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[quote name='dst' post='20728' date='Nov 23 2008, 11:43 AM']One dumb question: why everybody wants to have his alliance set in GG? I never heard anyone wanting it into Necro?[/quote]

I was looking through this thread and I just want to answer/comment on dst's question.

I think this is because GG is the most inaccessible (at least until recently) of the 4 main lands hence it has a mystique about it and seems 'cool' so everyone wants to be part of it. This is why I believe MRD was so intent on making his allinace there and maybe cryxus as well regardless of the dock.

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Whoaw negative ^_^ SERIOUSLY Wants to INHIBIT PIRACY in MD???
How a could a ship sail in an itty bitty lake and why disturb nature and all it's wonders in loreroot when you have The sea to sail on..ON GG?
i think negative fears that if one more guild appears at GG another would have to disappear...
Or maybe he fears that his name will lose it's purpose when the guild that can disappear can be MRD's guild ^_^
i was there when it happened and it was SOOO COOLL seriously SOOO COOOOLL
MRD got an avatar and he got a guild in about 5 mins ^_^

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[quote name='DeMoNFrOmHEAveN' post='20859' date='Nov 25 2008, 05:00 AM']Whoaw negative ^_^ SERIOUSLY Wants to INHIBIT PIRACY in MD???
How a could a ship sail in an itty bitty lake and why disturb nature and all it's wonders in loreroot when you have The sea to sail on..ON GG?
i think negative fears that if one more guild appears at GG another would have to disappear...
Or maybe he fears that his name will lose it's purpose when the guild that can disappear can be MRD's guild ^_^
i was there when it happened and it was SOOO COOLL seriously SOOO COOOOLL
MRD got an avatar and he got a guild in about 5 mins ^_^[/quote]

lol...someone has read my thoughts...bt not the the exact words:) although now it wouldnt count since it seems i cant save MRDs guild...since there is nothing to save, AFTER i found out some information i knew there was nothing to save...ive lost a LOT, but worth the try to save things ehh?

hey the lake is awsome, i would love to have access there with a tiny boat if needed. Dont make fun of the lake its awsome and powerfull. The most inocent things are the things one must fear the most. That doesnt include all innocent things, but that is a powerfull saying.

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I would like to say that I would choose GG whether or not it was the most inaccessable because it seems logical for a priate crew to be there...to me at least, besides I woulda liked it in marind bell to be honest, at the hub of everything so I could get the most benefit, stats-wise. that, however, would kill the exploration part of the guild, which is something i really look forward to.

*shrugs* but I have laid out my reasoning, choose what you want to believe...

And neg6 I think the MRs are making quite the return, cheers MRD.

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[quote name='cryxus' post='20886' date='Nov 25 2008, 04:40 PM']And neg6 I think the MRs are making quite the return, cheers MRD.[/quote]

...glad to hear that. Well, atleast MRD seems to like his mp6 role:)

Well cryxus anything is possible here in MD, aslong as you figure out how.

Btw, i do think this may take time to pass though, since GG seems to have a prob of getting out now...for few. Would it not cause problems for your alliance?

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there is the possibility, but i am sure things will be fixed as needed. Besides i am am patient, and this is something I am passionate about, and have been for quite a while now.

Where there is a will, there is a way, and I am patient, and passionate enough to find a way.

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I, SageWoman of LoreRoot, hereby lends her support and encouragement to Captain Cryxus and the Crimsom Blade and her Crew! I am Land Bound so I can only offer to Heal when you get your land legs.


[quote name='cryxus' post='20652' date='Nov 22 2008, 03:38 PM'][color="#FF8C00"]Alliance name:[/color] [color="#000000"]Crimson Alliance[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]Occupying:[/color] [color="#000000"]Golemus

Our ship is the Crimson Blade, which is stationed at Storm Port, i have already done the work to make her.[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]Leader:[/color] [color="#000000"]myself, Cryxus[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]Crew:[/color] [color="#000000"]DarkPriestess22
many unofficial who currently are parts of other guilds[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]mission statement:[/color] [color="#000000"]The Crimson Alliance will be a guild based out of Golemus, seeing as how that is the only landmass that is surrounded by water.
Our job is to help whoever we see fit, for whatever price seems good...we are neither good, bad, or nuetral.[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]what we offer:[/color] [color="#000000"]Also our intention is to sail the high seas, and explore uncharted lands...and broker information, or keep it hidden at our discrestion...for information is the true commodity of MD...[/color]

[color="#000000"]we are currently looking for more to join and support this alliance, feel free to post your thoughts, and ideas on us...[/color][/quote]

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Well, I gave my input on the CoE.. so now that I see this thread, it wouldn't be fair to deprive, hey?

