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Negative Exp


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My biggest issue with the game is receiving negative exp. I can understand if you cannot beat a ritual then fine but if I annihilate the opponent meaning they have zero health and the fight is over, no penalty should be inclined.

Am I alone on this? I believe this to be a good debate if someone opposes this (good for me!)

Seriously though, why is it coded this way? I dont have much time to play but I don't feel like playing after this happens tbh. I have brought many people to play this game but they have all quit except for I think 2 and they are about to go as well.

Please educate me, thanks.

Edited by ZaiTh
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Well... if there wasn't negative experience, the game would be extremely boring for mp5s when they reach the maximum experience. Yes it is a shame for mp4 and mp3 that it is like that, but that's how it is. You can gain all that experience back pretty easily if you know who to ask.


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you want a debate? i haven't had a fight in over 3 weeks, so let's start ^_^

1. as Awi already said, neg xp are necessary codework to keep the game rolling
2. it's a way to do evil things to your opponents, and it's the only way EVERYBODY can go
3. you can regather those xp sooo easily that it almost hurts me when i hear mp5 talking about neg xp
4. for non-mp5s, you are still in test levels, like it or leave it
5. learn to handle the threath, there are ways and means, starting with noting down who uses such rits, ending with rits that won't get harmed by such rits
6. you think you could gather xp by killing weak opponents? well, here's the way how they strike back while they are still too weak to destroy your rit... it's how this game works, anybody can successfully beat everybody, even if that includes letting all your critters die :lol:

i hope those were not too many reasons at once... i want a fight after all, knock out in first 30 seconds would be a bit lame :/

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Damn! I should get up earlier cause it seems I miss all the interesting topics.

One thing to add to what Burns said: mp3 and mp4 are tests levels but they are also filters. If you manage to get through them your chances of staying in the game increase. This is how it was intended. It's not something that happened although the neg xp with regen and stuff was pure coincidence ^_^. It was not intended to work that way but it did and it spared Mur a lot of PMs with complaints about xp reset.

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I don't think anyone's complaining about the possibility of neg xp/vp, but lately there has been a spate of mp4s [i]Attacking[/i] other mp4s with regen rits out of purely malicious intent. Coupled with the new skill damage, and perhaps a seasonal lull, it's pretty dead out there lately.

It's hard to believe you are seriously saying that it's a "filter" to discourage less adept players from staying in the game. That's not a feature. But that is the current problem. Maybe it oughtn't work the same way on lower mp levels.

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I see what people are saying but I dont live on the game. If I get an incredible amount of negative exp, I am done for at least 2 days. All I am saying is, if I beat someones ritual, I should not get negative exp.

What everyone is describing is for folks who are looking for a way to lose exp on purpose. My argument is the quite the opposite. If i am beating a ritual, I am obviously not looking for negative exp, I want positive exp and I should be awarded such.

How much you heal should matter not if you are dead in the end.

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ZaiTh, it's like this: you don't always win. You sometimes lose. This is how xp works in MD. Is a new, unique idea.
And there is always the option of moving to mp5 if you don't like mp4.
Sorry but I don't see where the issue is.

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I am not MP4, I am MP5. My account is Days:257.

If you want negative exp then fine, you create a ritual for that. I just want to win lol. When I do win I get exp....actually no, even when I win I still lose. That does not make any credible sense.

[quote name='Burns' post='34554' date='Jun 24 2009, 04:49 PM']you want a debate? i haven't had a fight in over 3 weeks, so let's start :)

1. as Awi already said, neg xp are necessary codework to keep the game rolling
[color="#FFA500"]This does not apply to what I wrote.[/color]

2. it's a way to do evil things to your opponents, and it's the only way EVERYBODY can go
[color="#FFA500"]I have no idea what you are saying here.[/color]

3. you can regather those xp sooo easily that it almost hurts me when i hear mp5 talking about neg xp
[color="#FFA500"]How can you gather it that easily? Pls explain.[/color]

4. for non-mp5s, you are still in test levels, like it or leave it
[color="#FFA500"]I'm not < MP5. I guess this one does not apply to me.[/color]

5. learn to handle the threath, there are ways and means, starting with noting down who uses such rits, ending with rits that won't get harmed by such rits
[color="#FFA500"]Handle the what? I understand about the rituals in what you are saying but I can go up against said person 6 tree's, win and get exp but I can go up against someones 6 tree's and pay the price for 2 days.[/color]

6. you think you could gather xp by killing weak opponents? well, here's the way how they strike back while they are still too weak to destroy your rit... it's how this game works, anybody can successfully beat everybody, even if that includes letting all your critters die :lol:
[color="#FFA500"]I am considered one of the weak guys lol. Honestly, I can barely beat anyone.[/color]

i hope those were not too many reasons at once... i want a fight after all, knock out in first 30 seconds would be a bit lame :/
[color="#FFA500"]Honestly, I did not really see one decent reason you gave.[/color][/quote]

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In the end what do you want?
Not to lose xp? It is possible IF you know how to do it.
Also for an mp5 gathering xp is the easiest thing around so start working and find out how (it seems to me you do not know how).

