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The Necrovion Sentinels College of Darkness


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The Darkness Wars drained the lands of the living and the resources of the Dead. There was much suffering, and much. Balance has been restored - but at what cost and for how long?

The Necrovion Sentinels no longer train in the fighting arts. The warriors have gone, replaced by scholars. Sages, if you will, once again inhabit the Sagelands of old.

We study all the arts of darkness. Deception and statecraft, murder and warfare, poison and vendetta... but also the nature of existence on both sides of the Sand, uses of imagination, philosophy and the application of power, biology and life and death.

Nor do we hoard this knowledge. We are building lessons for the world, in the spirit of reconciliation. We hope there will never be another Darkness War.

When people are well acquainted with their own darknesses, when people do not repress their sensual spirit, they have no need to hate us or to suppose that we hate them.

Come to us to learn what you will of the Dark Arts. We will teach you freely, openly. You need not join our ranks to learn our secrets. Only come before us and ask.

We ask no price - because it was already paid during the Darkness Wars.

Rajj Khalazdad Greymantle
Grand Master, Necrovion Sentinels

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Sometimes one must travel through the darkness before they can stand in the light...

I would lend my services to the Sentinels. I have yet to master the ways of darkness but, I am eager to learn. I am strong of will, and of an equal mind. Once given, my loyalty shall be unto death.

Spiders Bane

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