I find that I kind of sympathize with MRnegative6. GG as pirates' homeland doesn't make any sense to me. It's already occupied by a people, who supposedly are very advanced in magic and research. Basically, they are Golemus. If you say your homeland is GG, then you basically say you share their identity.

Wait a minute here. Let's get this straight. You're happy-go-lucky pirates, you basically sail around and land on different lands without permission, and do whatever you want. And you're also Golemus? Uh. No. See, GG is "neutral" in terms of ideology, but that doesn't mean it's devoid of singularity. I mean, it was the opposer to the shades in the first roleplaying war of MD, for some reason. It's a land! If you're Golemus and you land on other lands without permission for your own purposes, that's not piracy, that's invasion.

No, what would be better is, as you are pirates, you belong to not one [spoiler]frickin[/spoiler] land. You belong to the [spoiler]frickin[/spoiler] waters of the MD world. If you want to have your convenient headquarters-port on GG, then you have a treaty with the [i]actual[/i] GG alliances which allow you to do so. Otherwise, you're encroaching upon their land, and you're still not GG. Realistically, the GG alliances would drive you out.

The way I see it, you shouldn't be Golemus people. You should be a motley of outcasts from the different lands. Your real homeland should be the sea. The only reason why you might have any emotional attachment to Golemus over other lands is because it has a harbor or something. You might as well just go over to The Sozzled Salamander and call it your homeland because it has beer and there's a little water outside it.

Oh, wait. Is The Sozzled Salamander still at Wind's Sanctuary? Whatever.

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I'm pretty sure this was discussed earlier in the thread, but IMO everyone pretty much agrees with that sentament. It's just that if we HAVE to choose from a homeland of one of the existing lands golemus is the only one that makes sense due to the ocean. Ideally the CB's homeland should be something like "Open Waters" it's really up to Mur if it can be something like that. (Keeping in mind that most of the reason why alliances have homelands is for the territory based effects)

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Man up! I wouldn't say some place is my home when it isn't and demean my real home just to be recognized by someone who would ask that of me, nor to get some small benefit. This "pirate" group could probably function just as well without an alliance symbol and little chat place. As for the bonuses, you should be able to overcome that. Where's the pride? Sometimes you need to stand firm to get what you want.

~And I'm out.

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I didn't mean the Territory for the Bonuses. I view it as more of a Balancing, Alliances within a Land may get a Bonus for being on Home ground, but you Also have the Disadvantage when on Another's Land.

Besides all I was trying to get at is the Golemus was a suggested Compromise. Like I said I agree that claiming any of the Lands doesn't really feel Right for this Idea.

Meh, I feel like I'm arguing, which Wasn't what I was intending to do here at all, so I'll just stop there.

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Bootes, you know, you're awkward. @_@

Anyway, I get what you mean now, but don't go on defensively asserting the Golemus idea is just a [i]suggested compromise.[/i] It's been argued in this discussion in a manner that establishes the fact that Cryxus is not only [i]willing[/i] but [i]planning[/i] to make that compromise.

The whole point is, I can't support something like this. It's wrong. Stretching details of your story and character for convenience, no matter the situation, is simply bad. Isn't that right? I'm not really asking, though. That's right.

Yeah, a compromise. A compromise of good roleplay.

Failure of Glai-standards, is all. Don't get overworked, it's just Glai! Or rather, it's Glai after all! B)

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Glaistig mate, you're putting words in my mouth, and sorry I havent stopped by lately to throw my opinion into the mix. First off I would love to have an alliance that claims all lands as their own, or some other alternative, but the fact of the matter is I doubt Mur would make such a homeland simply on my accord, but I would be most grateful if he did. But since I have to choose a homeland I go with the one the makes sense.

The simple fact of the matter is that I know I have the MR's support and I was fairly certain I had GG's support when yrth was heading it, and ~the ship~ from which ~we pirate~ is docked ~in Golemus~ I dont understand how you ~can't come to grips with that~.

Long story short, if I could claim some other ethereal homeland such as "The Sea" I would be honored, or if I could claim some all encompassing homeland, I would be equally honored, but dont put it down because I suggest to base it in the location where our ship is quartered, for that is our only true tie to any land.

And I swear anyone who suggests sailing in a pond again should be taken out back and beaten with a hose, it is a ridulous concept, and quite frankly demeaning both to my alliance, and your intelligence.


