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Scheduling - If Calyx approves


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[size=4]Suggested Schedule for this week - Days through [/size]

This does not mean you are required to remain in the Dojo ALL day (or however long you are online for that day), but enough so that players can have someone to speak with or ask questions of if they have need. Also, the schedule will not be made for the week of Head Contests.

Due to Real Life circumstances, some staff members may not be in the Dojo according to this schedule. This is to be expected and will not be a problem. Also, being on a schedule does not mean you are getting paid in cash/credits for your work. When you became LHO / Dojo Staff it was because you wanted to, not because there were any benefits. :)

Let me know days you're available for time in the Dojo.

Ibruzu is not available on the weekends, but may show up for a moment or two.

[b]Day :[/b]
MDD (Marble Dale Dojo) :
DQD (Defensive Quarters Dojo) :

[b]Day :[/b]

[b]Day :[/b]

[b]Day : [/b]

[b]Day :[/b]

[b]Day : [/b]

[b]Day :[/b]

Old Post :

I would like there to be a consistent schedule for the Dojo Staff, but before I get to that, I need all the Staff Members names, and what game server time you're online. Also, if you know of anyone who would like to help as just a Helper or become Staff, post their name and times here as well.

My idea is that no Staff Member be alone in the Dojo, nor spend all their time on one single Dojo...which is what I've been doing -_- *sniffles* I'm going to miss my friends...

I'd like to have as much input, criticism and other ideas on this as possible :) I'd like this to work.

As for scheduling, I'd like it to be in shifts...such as the following scenario:

The same amount of members would be spread between the Dojo's - one or two members per Dojo and one or two Trainees per Member. The amount of time spent depends on how often the player is online and how many members we have. (This is all up for debate)

[color="#FF0000"][b]Pardon my edit: Calyx approves whole heartedly! This is something I've wanted for a long time! Calyx of Isis, Mistress of the Dojo.[/b][/color]

Edit : Thanks Calyx ^_^

Edited by Jazira
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my days and times can be random. I am on quite alot though some for long periods and other times for very short periods :blink:-_-

[color="#ff0000"]I am happy to promote you to helper, but cannot do staff until I have consulted with Jonn. Will do that ASAP. Calyx[/color]

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I live Central Time. I am usually online by 6:30 am but my hours vary depending on my work schedule. I have been there several times with you as well as with King Bull. When I get off work I am usually there too.


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I live in one-hour-before-server time
when I finish my duties for school and other things, i'm free to help :blink:

[color="#ff0000"]Please give us a better idea of when you are usually available. We have no idea of your school schedule. — Calyx[/color]

sorry -_-
by the end of the month, i will be available from 8-12 AM
next month, 14-17,18 and many times around 20-22
server time of course

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Hmmm, When am I on? Way too much! I am usually on between 14h and 1h and then again after 6h until 9h ( east coast U.S.) If I am not directly playing I check in constantly. I don't know the "shift" duration you are looking for, 2 hours, 4 hours?? I am very flexable and could set aside a block of time within reason almost any day during the week

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Edit : Server Times may be needed in the future... Ignore this Post for now ^_^

[color="#FF0000"][size=3] I NEED SERVER TIMES[/color][/size]

[color="#000000"][size=2]If I am going to schedule staff to the Dojos with at least 2 staff members present at all times, then I need times that I can work with. The easiest times to go with would be Server time because it is the same for everyone. If you do not know what times you're on, then please look the next time you get online.

Also, I need feed back from Staff / potential Staff. I cannot do this alone.

Also, I would like someone to volunteer to help me on this because I may be gone for a while very soon. I will be moving and will not be able to schedule people. [/color][/size]

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[b][/b][i][/i] this may be a good idea.... i am online most anytime... i will be at the dojo reguardless.....I have no certain time and will not be limited in this way....King Bull has spoken...So be it... :good:

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A thought : We spend one day in one dojo, then the next day, be in another Dojo, then a day off, then a day in the third dojo, and back to first. So, 2 days of work, one day off.. Sound good?


