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Avatar Fee Monthly

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There are now over 450 avys in game, do you see so many players online? I don't.
Avatars die together with their owners but right now it requires only a login every 6 month to keep your account active, thats close to nothing. I do not think its fair to keep avatars locked considering so many people could use one.

I am not sure what the best thing to do is. My suggestion is to put a requirement or a fee for avys so that only active or paying members can keep their avy.

My current price for an avy is 3$, on top of that i do not use all the avys i pay for, they do not recover their price but thats not at all the problem. The problem is that its hard to get fresh avatars because each artist i am working with can produce only a limited pack of original avatars, after that they start to repeat themselves or be crap.

I plan to put severla thousand avys over time in MD, but in this way like its now, they will end up to be thousands of forgotten avys instead of having everybody of the current active players with one.

Auction for the avys had a negative vote, which is fine because not all the active players with a good role afford to auction for an avy afterall.

Suggestions and votes please.

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I like the 15 active days per month requirement suggestion. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img]

It's very sensible, and it would be a good filter.

But woe to the person who has an avy and personal matters at the same time. :D

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i voted "no way!" for the fee, but 15 active days/ 1 credit spend as requirement to keep the avi.
a fee would shatter the dreams of [i]ever[/i] getting a rusty for us vote-credit players, while having avis lost on inactive players is no solution either. 15 active days or 1 credit spend on [i]anything[/i] in the shop is a good requirement, but then i'd add a vacation function (limited to 1 month, 2, 3?), for those going on a interrail trip or something the like.

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i agree with the 15 days activity too..! it gives a chance for the avatars to stay active and usable by others..

now that you mentioned it, i never though of the number of avatars that stayed with the abbandoned accounts of ex-veteran lurkers of MD.. soo... i guess.. place an option for the people to choose instead?..

both 15 days activity AND 1 credit option available in their profiles.. sooo they could chose the 1 credit option if they plan on being away for 15 days or so.. and keep their avvy..? well, that's just me- (a possible solution to fawe's post above)

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i dislike the idea of losing my avy once i go for a two weeks holiday :/

and i also dislike paying for it every month, as this is planned as really long term game...

i would suggest that you lose your avi when you are inactive for more than 10% of your last active day-count, or at least 10 days [idk what the age req for buying an avy is], where inactive means not logging into the game (if you come around, and even if you come just for free creds, you are more or less planning to get involved again some time and shouldn't lose your avy imo)

meaning to say, older players can keep their avy for a longer period than younger players, as they showed activenes already, which should be honored imo

apart from that: hell no, i don't want to pay a dollar for the avy each month... maybe they should become more expensive to buy, though, as it seems as if a lot of people have huge demand and there's very limited supply... law of the market^^

EDIT: just to make sure you get my point:
player A, some little nooby-player, just reached the age req for an avy, sent 5 dollar to mur, bought an avy and then leaves the game.
said player A would then lose the avy after 10 consecutive days of not loging into the game (once in ten days is manageable, even when you are on holidays in australian outback or something the like... in worst case, get someone to do it for you) and the avy goes back to the shop
another anonymous Player, let's call him Wookie, with 600 active days and an avi, could take a break of up to 60 days (600 x 10%) before logging in again and would still not lose the avatar, the added time-frame he gets is the reward for playing actively for so long

however, 15 days per month means logging in every second day, and if you forget to log in for a week before moving to a new house, for example, because you are busy with other things in general, or if you have computer issues or such, and come back to see your avatar being lost as you only had 14 active days in that month? that doesn't seem like a good solution to me...
[i only clicked that answer because the system wouldn't let me vote unless i choose something on the second question xD]

Edited by Burns
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[quote name='Nex' date='04 July 2009 - 09:14 PM' timestamp='1246709671' post='36097']
i voted "no way!" for the fee, but 15 active days/ 1 credit spend as requirement to keep the avi.
a fee would shatter the dreams of [i]ever[/i] getting a rusty for us vote-credit players, while having avis lost on inactive players is no solution either. 15 active days or 1 credit spend on [i]anything[/i] in the shop is a good requirement, but then i'd add a vacation function (limited to 1 month, 2, 3?), for those going on a interrail trip or something the like.

