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Autum Contest


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Ok, i have to announce it now ...

This is a vegetable beauty-contest.
As we all know, vegetables are planted in spring and in autum you eat them ...(most of them...)

Here is what you need to do:

Choose a vegetable and start planting it.
You will have to take pictures of it from the begining (planting part) untill the end ; step-by step untill it's full grown, in the autum.
Don't forget to add the MD sign near or on it.

Take care of your seeds and what grows from them, remember it is a beauty-contest!

Have fun.

Oh yeah..rewards will be up..in autum :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

since my garden is over 50 feet long by over 20 feet wide I made an album for all the pictures for this quest.

*edit* It's labeled Fall Festival Pictures for those that care to watch the progress

Edited by phantasm
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Video of me planting pumkin seeds!


the picture on the back of my shirt is drawn by ladytwin, and is the picture of Asterdai as my avvy here, bought when mur "gave" the gifts out, Thanks Mur!!

please tell me if you have trouble viewing! i dont know how to embed... whatever that means!

Edited by Asterdai
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Mine are still happily growing and I'm still updating my album every couple of weeks. When you say "most of us" I assume you just mean yourself because to the best of my knowledge nobody else doing this quest has submitted their vegetable of beauty yet (or a dead plant...one or the other...) - and there is at the very least me and Asterdai other than yourself.


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  • 8 months later...


I can't get this to grow more, no matter what I try. I've been told its supposed to go red, but its been like this for months. My Sunflower died in a strange stalk tradgedy whereby it grew part of it's stalk as flat...which led to its demise. My tomatoes were going strong for a long time...that is until they decided not to actually produce any tomatoes. Flowers, yes, tomatoes? no. They were killed for their treachery.

So here I present the most beautiful chilli in the world...its small, but mighty.


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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1307806923' post='86085']

I can't get this to grow more, no matter what I try. I've been told its supposed to go red, but its been like this for months. My Sunflower died in a strange stalk tradgedy whereby it grew part of it's stalk as flat...which led to its demise. My tomatoes were going strong for a long time...that is until they decided not to actually produce any tomatoes. Flowers, yes, tomatoes? no. They were killed for their treachery.

So here I present the most beautiful chilli in the world...its small, but mighty.


What kind of pepper is it, do you know? Serrano?

Many progress from green to yellow to red as they mature, but that depends on climate/variety/etc. Last summer I harvested a bunch of similar looking ones that turned red only after picking and drying them. Woooh, they sure were hot mammas! It's a good thing that epithelial cells in the mouth have such a high turnover rate.

Anyways, small and mighty [i]is[/i] the rule for awesome peppers such as habeñeros.

Edited by Phantom Orchid
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[quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1309823675' post='87138']
What kind of pepper is it, do you know? Serrano?

Many progress from green to yellow to red as they mature, but that depends on climate/variety/etc. Last summer I harvested a bunch of similar looking ones that turned red only after picking and drying them. Woooh, they sure were hot mammas!
I didn't realize Serrano peppers were that hot. I had seen that they were only about 10-25,000 Scoville units.

Speaking of Scoville units, I was told the other day that Scoville units, a count of the number of dilutions for a pepper to lose its spice, did not relate linearly to spiciness of a pepper. Is this true? I don't know how this could be measured since spiciness is can only be expressed qualitatively by human tasters.

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