Schedule for Jazira and two Trainees under her care (not yet decided on who)

Monday - Loreroot, Tuesday -Road of Battles, Wednesday - Day off, Thursday - Marble Dale (or new location), Friday - Loreroot, Saturday - Road of Battles, Sunday - Day off

Again, just an Idea. I need your thoughts on this.. Also, schedules may not always be the same.

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I live in CST, GMT-6. I have a varied schedule due to morning classes some days and afternoon/evening classes on others. But I am on for varrying lengths of time from around 14:00 - 24:00 server time.

I am still mp3, so limited to which Dojos I would be able to help in for now, but would be willing to serve on the Staff (or as a trainee if that is more suited to my experience level).

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i dont know what are there already rules 'bout this, but i was thinking one dojo for each mp maybe...?
cause, if we have many dojos for all MPs, that will only create lack of players at each dojo, then its better to have only one dojo for training

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Actually, I think having all MPs share a Dojo would make things more interesting. It allows more people to interact with each other, and allows Alliances to get more training in.

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[quote name='Jazira' post='26677' date='Mar 8 2009, 10:05 AM']A thought : We spend one day in one dojo, then the next day, be in another Dojo, then a day off, then a day in the third dojo, and back to first. So, 2 days of work, one day off.. Sound good?


Schedule for Jazira and two Trainees under her care (not yet decided on who)

Monday - Loreroot, Tuesday -Road of Battles, Wednesday - Day off, Thursday - Marble Dale (or new location), Friday - Loreroot, Saturday - Road of Battles, Sunday - Day off

Again, just an Idea. I need your thoughts on this.. Also, schedules may not stay the same.

Edit :
Perhaps making groups of those with the same time frames would help...So far, I could create 3 groups of 3 staff/trainees with the same or nearly same times...

-Ibruzu, Frostas, Shadow for one group. Frostas, I think, is ready for Staff. So, that gives him two trainees, fullfilling the minimum requirement for one Dojo. *14:00 through 03:00*
-Jazira, Sage, Brimstone. Two Staff and a trainee... need more trainees to post their Server times..*13:00 through 24:00*
-King Bull, McVities Shadow, IcePheonix - 20:30 through 05:00

What I may do with these times / groups is have these staff a single Dojo at a time since the times range from 13:00 until 05:00. I'll need more times to fill in from 05:00 until 130:00...

Calyx, may I ask for permission to have Trainees and those who wish to be Trainess to post their times here as well?[/quote]

I would not be available for a weekend dojo "shift" My family demands prohibit that. During the week days would be the only time I could be useful for any real commitment. I am too scattered otherwise. Sorry, I will keep helping as I can though

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We can work around that, as I, too, will not be available for weekends. The shift I used for myself is only an example. Like I said, I need more help with this, as I cannot do this alone. The staff members really should be putting in more opinions and criticism at the very least...

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Staff Times :

King Bull, any time?
Sage : 1300-???
XinHun 1530 - 2130
1400 - 0100 * 0600 - 0900 Ibruzu (has various times)
Jazira 15:00 - 20:00 (may change later)

Trainees :

1400 - 23:40 - Frostas
20:30 - 23:30 - McVities Shadow
22:00 - 05:00 - Ice Pheonix
14:00 - 17:00 Shadow
14:00 - 24:00 Brimstone
8 - 12 am * (14-17 & 20-22 next month?) Princ Rhaegar
03:00 - 11:00 - Kratus Rey

I'd like the Staff to have at least two trainees under them. This may help with training, and if they have questions, there will be a staff member available to them. So, Staff members, choose your trainees and post here who you choose.

Also, it may be easier to try staffing one Dojo at a time, and when we get more trainees, start staffing the Road of Battles, then Defensive Quarters...Sound good?

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