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Buying ALL types of inventory items

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Please tell me you are becoming a merchant, if not I must say I do not like this.

Inventory Items should have a purpuse, they should be used, not just collected.

If you want to buy all type of inventory items please explain a reason for it.



Edited by Kriskah Arcanu
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[quote name='Kriskah Arcanu' post='29959' date='May 2 2009, 03:31 PM']Please tell me you are becoming a merchant, if not I must say I do not like this.

Inventory Items should have a purpuse, they should be used, not just collected.

If you want to buy all type of inventory items please explain a reason for it.



Being a collector is a purpose Kriskah, just as being a merchant is one. Just because you do not like the

purpose doesn't mean it isn't one. That's what's great about MD, each character has the ability to effect

the game in different ways. If you don't like the reason of him "just collecting" items, then make sure to

outbid him. But, don't try to sit there and tell him what he may or may not do with his "purpose" just

because it isn't in line with your own "purpose". 8)

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Kriskah Arcanu makes a valid point. The items were made to enhance a character's role. They were not made to be collected, hoarded, and kept away from everyone, only to be used at some indeterminable point in the future.

Characters like Kragel and Udgard are asking others to bring items to them so that they can "use" these items to create objects for those who are questing for them. However, that all comes to a grinding halt when there is an item collector who is hoarding these items, who refuse to trade them, or who asks for ridiculous prices or favors in return for them.

Yes, there is the potential for an item collector in this world, but I believe that needs to come much later when there are more items in circulation. Items should be traded and passed among others in order to facilitate social interaction and the creation of quests. This cannot happen if the available items end up in the hands of a select few.

Kriskah Arcanu is not looking out for her own interests, but is looking at the big picture. However, the one who chooses to be "the Item Collector" only sees what they can get out of each transaction. They are being exceedingly shortsighted at the moment.

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Watcher, I understand what you and Kriskah are saying. All I'm saying is that if Noone wishes to take

the role as a Collector, then he should have that right, and all the reprecussions that go along with it.

All I'm pointing out, is that the choice of him doing so shouldn't be taken away from him. Everyone's

purpose is going to be different than some others on MD, and when two purposes clash, then great

that also will help better the game, just in different ways. A villian is not something this game really

has right now and if Noone wants to take that role as a collector and start hoarding items, and can

handle the consequences of such actions, then more power to him!

- Gauge

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It is not the role I am questioning.
It is the timing.

I understand the role of villains and similar constructs in literature and entertainment. However, at this point, there are too few items to allow for a viable collector. All a collector is going to do is frustrate others in a non-productive way.

Currently, items need to flow, and a collector at this point in time will only inhibit the system when it is at its most fragile.

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yea agreed, actually there is nothing against collectors, but thing is people are trying to build something in here, and collectors could ruin this easily, kriskah and others are trying to build economy, to get us more items and more interesting stuff and fire up community a bit, collectors are FOR NOW kinda have damaging effect to this, but later :D collectors will be very needed, also keep in mind collector is one who collects things with certain properties/specifics, not everything

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Just a note , Mur said that items are supposed to be a rare and special thing, not something common and easily obtained. The implication would be that people are undoubtedly going to collect these special things, just like how people colelct creature types and spell pages. It will cause troubles as item flow will not go fluidly, but seeing how items are supposed to be rare and special, it will take quite some time until there is a lot of items in circulation. I am hoping that in the near future Kragel and I can make a more fluid item system using raw materials that are easier to get and will be circulated in large enough quantity, which will be what is fluidly traded, and the custom-made items that are more rare and is a more appropriate subject for collecting/high-price trading.

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[quote name='Udgard' post='30021' date='May 3 2009, 07:24 AM']Just a note , Mur said that items are supposed to be a rare and special thing, not something common and easily obtained.[/quote]

Originally there wasn't going to be a currency either but now we have the MDS. I think (hope) that items will be split into commonly available ones and difficult to obtain artifacts. Raw materials should be plentiful, non-magic daggers shouldn't be that hard to get, but a dancing sword is a one of a kind item. This will then result in two kinds of 'collectors': some will try to have the most items and some will try to have the coolest items.

If it's about having the coolest items, those should not be needed as ingredients. (I suppose every rule will have exceptions though)

If it's about wanting to have the most, it would not impede quests since trading one item for another doesn't change the item count. However, if such a collector knows you need a certain unique yet simple item, you're entirely at his/her mercy. And what's worse: increasing the quantity once will not help. There's bound to be someone that will try to get a monopoly on a commonly used raw material. It might take months to achieve, but that hasn't stopped anyone so far.

How about adding weight to items, especially to raw materials? Carry too much weight and you'll be unable to move. Dumping them on alts means they wont count towards the hoarder's item count. It's not foolproof, but it would make things difficult.

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It does not matter wether there are players wishing to become collectors, wether there are rare items or common items, wether Items should be bought with MDS or traded or gaing in other ways (Here I am also responding to Burns comment in a diferent post). The point is: ITEMS SHOULD BE USED. They should be related to a character rol, be part on a Quest, reward, task... etc.
Again, responding to Burns. I consider market the best way to make Items and creats flow, but this doesnt mean there shouldnt be other ways.
I am glad market and currency brings a debate, a few months ago this was not even a subject.


Edited by Kriskah Arcanu
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hmm, actually i think the collector type iab represents could be nicely implemented into a quest. he wants a huge collection, so if you know that one of the items you need is in the possession of a collector, why not making it like:
there is this hermit/ rich merchant/ slightly excentric and easily bored guy who has the thing you need. one part of your quest will be to find a rare or shiny knick-knack to distract him from boredom, for which he would give you one of his old items.
i agree though, that hoarding items and not being willing to trade them is a big no.

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Yeh i gave up on searching the itens i needed to do my quest.....COZ THERE IS REALLY A HUGE PROBLEM with the distribuition...

It seems that some people that has the itens i needed they aint logging in lately and who knows if they will ever log again....so what to do with those "lost itens"?I cant get my wild flowers neither the topaz....

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