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Spamming Pls


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Ok. I think I had enough of it. Recently the spamming of the PLs reached a new level. It seems it's a race who gets to mark a noob's PL first. And they only put things like 1 or first or 2 in there. That's just pure spam!

I have some solutions for it but they are kind of radical. So...what would you do about it?

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As long as we are addressing player logs, perhaps we could also clarify the appropriate steps to take about posts that aren't spam but are offensive or inappropriate in some way? I haven't seen many of these but there are a few out there, of various types and in various player's logs. Maybe there should be one person listed as the contact for any problem with PLs, who would have the power to change them when necessary?

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[quote]perhaps we could also clarify the appropriate steps to take about posts that aren't spam but are offensive or inappropriate in some way?[/quote]
Offensive or negative comments, are in themselves comments....so technically nothing to do about them
If there is swearing in them, it's a different matter

hehe, fun idea Burns, but that would result in a fair amount of people being able to, and it'd be extremely abuseable, unless someone reviews the changes that were made each day, which could end up being me, being LHO manager an all, that'd be a FUN task...

Kings having total control over it's citizens, and thus being able to remove PL comments is a fair idea i suppose, but then you still have those who aren't a citizen of one of the four main lands, and there'd be nobody to remove bits for them.

A tertiary idea would be that the person who's PL it is, has some sort of a tick box for spam comments, if they tick a box next to a comment it goes to a list, and ~someone~ reviews the list of flagged PL comments (from everyone) and deletes from a seperate interface without knowing who's PL they are on, thus removing bias or obvious abusability (that i can see).

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[quote]but then you still have those who aren't a citizen of one of the four main lands, and there'd be nobody to remove bits for them.[/quote]

Then this is just another reason to try and apply for a land. As for the outcasts...well...it's their fault and this could be their punishment. Also we can punish players that write stupid stuff not just remove the foul words from PLs.

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[quote name='Grido' date='26 October 2009 - 02:45 PM' timestamp='1256593514' post='45822']
Offensive or negative comments, are in themselves comments....so technically nothing to do about them
If there is swearing in them, it's a different matter. [/quote]

To clarify, I don't consider negative or critical comments to be offensive and I didn't mean to suggest that they should be removed. If you want to insult someone in their PL that seems like fair game to me, but there should be limits on the language you can use to do that. Swearing is obviously one possibility, but I was actually referring more to harassment, or language that insults entire groups of people rather than just the player in question, or jokes about things that aren't appropriate to joke about. In my mind those types of comments cross the line from rude to offensive and shouldn't be used in publicly readable logs.

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An interesting dilemma: do we remove useless and inappropriate remarks, perhaps punish the offenders? Or do we let them be, so that people can read and judge for themselves. What you write in another persons' log often tells more about yourself than about that person.

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I was thinking along those lines too Kafuuka. The immature comments left on most pls only tell how mature the poster is.

In the case of harassment, in most cases a simple ignore would be fine. However there are certain people who use alts to write stuff about other players to try and give them a worse name.

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