Nex, if this was so, anyone could just click it even when they're not really on vacation. We should keep on thinking of a better way to solve this.

And I agree with Burns on the price-raising suggestion. ^^

Edited by Fawe
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[quote name='Fawe' date='04 July 2009 - 08:21 PM' timestamp='1246710087' post='36101']
Nex, if this was so, anyone could just click it even when they're not really on vacation. We should keep on thinking of a better way to solve this.

And I agree with Burns on the price-raising suggestion. ^^

like i said, would it be good if we keep both the 15 days option and a credit option available for the people..

that way, they could pick the credit option [if they are sure to be inactive for a set period of time] though, that'd mean that the credit option would require a time equivalent.. say.. 1 month? then reverts back to the 15 day activity requirement..

what do you think?..

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even if i dont have time to play for half a year i would keep logging in everyday to make sure to keep my avy. logging in takes 10seconds of the 24hours of ur day. i also think that a lot of avys are on alts as well. i think the problem lies somewhere else... to log in 15 days each month is no problem. it would be best if there was a way to determine if a player is really active and let avys only stay on active accounts. by active i mean really playing not login in each day for a few mins.

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[quote name='Lifeline' date='04 July 2009 - 02:30 PM' timestamp='1246710645' post='36103']
even if i dont have time to play for half a year i would keep logging in everyday to make sure to keep my avy. logging in takes 10seconds of the 24hours of ur day. i also think that a lot of avys are on alts as well. i think the problem lies somewhere else... to log in 15 days each month is no problem. it would be best if there was a way to determine if a player is really active and let avys only stay on active accounts. by active i mean really playing not login in each day for a few mins.

i had the same thought, but got to a serious trouble in it: who decides what activeness is?
is an RPC active for MD when he's offline writing a quest?
is a player who is roleplaying to be bound to one inaccessible point inactive because he's not walking around to show people his avi?
how many lines do you have to write per day to be active?

if you can't answer that questions, you can't determine activeness...
whereelse inactiveness is easily found, and to use your example: if you take the time to log in everyday, you must obviously plan to come back, else you wouldn't bother, right?

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[quote name='Burns' date='04 July 2009 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1246710920' post='36105']
i had the same thought, but got to a serious trouble in it: who decides what activeness is?
is an RPC active for MD when he's offline writing a quest?
is a player who is roleplaying to be bound to one inaccessible point inactive because he's not walking around to show people his avi?
how many lines do you have to write per day to be active?

if you can't answer that questions, you can't determine activeness...
whereelse inactiveness is easily found, and to use your example: if you take the time to log in everyday, you must obviously plan to come back, else you wouldn't bother, right?

good point. too many questions XD

one of the reasons i poke you lol :]]

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[quote name='Burns' date='04 July 2009 - 01:35 PM' timestamp='1246710920' post='36105']
i had the same thought, but got to a serious trouble in it: who decides what activeness is?
is an RPC active for MD when he's offline writing a quest?
is a player who is roleplaying to be bound to one inaccessible point inactive because he's not walking around to show people his avi?
how many lines do you have to write per day to be active?

if you can't answer that questions, you can't determine activeness...
whereelse inactiveness is easily found, and to use your example: if you take the time to log in everyday, you must obviously plan to come back, else you wouldn't bother, right?

true i thought of something like 1 active day = 1hour logged in and not idle or something like that. but that isnt a good solution as well.
i got ur point there are several players who do most things not being logged into the game. hmm having to log in 15days a month helps for sure but i doubt it would recover more than 10% of the inactive avys. and then again just what u said before. what about holidays? 3weeks holidays somewhere without internet?
i cant think of anythig better. guess the 15days are the best solution for most players

