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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok i just got the final verdict today. The winners where selected by the 3 judges ranking there most favorite and second favorite. The one they choose as there favorite was assigned a total of two points the second favorite was selected and assigned one point.
The results are as follows:
Fyrd took first place with 4 points with a ranking of two second places and a first
Assira the black takes second place with a rank of 3 points with a first and a second placing by the judges.
Princ finally took third with three points ranked by one judge as a first place.
The judges personal choices will remain concealed in order to protect them from personally targeted attacks.

However congratulations to the winners Fryd and Assira the black. As promised Fryd will receive a wish point and Assira will receive 10 silver coins in the following days.

Would the mods please move this topic to the quest results page.

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