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The Principle of Syntropy is the symmetric principle of the Principle

of Entropy. In the actual faze of the cyclicity of the universe, this

principle is extremely rare and hard to notice.

Unlike the Principle of Entropy, whose forces rule over those

phenomena originating in the past, the Principle of Syntropy is the

basis of those events that originate in the future, events that depend

on an yet untouched superior force of organization and energy. The two

symmetric principles can coexist.

The best example of syntropy is life itself, at least to some extent.

The motivation of the human kind to accomplish their purposes is also

ruled by this principle.

The conscious control of this principle can be made both directly -

even though this is extremely difficult and even impossible for those

entities that are dedicated to destruction – and indirectly with the

help of some auxiliary energies.

The Principle of Syntropy is the basis of clear-sightedness,

prediction, intuition, healing, growth, some regeneration forms and

some forms of annulment of destruction based on energy consumption

  • 6 months later...

Use more simple words if u don't mind ,i think am not the only one with bad english here ,beside even if i was that good at english there's too much complicated terms and phrases ,please use more simple language in the future ,or use a summary at the end of every topic .

Thanks :P


To be honest I can see why - at the moment the descriptions are beautiful poetic and philosophical, to simplify them too much would destroy that and rob the game of much of it's mystery.

Tell ya what though Forsaken, if the language barrier gets a little too thick at any point feel free to give me a shout and I can rephrase it into something easier for you - I'm good at that kind of thing (years of working help desks...)

But worry not... a lot of native English speakers will struggle with the concepts too, just because they are not the simple cliches everyone is used to :D

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

So, am I right in believing Syntropy and Time are closely connected? I get the feeling that you could increase your perceptibility of the future if you have a firm understanding of the flow of time...but for that matter, I enjoy seeing the web of interconnections between all of the principles. Perhaps a combination of closest ties in the giant web is what creates the most powerful magic? I think of it as similar to the flow of chi. The correct principles can flow from one to the next to induce a torrent of destruction or an ebbing pool of gentle healing. I can see a wonderful connection from Element to syntropy to time to balance to cyclity which would start us right back at element.

This is truly an ingenious creation Manu. Judging by your word choices, I'm sure you knew this already, but I have to say these deeper concepts are amazingly needed in our world of simple cliche's as was mentioned in one of the other threads. I hope you can find the right programing to properly connect all of these concepts with the game and magic the way they are in life: all connected in a smooth flowing form.

  • 2 months later...
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