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Some of you may know that 5 days a week (assuming that I am not sick and other things do not get in the way) I tell a story to the Oak seed.

I am now reaching out to you, MD community, with the following question. If you would not want me to write about it, but would still like to share your memory, please say so in your post.

The following is the question:

"What is the most vivid, meaningful, or significant memory you have had in MD?"

Thank you in advance!


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Memories - how interesting!

Now a memory i have is one that may possibly be shared with others. But to me alone it is important.

It started when i arrived in the MDA archives empty room on the east of the building. Kieth Moon, Pample, Inno, Kouros are the people i remember to be here, but there were possibly more (how embarresing if there were!)

I remember being greeted in a very friendly way by Inno, and will allways remember the pleasant conversations we all enjoyed, of everything and nothing. I particulary remember this as it was the first time i met Kouros.

It will allways be special to me, and gives that place in MD a special meaning to me, everytime i have been there since, the memories just come flooding back x

Maybe it was the friendship i felt there, the happiness in a room which appears bleak and empty, maybe it was meeting like-minded people, maybe it was the excitement of falling in love.. *blushes* i dont know. But i do know that i hold it dear and one that i wanted to talk about. I have had a few other memories, ones i wish to forget, and other ones since that to me are just as important, But i know this is the One memory, i would like to keep if i was to lose all others x

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Most if not all of my memories are still vivid for me. It has been a year or so yet I still remember every single thing that has happened. Even on my first day.

But I will agree with Marvolo. Khalazdad and I spend a great deal of time together. As I was getting to know him better the events that took place at those times are unforgetable.

Yet honestly, I can not say which memory was more vivid than the other. They all are of great importance to me and the feelings I get if something or someone brings hose memories back, I really have no words for it.

I remember the times I was bartending in the Sozzled Salamander (Wind's Sanctuary), I remember my training days at Willow's, the private moments I spend with Keith Moon and Z, the day I was adopted, my winning on HC Contest during X-mas, my wedding with dst (THAT was priceless), the day my avatar turned golden (I am sure this is also Z's vivid memory), the first time I saw Bob bloom, the day Khalazdad left and many many many others.

Forgive me if I could not answer your question properly with a single answer but it was really hard for me to choose which was more important. Unlike other places, MD gave me wonderful and unforgetable memories. Most if not all, I wouldn't change them for the world.

But now that I do think about it, the most vivid memory I have is the first day I joined the community for it was also the same day that I entered Necrovion. That defined everything that was to come.

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One moment?
Not sure i can do that....

I remember a LOT, but it tends to need prompting, and so i remember the things Peace mentioned, ofc i remember Khalazdad, I remember when i came back (which most of you will not recall) after a couple months absence, and my struggle to get back into the game, seeing all the faces i vaguely remembered, and pushing myself into the community, i recall certain players first days, and their last (even some of the ones other people dont consider so important), i recall no loreroot guards, a newspaper instead of a paper cabin (joke), when there were but 5 people running around the realm at a time.
So...i remember a lot....

But one moment, there is no single moment that sticks out to me i dont think, each one has a reason for my remembering it.

[spoiler]yup, me showing off my age[/spoiler]

LE: Mya's post made me remember King Bulls and Ailiths wedding, that was great fun

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[color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]My best memory is of Lucius and Aia's wedding. It was the first "big" event I got to witness. Their vows were beautiful and Khalazdad performed the ceremony. That was one of only a couple of times that I ever got to see Khal awake.

The reception at the DQ was quite an event, too. It was the first time I was really immersed in an RP event. A truly magical event. [/font]:P[/color]

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Yes, I see Grido's issue with a question so broad.

So maybe I will refine it.

This might be an ongoing conversation, we'll see, and I definitely will be talked to people individually.

"Do you remember your first day in MD? What was special, hard, etc.?"

The thing I remember most about my first day in MD was Perrobotillo, the little dog in the Paper Cabin, and the massive amounts of information I asked him about. I'm sure he was frustrated by me. He was the reason I joined the Sentinels later, and even later than that chose to be an LHO.


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well my first day was nice... ran into one american, this good LHO who stopped playing for months ago as far as I know, we talked about political actions of America towards Serbia :D he was interesting lad, shame he stopped playing, I had a good time.

Somehow I made a pause (i started at may 2008), and started to play the game again in january 2009, I had no friends here at that point, and it wasnt going that well, then I met Anubarak who helped me out and become my mentor, who is pretty much responsible for me staying here, and making a Savelite you all know today :P

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My first memory in the realm is finding my old friend Alwin, who guided me into free roam only to realise it was HC! We hid out the next few days in the Archives Gardens, and challenged eachother who could solve the Broken Pattern Gazebo puzzle first. Alwin won, but I got my first WP too.

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Ah, interesting.

"Who gave you your first wishpoint, and why? Did you feel you deserved it?"

My first wishpoint was given to me by Gargant for an aurora borealis puzzle quest, and to be honest... I don't feel I did anything worthy of a wishpoint. It was only a matter of figuring out how the words were encoded, and while difficult, I didn't feel that I had done something special or spectacular.


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I believe I got mine from solving the Broken Pattern Gazebo as well. Spend it before I actually had it on me.

I feel I deserved it after spending hours and days from studying it. As other did before me and much later as well.

Edited by DarkPriestess
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I cannot remember much of my first day.. I know that I was amazed by the artworks, they stunned me. I don't remember talking to anyone or anything special happening.
I remember I stopped for some reason in '07 after Christmas, then got back a few months (a half year maybe?) later. So many things changed, I was completely lost.

So.. the feeling of being lost and alone is my memory.

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Ha...memories...Where should I start?
I first saw the game being played by someone else (yeah, No one) with dst. I literally hated the game. I was thinking like: oh, he has just few more of those points then he will not be able to move! Yay! Then he will stop playing! Imagine my disappointment when I saw the regen counter...I consider those days to be my first ones.I don't remember too many of the players. I just remember that Willow's Shop was highly populated and everyone was idle looking for loses. For a noob like me, who wanted to grow, that was heaven on earth! :D

First wp? No idea :))
But I do remember how I got my left hand ;)). I was the second to finish simplyzero's quest. And I got it! :D

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On my first day I remember loving the design of the game and the odd way in which you were supposed to progress with it. I remember thinking the house of liquid dust was amazing and how brilliant the design of the shades were, how clever the Aramory's construction was, and feeling very like there was something special here for some reason.

I gained my first WP from Bootes for a very nice quest of his I thoroughly enjoyed. Did I deserve it? Of course, I completed a task for which the reward was a wish point.


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