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A new spell or crit


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i have noticed alot of people have like 100 or so rits of something like just the tree or santa, because they have regenaura and never truely die. So why not have a spell that can cancel out that effect, or even a crit that does it. The main reason i point this out is because someone with lets say 2500 losses over wins uses the weak defence rit instead of trying to get a win. kinda lame in my opinion and they have at least 100 of them rits set... thats just an example mind you.

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lots of people need a dummy defence to stay alive when the stronger guys come out to play...

personally, i'd like to do good fights, too, but most mp5 wouldn't have any creatures left to fight once a player with over 1500 attack starts smashing them -.-

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so you are talking about a creature that will take the enemies regen to 0, not only the regenaura of the tree...

sorry, i misunderstood that^^

but that would lead to less fights overall because people would always have to wait for their vit to regen before they can go into a new fight after going down...
as you pointed out, you can't fight with 0-vit creature, while you can with 1-vit creatures...

so i'd say if that spell or creature-aura was to be implemented, it should take out the enemies regen totally, including personal AND creatures AND auras regen, but on the other hand give them 50 personal VE for every point of regen that was taken out by the ability AFTER the fight so they can rebuild an army if they want to do a fight themselves...
that way, good regen would still be valueable, even if you lose to a player who uses that aura or spell, AND you couldn't trust in dummies anymore because you'll have to refill them manually after each fight

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well then we will have even bigger ap problem, am i not right? maybe a creature which takes out all regen of losing player? but regen still works for winning player? well i cant think of better idea but this will be overpower on one side and not fair for other side, so with this idea of regen would be lost, one way or another, neither is perfect, but current one is better

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as amusing as this would be for a min it just turn into a pain, I keep a sacrifice rit set when I'm not training so others can train on me but it be bad if I lost all regen and they ended up face to face with my drachorn or one of my other strong ceature when they are only ready for a few priests and trees

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Actually, I'm in support of a creature that negates auras. Not exactly what RJ was talking about, but I think it would equalize the playing field.

We have a creature that removes stats (theoretically) and vitality, now we need a creature that removes those pesky freeze, regen, and bonus auras.


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but good, i like the idea ^_^

but a creature that destroys the opponent's auras should then be totally useless in all other ways, even less useful than that nice little priest...
maybe give you a statdamage...
like, if you know you will need that creature to destroy freezing abilities, you should pay for using it with getting like -200 init so all the opponent's creatures have first strike...
or maybe -500 vit on all your creatures...

or it should have... [thinks hard what would be the most useless ability] regen on multi _enemy_ creatures, with 10%...
then such a creature could be fun, a really strategic creature... if you want it's benefits, you'll need to put up with the consequences =D

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I agree with Burns, a creature would have to have almost no benefits besides the negation of auras.

Or perhaps it not only negates your opponents auras but ALL auras. That would be a pretty big downside.

But you'd have an advantage, because you'd know not to use birds with it... it would cause for some interesting situations...


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Hmm..let me be the devil's advocate. Let's say that I have better stats than an opponent. And I know that the only way he/she can defeat me is using those auras. I don't know what rit he/she has. But I use the creature just in case. This will reduce the battle just to who's stronger, who has better stats. Do you really want that?

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The way to theoretically beat that would be the assume that you are in fact wasting a creature slot on the aura negater, and use a number of the new tortured souls to drain your stats and then destroy you with a chaos archer, or some sort of strong creature.

A knator, maybe.

I say theoretically because I don't know the power of these tortured souls. But they should eliminate any absolute power stats will give.


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to rj's idea: i guess one reasons why you want this is your role during hc to take care of godding mp3 and 4. while i myself have benefitted from the fact that you couldnt take my heads out of game, since i had a tree III which couldnt be completey killed, i do think that such a power would fit your role. either making it an ability for you to take heads from everyone at their mp level's rules, or to grant you a skill during head contests that will make sure that what you kill stays dead.
as for a general creature/ability, i dont think it would do much good. what would one use it for, if not for screwing dojo/training up by killing the idle players creature s/he set for someone else? wouldnt crippling players with it actually reduce the willingness to set a real combat def. having some disposable single creatures dead is nothing compared to completely losing your combat rit by disabled regen. an injured combat rit can still pose some interesting fights, a dead rit does nothing.

as for the other, really interesting suggestion:
like dst said, it would take away a strategic element if you could be sure to have all auras disabled. having considerable mali for using the creature would prevent it from becoming a no-brainer. i'd rather see it to work like freeze and anti-freeze, targetting a slot and disabling the auras of the creature in this slot. maybe even give the creature more such targets as it levels up, like:

level 1 - no disabling ability, mali for using the creature
level 2 - targetting one slot, disabling the auras of the targetted creature, greater mali for using it.
level 3 - targetting up to 2 slots, "", increasing the mali for using it
level 4 - "" up to 3 slots, "", even greater mali for using the creature

the targetting could work like the aforementioned auras, the basic idea would be to have one creature having the ablitity to disable multiple auras, but without certanty. and with considerable, increasing mali for using the creature. that way, it would actually becoming a strategic decision if you want to upgrade the creature to have more potential of disabling auras or if you rather keep it at the current level, to not cripple yourself too much by its nasty side-effects.

my 2 cents ^_^

[edit: typos]

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there is, but Mur reads the forums anyway, so if he thinks it's a good idea then he'll make a creature like that, and it hassles him less if he gets to read it himself wihout it being forced into his view

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