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Brag about stuff you done

I'm the only person I know of that got 7 principles at MP5 by myself (Lady Isolda got them from Jonn, I think, and King Manu...well, he's Manu...don't even know if he's MP5 O_O)

Also, I've been in about ten alliances

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so this is pips 'confessions' spin-off? ok, some 'achievements' with experimental accounts:
mp3 with over a million exp (quite common)
finished storymode completely without principles (rather rare, i guess)
also: placed in HC with just the heads i got over time :o

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[quote name='Nex' date='01 October 2009 - 05:41 PM' timestamp='1254379282' post='43378']
so this is pips 'confessions' spin-off? ok, some 'achievements' with experimental accounts:
mp3 with over a million exp (quite common)
finished storymode completely without principles (rather rare, i guess)
also: placed in HC with just the heads i got over time :o
Not as common since the Experience cap was institued....

Nex, were you below the experience cap before it was instituted, and still got it to Mill? Otherwise, as you say, not really an achievement >.>

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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[quote name='Liberty4life' date='01 October 2009 - 02:08 AM' timestamp='1254384493' post='43387']
thats nothin mine 40 alts have done same with principals, and my mp3 acc had 1,5 mil of CREAT xp :P beat that

1.8 mil.

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[quote]Not as common since the Experience cap was institued[/quote]
the exp cap was in place ever since i started playing. it actually got increased (IIRC: 280k to 380k exp at mp3 and 2.2mill to 4.2 mill mp4). true, there was a way to decrease your personal exp at lower mp levels once, but thats not what i meant. see below.

[quote]and my mp3 acc had 1,5 mil of CREAT xp :P beat that[/quote]
actually, i can ;)
i think the highest you could get at mp3 with 'normal means' is ~4 mill creature exp.
[spoiler]36 slots + lucky christmas + jester burst(tm)[/spoiler]

i don't have this much myself, but someone could.
with jesters help i think i can exceed the 2 mill mark though.

now i'm just waiting for dst/ no one to top it all :P

[edit: added spoiler tag]

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[quote name='Death Bell' date='01 October 2009 - 02:57 AM' timestamp='1254387471' post='43391']
err can a mp3 have enough stats to break through jester's defense stats ?

Its highly unlikely an MP3 could break my defense stat, although its not so high compared to the strong ones. However, I don't see why they would need to. You're thinking about it all wrong.

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well, a mp3 with help from someone with high ve and tokens+saccing should in theory be able to get infinite principles and creatures

but my personal record for a mp3 was over 2 mill creature exp on 16 creatures :P (it displayed 2 mill under my name, never bothered to calculate the exact number)

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number of creatures is limited by shop resets, value of principles by exp cap and exp resets.

if you take everything [spoiler]i.e. christmas and multiple shop resets (or even: christmas, shop resets, exp resets from wp shop and obligatory optimizing like perfect balance and jester max combo burst + voting before each exp reset)[/spoiler] into account, a mp3 actually COULD have surpassed the mp5 exp cap :)

just.... nobody did.

Edited by Nex
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Fight Log against Mur!!

.Muratus del Mur. is preparing new random strategy
Load Jtz Champion creatures
Load .Muratus del Mur. creatures

... Jtz Champion WINS!

Creature Experience reward for Jtz Champion - Winning player
Agilaz gaines 2408 Xp and a won battle
Willem Tell gaines 2408 Xp and a won battle
Apollo gaines 2408 Xp and a won battle
Yi the Archer gaines 2408 Xp and a won battle
Hayk gaines 2408 Xp and a won battle
Arash gaines 2408 Xp and a won battle

Creature Experience reward for .Muratus del Mur. - Losing player
No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward
Winner does not get a won fight point.
Looser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented!

Edited by juntaozhu15
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