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  • Root Admin


Here are some things that we need right now and may help us speed the development of this project.

First of all i want to make it very clear that we need only high quality work, and we will not pay it , at least not right now. This is NOT a job offer!

We search for people that want to join this team and help developing this project.

  • Website for this game. It needs to look damn good, needs to connect to the database backend to display info such as number of players, active players, and other statistics that might be usefull for the public. Here can help more people, someone can do the design/layout and someone else the programming
  • Gameplay adjustments and setup. For this we will setup an account so that that person can play the game until where it got so far. He/She will have make suggestions for different values , skills, situations etc that might change the gameplay or might cause bugs in different situation. This is not easy, its actualy very difficult and needs a lot of attention and involvement. Its not beta-testing!.
  • Graphics - Photoshop work for advertising, posters, banners, stuff like that.
  • Customization of this forum. A nice IPB skin that fits this forum, with colors images and all the rest

I will update this list on a regular basis. Feel free to post on the forum if you can help. For ghraphics PLEASE sumbit a portofolio or similar work you have first.

Make a new topic if you have somethign to say, dont reply to this one, it will keep things more organized like this,

Thank you very much

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