right ^_^
because know i teach in the name of the light ^_^


I'll try to Answer your Question (Then when Ren Reads this he can Correct me or Add anything I may have Missed)...

Think of the Archives as a Body of Knowledge, of both the MD world and the Real World. It is not really a Place for Open Discussion (as that would be Too much Like the Forums, and the University should fill that role better Anyways), but a Place for Well Informed Research Articles to be posted.

Of course there is a Place for More Creative Folk (there are a few Fun Tales Submitted already, and I'm sure those will grow in Time), but the Idea is for Submissions to not be Fictional. You may have Creative License, of Course, but Submissions should have Some basis in Reality (be it the Reality of Real Life, or Something that has Actually Happened in MD).

My Understanding is that the Archives Embody the Link between the MD world and the Real World. As I hope Has come Across at some point, MD is not a Fantasy Realm, but rather a Sort of Offshoot of Real Life.

For Example: The Magic in MD is of Course Very Unlike RL (Real Life), but the Basics of Magic in MD is the Principles. If you have Ever read the Principles (And I pity Anyone who Has not...) It should be Clear that they Are Principles of the Real World as much as MD.

I Hope that Clears some things Up, and isn't Quite as much of a Rant as it looks like.

PS. This is of Course my Own Opinion, and is Therefor Subject to Confusion, Bias, and Any of the other things Typical of the Human Condition :P


that doesn't answer my questions at all and if i think that archivists make the bond between the real world and md...hm...i'm just stating my theories about the relations of dimensions with time travel :D
and because time created dimensions maybe they also have the same methodologies when i try to utilize them as a tool :P if i can in md so it can also be applied in real life because both dimensions and time can be seen in real life ^_^ and can be controlled by using your mind to lengthen your own ideologies about those two ^_^ and they may be lengthened or shortened in your mind creating your own twisted vision about the world in which you control your own psyche ^_^ but it does not affect the world whatsoever but it changes what the world is for you though.


I was Replying to your First post where you asked:

[quote]i have to say what is this all about?
if it's about recruiting people for writing then i think i want to join happy.gif
but if it's about asking questions then, i think i have the right to ask this because this puts my curiosity to it's peak happy.gif[/quote]

As far as the Dimensions go... I tend to go by the More Common Model where there are Infinite Dimensions which Play out all Possibilities. I'm not sure I agree with your Idea of a "personal" Dimension (assuming I understood you correctly), what you Were describing sounds alot more like what I would Call Perceptions, not Dimensions.


hehehe :D because in the end all dimensions are perceptions AND perceptions are like dimensions in a point yes but they can only conquer the emotional aspect of the job but not fully create the dimension :P I'm stating this to erase some conflict I'm just stating that all in all dimensions can be perceptions and like time can be logically and emotionally edited but not rearranged ^_^ and in the end your perception of the world is your own delusion but it does not show itself as an illusion


[quote name='TheNinjunny' post='20780' date='Nov 24 2008, 10:54 AM']I was Replying to your First post where you asked:

As far as the Dimensions go... I tend to go by the More Common Model where there are Infinite Dimensions which Play out all Possibilities. I'm not sure I agree with your Idea of a "personal" Dimension (assuming I understood you correctly), what you Were describing sounds alot more like what I would Call Perceptions, not Dimensions.[/quote]
wahahaa my first skeptic :D
but like i said This was only a theory and I'm just working on it :P
and for the mean time I'm just sharing my thoughts here to see some results, comments and some skepticism from the audience
it was quite brutal..though T_T and i didn't expect that you'll hit me in the back that hard and that fast ^_^
so i have my results on your personality
you are completely logical and coherent and you are a skeptic ^_^
but nobody could ignore the fact that every theory deserves some skepticism like the theory of creation and all of that pseudo-science stuff.(please don't flame me just to prove your pseudo-science stuff i have enough problems as it is ^_^)
And you may be right and i maybe wrong but don't worry it's a wonder we even fight about stuff like this at all and that's what makes me impressed..
Because when we are in a time when technology is like a leech that we can't live without wherein our dependence on it may even cause our downfall but i am happy that there are still people who have the strength to differentiate themselves from the world and who ignore the status quota given to them by people around them or the physical or social limits that were given to them by society in the first place ^_^
SO i know you're irritated by me and my typo's but please bear with me and because I'm proud to know that i have finally found some people who could bear listening to all my crap :lol:


I really need to read the forums more often. Sorry about that. You're fairly accurate in your descriptions of the Archives, bootes. There are, of course, variations left and right, but that's the gist... Of course, there should be more RL things than MD things..but I'll talk about that later. :D

As for the dimensions...I agree with Bootes.. Particularly about the perceptions.

But, can we stay somewhat on topic here please?


Im all for the archives! Doesnt matter if im in or out bt im still in!

Ive been waiting for this day...hope i can have a nice afternoon reading through the information...i do need to compare the information i have gathered about and those in the archives.

Out of curiosity...are these information from...:


ask the wizard who.. oh wait he's dead :diablo: and read you shall learn but you must know where to look and I will not tell you but I know the answer :diablo: and on your other question read then post really how oftend do I have to say it

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