GgSeverin Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 (edited) I suport Fiju's fredom of speech. To ban him from the forum or even to close his topics I consider an abuse. Edited October 29, 2010 by Shadowseeker
Pipstickz Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 But do you think it makes a difference to anyone else whether he can talk or not? It hurts your poor feelings, because you'd want the same if you were in jail. Aww . Maybe he should post something useful. All I saw was "I'm in jail and I want some stuff. Also Grido sucks."
Shadowseeker Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 (edited) EDIT: Oh well, it got opened. Didn't knew prison was also allowed for RP etc, the name of the spell made me associate it differently..ban is suggestive. Actually..he's the first I know of to act like a prisoner. Edited October 7, 2009 by Shadowseeker
Grido Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 If I was put in Jail, or banned for whatever reason, then so long as I knew why it happened I'd take the punishment, and he knows why he was put there.[quote]now that i know that this .Girdo. and his ass lickers, thanx to shade they are still few, with mental issues are not around.[/quote] I see prison as a punishment, not as a place to act however you want still, his posts display he isnt trying to change. If he even made an indication he was trying to, or was, then I would be happy for him to post to his hearts content, but he doesn't. He is quite clearly posting offensive comments towards me, and trying to cause trouble.
Malaikat Maut Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Freedom of speech doesn't exist on a private website. He maintains the freedom to speak however he likes...granted that he exercises that freedom elsewhere.
GgSeverin Posted October 7, 2009 Author Report Posted October 7, 2009 (edited) Pipstickz sais: "But do you think it makes a difference to anyone else whether he can talk or not? It hurts your poor feelings, because you'd want the same if you were in jail. Aww . Maybe he should post something useful. [b]All I saw was "I'm in jail and I want some stuff. Also Grido sucks.[/b]" I do not know Grido. I do not know Fiju. We change some PM sometime... not sure. [u][b]I just said:[/b][/u] (still sustain) [u][b]I [/b][/u]suport Fiju's fredom of speech. To ban him from the forum or even to close his topics [u][b]I consider[/b] [/u]an abuse. Maybe Grido was rigt, and fiju guilty this has nothing to do with what I say. And maybe fredom of speech doesn't exist on a private website as [b]Malaikat Maut[/b] sais, but I am free and speak free now! If a moderator close this topic which [b]I opened[/b] I will be free and free to speak but not here. Edited October 7, 2009 by GgSeverin
fiju Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 k.. i really hate to have to write about this above all in a festival period but since this is the second time that someone prohibits my tries to involve myself in MD lands. I'm so confused that I need to post it like this and try to resolve the mystery for myself and others that have IQ 90 about our position in MD world so I will start from the roots of my doubts: First of all can anyone explain to me who is this Grido person? dis he invent this game? is he the C.E.O. of in-game story development? is he an owner of this game? Does he own this forum? Does he own the server? Is he official representative of the MD community? I need answers to those questions since I got following responses from him in the last few days this is the link of my BAN situation: [code][/code] and several particular responses state that: [quote]"I do not care about what you want in there, nor shall you get it" Topic is closed [/quote] only conclusion that I could get from such treatment is that he either owns MD story development or he firmly believes so. second: [quote]"Fiju, we don't need or want an account of your time in jail, it is not there to have fun in, but for punishment for doing wrong"[/quote] Confusion is this person uses the "WE" personal pronoun all the time. WHO IS WE??? so if i understand it correctly he seems to think that he represent lets see MD community counts 2,432 souls .. ok lets say that only a quarter are active members so that leaves us with 608 persons that he think he represent and it just cant be coz i personally saw that there is at the present moment one person that understand what i was trying to do in that post. [b]so from here he must think that he is official representative of MD community.[/b] When he closed that topic i realized that maybe i'm posting my entry's in a wrong section so i reopened this subject in a [b]"Necrovian/New Player Roles and Legends section" [/b] and there again my subject was closed and this is what he wrote: [code][/code] [quote] We don't want to hear it, continue doing this and i'll enforce moderator preview on your posts / block you from posting Topic closed[/quote] and here as you can all see my second attempt to involve in MD is stopped and here we go with a "WE" thing again and therefore i asked if he owns this forum as well?? Also when he mentioned that he will ENFORCE things i deduct that maybe he invented a game too and i wonder after a relatively long period of playing Is Magic Duel Role play or play as someone else like you to play?? Is this game meant for chosen ones only?? Does we minions that have less than IQ 90 have opportunity to play/involve as well or we serve only to fill the land??? Many questions i have but simply tired and my 30 year old experience is telling me that i should stop. a elaboration about my BAN This GODLIKE person posted next: [quote]Fiju (over 600 days) has been banned today for; 1.Spamming chat on various occasions, 2.Swearing multiple times, being warned right after multiple times, and continueing to swear in disregard of anything said to him to deter it.