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Too much story leaving me without directions...

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Well... I curently at the "after the carnival" part, after I kicked the clown and went to seek redemption or something...

Anyways, what I've wanted to say here is that there's just too much story going on here, after chapter 1 (which all ALL reading (story mode)) the story doesnt seem to stop, it seems that I can roam freely in the area but I just dont have leads...

What happened to the game style like at the parologue??

- the 3-5 page story, then mission of roaming...

Now it seems that the story just doesnt end and I read just to pump up my stats without any real direction... I'm afraid to continue as I'm afraid to find out that i missed the whole point at the beginning and I`ll need to make a new charecter..

Another thing; it seems that after each and every story page after kicking the clown u get a "continue now" part when u can choose from continue now or wait 24 hrs...

which quite takes the essence out of the 24 hrs waiting time aspect... not fun :D

Anyways, I consider BOTH of these problems as major bugs or miscalculations or whatever you wanna call em, so please look into it and see what you can do, I really wanna play this game again...


Anthony :D


I just delt with the clown and the mallet, now waiting for the next page.

I think the options of waiting are kinda nice, I just wish that there was more "story" per "page" or that a new area or two opened up with each page.

The Prolog/Tutorial part of the story was nice. It seemed to tie in the world and you and gave you some background as to what was going on.

Starting with Chapter 1 though, I am not sure.

It all depends on where it is going.

It'd be nice if each page of the story introduced you to new aspects of the game and opened up new areas to explore. I don't like the tie in of stat increase/decrease to the story progression so much, but it is what it is.

Right now there are 34-odd areas for me to explore, but the new areas opened up with Chapter 2, haven't yet tied into the story. Of course I am only 4 or so odd pages into it, but I am hoping that there will be some tie in as to why we are in the world we are in, what has happened in the past to make the world the way it is now and how we will use the principles we choose so long ago.

I don't think you will miss anything. I think all of the story paths lead to the same place, just give different reward levels, maybe even different rewards all together.

I don't necessarily think it is a design flaw, it was intended to make differences in characters -- I think.



What I ment is that theres only story, page after page, and it all seems to progress really fast (for the roaming part)...

It just seems a bit useless to read all of these pages, get all these stats without actually having on what to use them for...

It's pretty frustrating...

Plus the 24 hrs wait option after each 8 lines page quite making the whole system useless... its or you read 1 page per day (seems kind of stupid cos usually when you get yourself to play game you usually already in the game after few minutes and its uneasy to say goodbye to it :D) or you click continue and loose the opportunity to maximase stats...


What I ment is that theres only story, page after page, and it all seems to progress really fast (for the roaming part)...

It just seems a bit useless to read all of these pages, get all these stats without actually having on what to use them for...

It's pretty frustrating...

Plus the 24 hrs wait option after each 8 lines page quite making the whole system useless... its or you read 1 page per day (seems kind of stupid cos usually when you get yourself to play game you usually already in the game after few minutes and its uneasy to say goodbye to it :D) or you click continue and loose the opportunity to maximase stats...


ok, first off - this game is in Alpha testing. You cannot play a game that isn't even in beta test yet and expect it to work just like a game you bought at the store. You are pretty much here to assist in the testing of what has been implemented so far.

The story is a very important part of the game. Think of it as a "Choose your own adventure" novel. You are given a story and presented with choices. How the game progresses for you is ALL up to you and the decisions you make in story mode.

The 24hr meditation period is optional. I took it an most occasions, but then I wanted higher stats and a better honor. If that isn't something you want to do, then that is up to you. I suggest that while you are in the tutorial you take the game day-by-day. Patience is a virtue. The longer you remain in tutorial mode, the longer you go without having a target painted on your forehead.

my 2 cents


Yah but the whole point about waiting 24 hrs is that there`ll be some brake between each 24 hr waiting period, you cant expect from a person who wants a good charecter to read 3 lines/day then leave the game, I dont quite think that that's what developers wanted when they created the game...