Sorry but all you do is whine. How do other players cope with the lose of xp? Have you ever wondered why they do not complain?

You see no "decent reason" in Burn's post because you want a full explanation. You do not settle for hints. That's bad cause nobody will give you full explanation (or almost nobody). You have to learn by yourself if you want to succeed.

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[quote name='Burns' post='34554' date='Jun 24 2009, 08:49 AM']1. as Awi already said, neg xp are necessary codework to keep the game rolling
[color="#FF0000"] may not be your case, but still one of the reasons why this mechanic is not being changed[/color]

2. it's a way to do evil things to your opponents, and it's the only way EVERYBODY can go
[color="#FF0000"]hmm... don't you think it could be evil to make people lose all their xp? i always thought that might be an evil thing... and there is an added extra bonus to the lost xp, which haunts you a lot longer *mwahaha*[/color]

3. you can regather those xp sooo easily that it almost hurts me when i hear mp5 talking about neg xp
[color="#FF0000"]there are a whole lot of mp5 out there who can help you on that matter... talk to the right persons and have your joker maxed within two hours =D (or, obviously, make up for the damage of a week of constantly winning against regeners)[/color]

4. for non-mp5s, you are still in test levels, like it or leave it
[color="#FF0000"]ok, one point that doesn't matter for you... so i'm down to 5 reasons <.<[/color]

5. learn to handle the threath, there are ways and means, starting with noting down who uses such rits, ending with rits that won't get harmed by such rits
[color="#FF0000"]there's obviously a lot left for you to learn... specially when you know what your enemy is using, it's extremely easy to make sure you don't run into his knives[/color]

6. you think you could gather xp by killing weak opponents? well, here's the way how they strike back while they are still too weak to destroy your rit... it's how this game works, anybody can successfully beat everybody, even if that includes letting all your critters die :lol:
[color="#FF0000"]whether you yourself are weak or not doesn't matter at all ^^[/color][/quote]

activity pays, since GoE and Willow's are closed... you'll need to hop around and ask just about everyone for a hint, someone will be out there to give it :)

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I can relate to how ZaiTH feel.

It is indeed frustrating when one loses xp, there has been countless times when I screamed "S**T* when i saw 6 trees that starts regen in the combat animations, but I moved on.


Though I can relate to how you feel, you have to understand that the game is not all about how much xp you can get. There is also the role playing and quests.

XP is something that is required to advance in terms of MP and creature upgrade.

Though frustrating, the ability to lose XP has made the game unpredictable (more interesting).

Imagine a strong MP5 player who is always getting tons of wins and XP, he would be MP10 in no time. LOL

As for the fact that you are losing adepts or friends due to the gameplay which is "tough", welcome to the club, I have lost more adepts and "friends" that I have lost count. You are not alone in that. Just have to learn to play around with it.

Just remember that whatever problems that you face in the game, you are not alone, as it effects all other players too. If we can survive it... so can you.

I am sure you are an adept of someone, ask him or her for help, advice or better still xp..... *wink*

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Thanks Crazy, you pretty much hit it. I dont know the ins and outs because I am not an avid player, I will be the first to admit that. The person I enlisted under no longer plays.

I guess the way the game is coded is fine for everyone and they feel it is fine or have grown accustomed to. I am a minority, no worries.

DST, do you sincerely think that I am whining? Why even use the tone that you used? Trying to upset me or can you not find the right words to say w/out being an ass?

I am almost retired from the military, I can promise you that I have probably done, seen, visited more things around the world then you could ever dream of. I can take a lot and dish it to but why go about things in the negative aspect when someone is asking questions?

There is never ever a wrong reason to ask questions when you do not know the answer to. Maybe you are young and have not discovered that yet.

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Sorry ZaiTh if my tone offended you but I have limits when it comes to patience. It seems to me that you do not wish to accept that THIS is how things work. Why do they work for others and not for you?

I never said is wrong to ask questions. That is one of the reasons this forum exists.
When one person tells you that you are drunk you can ignore him/her. When the second one tells you the same you can ignore him/her too. But when a third says that you are drunk then you definitely have to go and sleep.
You simply refuse to accept any explanation others have gave you just because it doesn't fit your plans/whatever.
Also I asked you what do you want (in terms of what solution) since I really really hope you understood that not losing xp is not an option here.

ps: what we do in real life is irrelevant here. Same with RL experience so please stop throwing that crap at me. You have no idea who I am or what I do.

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It has to be said that Burns did give proper explanations. You however don't seem to even try to understand those, and as such I can tell you exp gathering is easy. If you say negative vp, well, perhaps but also not a big barrier.

If you however say exp, MANY mp5 find it annoying that they have too much exp, not enough wins.

Take me. I have several million exp on creatures with only a few hundred wins. And in fact I almost always hit exp requirements before those of age/wins when I train them. And that even if I go and farm trees with something like let's say only 6 heretics.

If you hit them and see they have that, don#t farm them anymore. Once is enough and done. If you get hit by those, ....well, I explained how to avoid losing exp already.

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