[/quote] 1. I will NEVER EVER admit this and since he didn't post any proof about my spamming the only thing that ocures to me is that he meant about my first at temp to involve my character in MD lands by chanting in a times of .Shoeps. and yes.. in that time i did wrote word "Yog-Sothoth" 10-20 times as a part of my chants in a front of [b]Necrovian Howling gate[/b] and in a front of [b]house of tainted times[/b] 2 or 3 times a day accompanied with some text that explain what i was doing and i was even surprised that some of the MD family like those chants and if those are SPAM then the for example Metal bunny, his minions and bunny empire entry's are GODS of SPAM [size="4"]**I wish to be noted that i dont have anything against Bunny empire or my old aquaintance metal playboy or his minions what so ever**[/size] just needed an example sorry playboy 2. Swearing.. am i guilty?? .. well [b]NO[/b] i don't think so but yes i did say [s]"SHIT"[/s] word after i realized that i was transported from "Stone of Twisted Souls" i think to "GOE" as anyone who ever woke up in a strange unknown bed after one long drinking night as a part of a Role play but noooooooooo i was interrupted with no swearing thing before i even had time to explain.. and when i clicked on that person and saw that on the TAG was written Golemus or Glemicus [b]nevermind read enemy[/b] i react instinctively with [s]WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU NOW[/s] frase as i am tired and tired of people that pretend to be guards/moderators and such in a past two years and if i remember correctly i left from "GOE" and that's the story so am i guilty ??? from my point of view NO and from some yes.. i do know one thing : the Grido person told me that i should and those are his words [quote]until then enjoy prison life.[/quote] and i'm really trying i have 6 rooms at my disposal and several clickable object and i DO PLAN TO STAY HERE FOR A VERY LONG TIME!!! and maybe even trow some story which i will certainly fail but what a hell i would like to try it anyway.. now i think that this is all for now and before i Finnish i would like you moderators/developers/LHO-s and anyone who have time to read all this to mention my story when they find some time (no rush at all) i will go nowhere, to the appropriate people so they can give their opinion. Thanx to all for reading and for support of True and free [b]MAGIC DUEL[/b][b][/b] F Watcher, Jubaris and Lazarus 2 1
GgSeverin Posted October 7, 2009 Author Report Posted October 7, 2009 (edited) . Edited October 9, 2009 by GgSeverin
Fenrir Greycloth Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Okay, Fiju. You have been banned. Take it like a man, and shut up. You're not helping yourself at all. What could have been a week long sentence is surely to be a month long now because of your little temper tantrum. Jubaris, Grido, Watcher and 1 other 2 2
Grido Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 (edited) [quote]k.. i really hate to have to write about this above all in a festival period...[/quote]Not to sound too harsh, but i dont really believe you here. [quote] First of all can anyone explain to me who is this Grido person? dis he invent this game? is he the C.E.O. of in-game story development? is he an owner of this game? Does he own this forum? Does he own the server? Is he official representative of the MD community?[/quote]I am me, I am manager of the LHO's and I enforce some of the game rules. I make no claims that i invented or own the game or the forum. I am a moderator on the forum, as well in the game. For pedantic sake; Active today: 768 (794 in 24h) Active in 48h: 1091 And as part of my job, yes, I have to enforce the some of the rules on behalf of the player base so that their playing remains enjoyable and is not spoiled by those disregarding the rules. I closed the topic because;[quote]I see prison as a punishment, not as a place to act however you want still[/quote] [quote]Is Magic Duel Role play or play as someone else like you to play??[/quote]MagicDuel is a role play game, but as with any game, there are rules, I help to ensure those rules are followed, and punish those that break them, you broke them, and I am punishing you. [quote]Swearing.. am i guilty?? .. well NO i don't think so but yes i did say....[/quote]Contradicting yourself, right... The swearing part, there is no excuse for, you swore, i asked you not to swear, and then you swore again. Many people woke up at GoE after being at Twisted Souls, and yet none of them swore when they woke up, and you did. @Gg, i was not suggesting removing his account, or banning him, Moderator enforced, or whatever the phrase i used was, means that when the person posts, the post is invisible until a Mod approves the post, this would prevent him from posting inflamatory posts about me. Edited October 7, 2009 by Grido
Pipstickz Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 On a big game with, say, 100 000 players (one that's mainly played by a younger age-group), you swear a few times, you get banned, you swear on the forums, you get banned on the forums. MD is different. You actually get a few chances, rather than just a ban.
cryxus Posted October 8, 2009 Report Posted October 8, 2009 Do you guys really understand freedom of speech AT ALL? Have any of you heard the expression "I'm free to swing my fist until it reaches your nose?" you know it's still illegal to run into an elevator and yell BOMB! and on a private website... there is no freedom of speech. Not only that allowing such non-sense is beyond retarded! It only serves to make the Forum Mods look like a group of slack-asses who can't keep their own area of expertise from degrading. I can't believe some of the shit I read sometimes... ~Cryxus
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