Anyways, I'm aware that this is an alpha test, im just naming bugs and miscalculations here, thats why we're playing this game so early in the development stage after all... :D


ok, i see what you mean. But i think it all really comes down to personal perspective in this case. I really had no problem with the waiting period myself, and more patience have a greater reward.

When i was on the 24hr meditation, I'd explore, buy more creatures, talk to people on line (when someone would actually talk that is) to find out how best to go about rituals and game/story related objectives, or I'd just log out and do something else for a while.

With the storyline, since it is such an important part of the game, I think the creators had in mind a deep and intelligent world that you can just breeze through if you want, but that does kind of take away from the game.

If you were to receive the same bonus rewards for "continue now" as you would with a 24hr meditation, or the 24hr meditation was completely removed altogether, I believe it would detract from the intent behind the game/story. After all, when you meditate upon a course of action, that means you are (supposedly) thinking hard on the subject to come up with the best response to the situation at hand. Hence the greater reward for deep contemplation. Why should you be rewarded as well for just "winging it"?


I didn't say the the rewards are not good, although for waiting 24 hrs giving you double exp/stats from the original choice doesnt seem quite the appropriate reward for a 24 hr waiting period...

Anyways, what I ment that instead of leaving the player waiting after every 3 lines it would be much MUCH better to add a "reading pause" every now and then with a quest at the eand which connect you and the roaming part to the story... I dunno... mindless reading without any action doesnt quite seem to deliver...


You are more and more starting to sound like a troll...

If it doesn't deliver for you it doesn't mean it's not ok for other players. I had no problem waiting for 24h just like Actraiser and just like many other players who waited for the continuation with enthusiasm.

That's how the story goes. Live with it or don't, it's up to you. No one is forcing you to pick the 24h option. If you don't like to wait then don't.


I'ts your call... :D

I'm just trying to help here and bring up ideas to enchance the game, if it suits you and many others as you say then I dunno what to say...

Hopefully matu will read this and call the right shots... :D

Hopefully matu will read this and call the right shots... :D

Are you sure this is what you really mean? It sounds more like you are saying "hopefully he agrees with me and implements these changes"

Just drop this already...the creators are onto a good thing. If you don't like it, go play Rune Quest or something.


I think what Hanuka is saying, is that the story progresses wether you do something or not.

Which, except for the tutorial, when you have to kill off the Liquid Dust creatures, is pretty much true.

All you have to do is wait and the next page of the story is available. There is no "quest" related triggers; you don't have to search and discover some clue lying about, kill anything else, talk to any other NPC to get more information, just wait the period you choose and the next page is available.

For example; if we could visit the Carnaval in game, perhaps talk to some of the people there, get some information, then after we find an object hidden behind a rock or talk to enough people to get a clue, the next page of the story would be available.

I think he is suggesting that by adding some more interaction with the Story, it would be better.

I am not sure it would or not. You'd definately feel that you are helping the story along, but then again, the whole part of a Story is reading it, not interacting with it. I think Actraiser is correct in that the intent of the story is more the "Choose your own Adventure" type of story, where you choose a path and then flip to that page.

Although I think that some of the Story choice presented so far are more to determine your teprement and set some of your stats accordingly, but I could be wrong.



yah, the whole new page after you get next clue or something is what I was trying to suggest, I think it`ll be much more better then just have the whole story to rush on, or wait a whole day to read the next 3-4 lines... :D

  • Root Admin

The story is ment to divide players in groups based on their choices. From here there is a very clear picture about what each player choses and what kind of player he is, consider it as kind of profiler engine.

The story will become more interactive of course. Right now not all the sections are ready to be connected to the story and if i connect only part of them then you will end up blocked somewhere. For now the story can go unstopped so that you can see it all and still have access to different places.

About the waiting and waiting ...well this game is supposed to be played bit by bit each day and to develop your profile not to run throu it without knowing what is going on and "finish" it.

