Rendril Posted April 2, 2010 Report Posted April 2, 2010 (edited) Scripts now require a location to be specified that they can be run from. Syntax is:[code] (locations coords)[/code] Where coords would be the user location, for example: [code](locations 1_0x0_1)[/code] This would limit the script to only being run fom the Gazebo of Equilibrium. Please note that string quotes are not used for the coords, that is, no " or '. Additional locations can be allowed to access a by seperating them with a comma, no spaces in between. For example: [code](locations 1_0x0_1,1_1x1_1,0_0x0_0)[/code] A maximum of 12 locations are allowed to be given access to a single script. The line can be placed anywhere in the script. Currently, variables are not supported in the settings. So this will not work: [code] @va = '1_0x0_1'; (locations @va) [/code] Ghost scripts can still be accessed, but only from the locations given access. Edited April 3, 2010 by Rendril Amoran Kalamanira Kol and Handy Pockets 2 Quote
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