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I recently got a C.A.T. scan for my brain and well, things aren't that good. Last July I had 3 brain tumors surgically removed. Apparently, 2 more have appeared and are not in a good place... Basically, they think it might not be operable and well, if it's not, I'll have about a year to live. If they do happen to be operable, there's about a 15% percent chance of survival. Chemotherapy is not an option due to my body reacting negatively to the drugs used. This weekend I won't be in MD due to me being over in London Ontario, and talking to different doctors for their opinions, get a few blood samples done, and a few more scans.

Just thought I'd let you know what's been happening the past week or so in case you've been missing me in MD (which is doubtful :P)

Apart from the bad news: My contest is still going on, no winners yet so go over there and guess!

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Keep the Faith brother.

I am still recovering from my accident which happened two weeks ago I tell you that prayers are heard.

God has other plans for you I know. Just keep hanging in there and you'll make it through.



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Well, I'm back now. Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers :). Basic consensus is that it's inoperable, at least right now, but they did say that they can move/shrink, so they could be operable later. I'm really not freaking out about it or anything, everything's going to work out to the will of God so whatever happens, happens.

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I would recommend looking at new experimental treatments, such as taking a sample and making a sort of vaccine against the tumor.

Eat shiitake mushrooms (cooked, of course). They contain AHCC (active hexose correlated compound), which boosts your immune system.

I'm sure you can tip the scales that the 15% will become your favor. Don't ever give up. You are in control of yourself, not some destiny, or God.

Good luck.

Edited by apophys
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  • 1 month later...

Too often does Real Life hit us hard and when it happens to someone here in the world of RP I don't think you'll find a more reserved feeling toward someone you may barely know then you do with all of us. I have seen and felt a lot of pain and suffering in my short life, but I do know the human spirit is one of the most durable things ever to exist and we here at MD who know you Yoshi are behind you in our thoughts our prayers and you have our full support for the journey ahead.

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  • 5 weeks later...

These are brain cells right there neurons. There has been (I think in Britain im not exactly sure) where they have injected the cold sore virus into the tumors the result since healthy neurons don't divide and cancerous neurons divide uncontrollably was the tumors stopping from growing since the cold sore virus only kills dividing cell. Anyways its something to look into is things go to worse.
This is what i could find on it.
It might be interesting to some other people as well.

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^ This thread was posted in February, thus not being an April Fool's joke like the other one.
You know, having a tumor is not the same as dying.

Incidentally, Yoshi, how are things with the tumor?

Edited by apophys
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