Chapter 3 will be implemented as story only at first, while new interaction will be added to chapter 2. To make the story interactive its a very hard task and goes slow.


Some things that will change will be:

Marind Bell gate will close for those who remain in the parc and for those who run from it leaving them blocked in one of the lands. People outside will get an option to join one of the other lands (you see,,, first they need to be UNLOCKED!!) , people remaining in MB will get more time to discover MB secrets and also find a secret passage outside of MB that will also open the gate for them.

In No man's land you will find a creature guarding a artefact, you will get 2 options , solve the puzzle of the artefact or kill the damn creature (that will be powerfull). Artefact gives you both reward and unlockes one of the lands.

These are the tasks on my imediate todo list.

The thing is that i cant work full day on this in this period, i have to make some money to advertise this project as i am all alone in this, and also work on other ongoing projects. I usualy stay a couple of hours a day and make minor to medium improvements to the game, for example today i added the changelog notification system and also a new feature is about to be ready today. To connect the story to the game interaction takes much more ...so be patient, better something bit by bit then nothing at all.


Hello to all of you behind this project.

First of all, I`d like to say that this game IS different that other games (Ogame, runescape, tribalwars and other addictive games), and I`ll be here for a while, so don`t stop making it interesting and good looking like it is now:)

Graphics r great and that was the first thing that attracted me to play it.

second thing was the story which is reminding me on the game I used to play when I was a kid, name was SANITARIUM. the best click and point game ever if It`s up to me.

The only problem I personally had was the story. It was so tasty that I had no choice but to read it in one bite, so I lack on my stats now, but nwm.

when the story get connected with roam mode as in tutorial mode, than it will be much playable.

P.S. Where is this game being built? Which country? If I`m not rude:)

Best regards.


yap, exatly what I wanted to say in my last messeges :)

btw, from what I got the admins are romanian so I assume that they make the game from romania... or I dunno... :)

  • Root Admin

24 during tutorial MAYBE only for the next time you play the story at mindpower4 and up.

SANITARIUM ...was great game, i played it myself with great pleasure.

Game is developed in Romania.

24 during tutorial MAYBE only for the next time you play the story at mindpower4 and up.

SANITARIUM ...was great game, i played it myself with great pleasure.

Game is developed in Romania.

Manu, first time we meet I'll treat you to a beer.. or two :)


lol thats if you meet him. i dont know what i would do if i met King Manu. first i would ask him WHY? he started this game. i know its fun, just want to know....


Hmmm... The thing that mainly draws my attention to this game is the fact that it still IS in developement, many, many games, I've played while in developement, and heled along a little bit, and helped out programming on a few, but the best part is seeing it develope, I don't know why, but it's fun, also I like the 24 hour option, also, will there be a prtection/ ranking prevention implemented eventually? I mean, say, someone has double my creature points, and a lot more creatures and creature experience. So, if everytime I leave sanctuary, and i get merc.ed, it's sort of hard to attack other people to get stronger...

  • Root Admin
Hmmm... The thing that mainly draws my attention to this game is the fact that it still IS in developement, many, many games, I've played while in developement, and heled along a little bit, and helped out programming on a few, but the best part is seeing it develope, I don't know why, but it's fun, also I like the 24 hour option, also, will there be a prtection/ ranking prevention implemented eventually? I mean, say, someone has double my creature points, and a lot more creatures and creature experience. So, if everytime I leave sanctuary, and i get merc.ed, it's sort of hard to attack other people to get stronger...

the honor point linits and penalityes should take care of that. however this is in testing. maybe total creature experience limits will be also implemented

  • 2 weeks later...

back to the question, im gonna restart this thread with another thought -

What would everybody prefer, too litle storyine, or too much?

If you think about it, this game is only in ALPHA testing, so its going pretty strong if people are complaining about too much storyline. My personal opinion is that its a bloody good game, keep at itKing Manu <_< If you lose people over too much storyline, thne yo know youve at least got my full support :rolleyes:

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