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Metal Bunny

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I seem to have incurred a horrible disease!
I will tell you the tale of this horrible affliction that occurred to me. I was just walking busy doing lol when all of a sudden I noticed that my speech had started to change. I suddenly replaced random words for lol and I could not control myself. Before I lol’d it, I was lolling all over the place! While I myself often and sometimes even in an obscene amount use the word lol, I know realize that this lol just went too far. I am beginning to see that if this lol continues to grow worse and worse, I won’t be able to properly lol with other people anymore. This lol saddens my heart. And the worst lol is probably that I myself am losing control. The non-random lols that I choose to say are becoming lolless now and I cannot lol that to happen!

Oh and there have been lols that this may be somewhat contagious and lol, so if you are going to research for the lol, do so at your own lol.

I invite all of you lols to come up with a solution! The first to come with a plausible lol will receive a lolpoint from me. Be warned though, I think that this lol is very tough indeed and that the cure may need a lot of lol. So all of you who, after the first solution has been made, really help me beat the lol, will receive my inner lol document. If I see you lol a lot of other people to lol me with this, then I may be lol enough to even give lolpoints. If the cure has some lol-ish side-effect and they are tough to solve, then all those who help further, may also receive a lolpoint or inner magic lol.

Hurry! I lol that there is not a lot of lol left! I can just lol that I am nearing the lol of lollol!

o_O Did I just say lollol!?

Edited by Metal Bunny
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hmm, it would appear Udgard has been infected as well, that is grave news

i myself am researching into this, i believe that a shock to the senses is needed, so in essence, hurt him enough and he will be cured.

i have tried hitting him round the head with a bit of wood, which didnt seem to work, and he ran away before i could try with a stone, i'm hoping to try again with that later.

i invite people to assist me in this, hurt Bunny, and tell me the results of your.....experiments

if you manage to cure him please make him realise that you did it, and also tell me

i'm sure he'll appreciate the help, though he may act liek he doesnt want to be hurt to be cured, i'm sure he does really

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Get life? It's serious, I can't stop saying lol.
I have it under control for now, no thanks to Grido's 'attempts' ¬_¬
But the one who gets the solution will be lolled with a wishpoint you know.
I need help T_T

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you could try substituing the lol with a rofl or lmao, and if that works out, you could go on little by little...

to real words like laughs or smiles again, and by then your brain should be ready to stop the loling once and for all and return to normal pace XD

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as you can see from looking at my hate page i have put stew in a pot and i am trying to cook the lol out of him ... this is maybe not the only solution i could have come up with but it is the funniest..

i say cook a bunny for the cure

post this on your papers somewhere to feed all the lol infected people ...


this is my cure
The Med[i]ic[/i]al Mage


Edited by Kragel
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You should lol the lols out of your lol system until the lol is gone.

I think that lol lololololol is an lolololol cure for you.

Maybe an lolslap will lol the lols out of you...


Look! The roflcopters are already circling your head.

*Kanye west with a box of fishsticks comes in*

Kanye-You loled my lolling feelings!


[color="purple"]You know how to use an EDIT button, so use it! dont just make another post - Grido[/color]

Edited by Grido
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Oh Yo-Ho-Ho!!!!

it seem a caught a variation of this yo-ho-ho.... *ahem* Yo-ho-ho... :/ ... moving on...

Please help yo-ho-ho find a cure... this is not a yo-ho-ho...



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Puts on her special anti-lol gloves and anti-lol face mask and examines Mental Bunny. Hmmmmm!

I lol don't see what the lol lol problem is! OMG! I forgot to put on my lol lol anti-lol glasses on! You lol lol stupid lol lol guys better lol something lol soon! :lol:

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ok, lets analyze it scientificly: the disease manifests itself in a single symptom, the overabundant use of lol.

lol - laughing out loud. the act of laughing is usually provocted by an amusing statement/event or is meant as a general declaration of joy. to heal this symptom, all we have to do is banish every source of amusement and joy from mister bunnys life. when there is no more reason to laugh, the lol'ing will stop by itself and the patient is "cured".

side effects of longer treatment could include:
[s]anger, avolition, apathy, depression, general grumpiness, political career, entropy of facial musculature, decreased fluffiness, pustules and/or deveising plans of world domination[/s] there are no known negative side effects

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[center] MB alollol you have to do is type everything into microloloft word first and make lol change to LOL alolthough that might be escalolating the problolem alolthough i may be loling the same lol as MB has loled.......


Edited by I am Bored
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We have been getting some progress and I have tried many treatments against the disease. And as you can see... I am almost cured.
There were notable cures, or at least attempts to it, like Grido's or Kragel's...
But the ones that worked, unlike intrigue's or cutler's (dude seriously? ^_^) were from Burns and Chrispr.
there were some that offered me soup, and I thank you for that, but the disease has spread a lot, although it has died down a bit now.

And I think I know why their cure works better than others, lol.
You see, I think I was unable to stop saying lol anymore because I associated it with fun, and it was my stopword. I tried to stop saying it, but by then it had already spread to other people.
Now, however, I sort of exiled myself to berserker's way and it's working.. :D
However, I think I might feel tempted to use lol again when I go back to the busy scenery.
Therefore (2nd round, 2nd chances) the people who give quite awesome stop words, might get rewarded as well.
As for the people mentioned above, I won't give them a reward yet, but that doesn't mean they will or will not get any.
It's just that, if they give a really cool stopword, it will increase their chances of them getting a reward.
Oh and uh.. try and give some really awesome reasons as to why your stopword roxorz everyone's-but-my pantzorz.

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how about I-BID? XD

it will make the coversation turn to something you are serious about, therefore stop your fun for some time, and others will have extremly ruxorzed pantzorz when they hear you talking about I-BID (again...)

and if you are uncomfortable with that abbrev, say Instoppable Bunny Infantry Division (or whatever it really means, i sorta forgot it ^^), that will take you long enough to calm down :lol:

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