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The thing that bothers me is that you're willing to consider Golemus your homeland just in order to get an alliance. You said it yourself? You think of the sea as your homeland, but you're compromising instead. I don't see why Golemus being your only tie to land should justify replacing the sea with it as your home. Pirates don't necessarily like land, do they?

And don't indirectly insult my intelligence rather than addressing me. That's lame and as a result aggravating. In any case, I didn't suggest the water outside the sanctuary is a place where you should sail. I said it is water. Pirates like water, don't they? Well, that's the stereotype, anyway.

I don't know if it's a pond or not. I haven't seen it for a while.

Glai is angry. Man up: appreciate what I have to say, and refute constructively. That's a command.

*feels like bashing Cryx with a hose*

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If you want me to insult you directly I will, but dont expect me to take it as personally as you seem to be. Most of what you say has no significance to what is being presented, and the reason I kept it impersonal is because people cant seem to grasps that my ship is based in Golemus, which is what ties us to Golemus, and it is what ties us to being pirates, and for that matter sailors.

Besides, what do you care if Im based in Golemus, or "the open sea" or the "Sozzled Salamander" (one of the most ludacris things I've heard so far), its ridiculous. I have stated my reasons numerous times, and I have just said that if I could claim the open seas as my homeland, or even make an alliance with no homeland at all, I would gladly accept. If that is the sole reason why you cant accept the alliance then that is a poor argument.

Find a real reason not to support the Crimson Alliance.


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I hate being insulted and I can't help it much. Deal.

I don't think you understand why I disagree with this so much. The reason why I care what you claim as your homeland is that it reflects the integrity of your roleplaying. It's an essential part of your pirate-guild identity. Everything is. I [i]know[/i] you just said that if you could claim the open seas as your homeland, you would gladly accept. That's why I'm angry. You might insist that Golemus is like a home to you, because it allows you to be a pirate or some other argument I'm not grasping, but what you've said multiple times already has clearly established that you're compromising. You're forsaking an essential part of your identity, to get an alliance. You don't get it? How should I explain better?

I don't think it's a poor argument; you're not convincing me. I can't support at this point.

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Here, allow me to do you the honor of backing my argument ~even further~ where you cannot find anything to support your own.

1) History shows us it is very commonplace, if not necessary to have a home-port, a safe-haven where they can rest, resupply, spend their ill gotten gains, etc.

2) Golemus is the only landmasses with any beaches, so to speak, and a port the connects to open water.

But despite these facts you say i am playing my role poorly? Who is insulting who now?

If you just dont like the idea of a new idea, don't use feeble arguments to hide behind, come forward and speak your mind.

Your reasons are not good reasons not to support this idea, and i am here to point that out, and if you dont like it, get used to it, its something i'm passionate about.

And furthermore, don't insult my roleplaying when i have the FACTS that back up my point of view, whereas you don't


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Argh! Listen, I can see that you might use Golemus to have a homeport. With your good relations with some of the GG alliances, it could make sense.. in a way... sort of. Not really. You're pirates and disregard law, right? The most logical thing is that even with good relationships with Golemus people, you should have a treaty to establish a port on their land. Having a treaty, your homeport is temporary. But you can still have emotional attachment to Golemus that way.

My main point is that you're compromising, however valid Golemus is as a homeport. You've said it so many times! The sea is your true home, you would prefer it to Golemus or any land, etc. Your emotional attachment to Golemus is negligible compared to waters as your true home, right? You're compromising! Why? Why are you compromising? It's an essential part of your roleplaying identity, don't you get it? Where is the integrity?

I want you to counter that, please. My arguments are based on facts too. You're compromising, it's a fact, isn't it? To me, it is a good reason not to support this idea. We have different standards, face it. But I hope you can reach up to my standards instead of just saying they're too high.

I hate bad roleplaying. It ruined MD for me.

I'm passionate about this, too. I wouldn't bother arguing otherwise.

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I still resent that you claim that i am playing my role in a less than befitting manner, but i hope to conclude this argument here.

First off i would like to claim the sea as my home, but you can't stay out to sea for indefinite periods of time, you will eventually find a need to return to port.

Second, i am only friendly terms with the alliances of GG, and i have grown to favor that land

Third, it is a home~land~, not a home~place~

And why would i find the need to make treaties i dont need to make? If we live peacefully together, so be it, if they dont like it, they can try and run me off. Why would i put stipulations on something i can just do?

And i still dont feel im crompromising as such, i feel as i am making an educated choice given the circumstances, and if that is "ruining MD for you" what can i say other than that isn't my intentions?


P.S. just because i am using the current system does not mean i am compromising anything

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