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simple, 1 cred payment is oke, that would bring lots of avys back into shop, both inactive ones and ones on alts (or maybe wont)

i must admit only reason why i have avy is becoz i want to see my medals [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img] and becoz it looks similar to somethin i want it for

either way wot ever is decided i would want a option to get rid of avy for free (i mean to return my avy to shop) and ofc i would like that section called medalii in profile starts working :D

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I dunno.. I bought an avy because I liked the idea of every avy being unique and tied to a player's legend. Having an avy being returned to the shop once the player is inactive kinda kills the original intention of making avys part of a character's legacy. I'd rather have avy prices increased a lot, or requiring much higher active days to buy, so those who don't show intent to stay for a while can't get one, but those who have stayed for a while, and made their avy part of their character, should be allowed to keep their avy. It's not really an appropriate term, sicne players buy their avy at less the cost that Mur spent to get them, but they did 'buy' their avys as part of the MD shop. It kinda hit me as not right to take away what people has paid for, unless it is stated in a disclaimer before purchase.

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actually now that i think about it 1credit every month is fine. if u vote everyday u get 2credits every 8 days right now. sacrificing 4 days to keep an avy for a month is ok in my point of view. and a cost of 1 credit makes sure that u are still serious about the game or active enough to do the free votes.

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I already spent some money to UNLOCK the avatar , now i had an option to buy one ... didn't get the one i want because i was a few minutes too late !

And Now you're simply telling me i will LOOSE my avatar ????????????????? That's just bullshit man !!!

Yeah, they get lost, they will come back in 6 months, don't worry, by then you'll want another trust me !!

I simply ( because of my job ) can not have 15 active days EACH month ! As an average i will probably have more hours LOGED in and active than most others but only as an average ! Because my job sometimes puts me OUT of interenet connection for sometimes almost 2 months ! So it's not fair to people like me !!

I believe the 6 month rule is the best ! Once a player doesn't log in for 6 months he looses account and avatar !

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Agree with MasterB and Burns.

Its not fair for people who cannot access the net every other day like me. I'm mostly online in weekends. So I will have at most 8 active days in some months which will cost me my avatar. Burns Method is good. I think for players who are young to the game should not be permitted to by an avi until they prove their self say atleast 40 active days and MP4.

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I'm not a fan of the idea of people losing their avatars for the prior stated reasons, but also I understand the point of why it would be necessary, but when I got my avatar, the idea was it was something special not meant for all players to have, based on your commitment to md.. So given all this why not just compramise and add a high level avatar protection option in the shop like after you buy your first reset; lets say giving you the option not to have to worry about it for 4 months give or take? Maybe even lock sme avatars for the people who were and are rpc's, I know I would be annoyed to see some new mp3 struting around with Khalazdad's or Ome's avatar..

-Just my 2 cents

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I'd suggest something similiar...

Once you reach an activity of let's say 450 Days, your avatar stays with you. I think given the fact it's over than 1 year not many can fulfill it, in fact even some RPC's don't have that many yet.

Until then you need to be active enough, or select an option in the MDShop Avatar section which states that if activity does not meet the requirements free creds get taken or so.

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[quote name='Lifeline' date='04 July 2009 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1246716918' post='36111']
actually now that i think about it 1credit every month is fine. if u vote everyday u get 2credits every 8 days right now. sacrificing 4 days to keep an avy for a month is ok in my point of view. and a cost of 1 credit makes sure that u are still serious about the game or active enough to do the free votes.

I would disagree. Sure, it "only" takes 4 days, but not everyone can log in everyday. Not everyone can vote much mroe than 4 days worth a month. It means that it will still drive those who rely on free credit alone from being able to access any other shop items.

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[quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='04 July 2009 - 10:18 AM' timestamp='1246720697' post='36118']
Monthly fee no! But the active days must be a must ! :)
I agree on having to be at least 15 active days during that month to keep the avi, I wish that would apply to items owners as well.

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