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[Necrovion]Riddle - Tales From The Prison


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It seems that Adam's mental problem is getting worse. The other day he was hallucinating and eating the prison bars, yesterday he tried to kill himself, and earlier today is much worse:

Day 351 Year 4

[b]The Deadly Paws[/b]

[attachment=1331:ADAM INSANE!.jpg]

His hallucination and mental illness is getting dangerous for others and for himself. He can kill an inmate if this continues without medical treatment, now he believes that he is a Cat and, apparently, killed Peace. Fiju, an Inmate Healthcare Supervisor is not always around, and I am Bored has no knowledge about health or mental problems, this will not be resolved and will just get even worse as the days pass by...

Watch out for the next installation.

[PN: I created the "Chad" account for all of my characters, but it got banned so I have to speak through this account for all of them, so now I don't talk about Lazarus, I talk about Adam Riddle.]

Edited by Shadowseeker
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Day 358 Year 4, Christmas Day...

[b]A lonely evening[/b]

Adam is searching for food, to have atleast a small dinner on the Christmas eve. He saw I am Bored eating while the guards guide him out of the prison along with Fiju, as I am Bored throws his snack on the prison cell and leaves, Adam ran into the iron bars and grabs it to try to watch the two as they make their way out until they disappear.

Hungry, Adam Riddle hurries to the snack and took the leftovers, he saw a plate under the wooden bed and pours his dinner onto it. "Meow" he said and licks his nose, thinking he is still a cat, he licks his paws and cleans himself before eating.

[attachment=1362:xmas adam.jpg]

Adam enjoys his Christmas eve dinner, he is alone but happy, he doesn't feel sadness because of his mental illness. He will eat alone and will spend some time alone, he has no one to talk to but his imaginary friends, but you can see happiness beyond his watery eyes and dry lips...

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Day 0 Year 5

[b]The Bitter End[/b]

Adam Riddle disappeared in the prison. That was the last action the he did before getting transported to the Gazebo of Chaos, someone found him lying there, dead... I don't know who killed him, but I want justice, justice for killing a sick person who got locked up before and have faced many terrible things, he have faced all of those ofcourse with the reason of being just [b]mentally ill[/b].

He may be resurrected or not, but one thing is certain, he hasn't found justice...

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