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Festival Of War And Remembrance

Metal Bunny

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Tomorrow,on tuesday the 22nd midnight, or wednesday the 23rd early morning, the Festival of War and Remembrance will begin!
I make confusing posts according to some ¬_¬
Hope this is more understandable
[size="5"][b]What is this about?[/b][/size]
[spoiler]MD is well over 5 years old.
When the realm of MD had dawned, it was much like a void.
It was like a void because at first it was empty, and there was nothing to give it meaning, nothing to help it retain major events as treasured memories.

The world of MD was akin to a newly born infant. It was empty and it was small. But it was also growing and it was peaceful.

But as with every child that grows up, things must change.
Beginning in year 3, day 90, a creature appears that seemed as a novelty at first. But with the appearance of the Knator Commander in the realm, the Era of the RPC had begun.
In year 3, day 121, the very first adventure log had been posted. A hero is wanted. BigC is that hero.
These two separate elements may have seemed insignificant at first, but when these elements combined something magical had happened.

In the void that preceded these two events, players were incapable of influencing the realm from within, forced to abide by the creator’s will.
BigC’s emergence as a hero however, now signified the moment where players had grown to obtain powers, powers strong enough to affect change. And soon, other players would emerge and prove their worth. The change they would bring would be like nothing the realm had ever seen before.

For these players had feelings and these feelings were different from the creator’s, and from the realm. These feelings turned into thoughts, arguments and desires. These in turn affected their choices. From their choices came their actions and their actions cascaded into each other and created something that the realm had never seen before.
As with any child that grows older, conflicts appear and innocence is lost.

War had clawed its way into the realm and ripped across the lands.

When talking to people who are younger than me, whom I’ll casually refer to as newbies from now on, I noticed that these newbies usually know nothing about the past which I still remember.
And I believe that the newbies should at least know about the more important parts of MD’s history. And the legends that made them.

As such, I have organized a Festival of War and Remembrance. The idea came from Indyra and we just ran with it. For all you newbies, which, according to the active veterans list, is everyone except for four players, not including me :(.
I know, the name can be a bit confusing, but, the object and goal of this festival is to honor the fallen, and remember the wars. It is not to glorify a certain side, nor is it to glorify war itself. Remembrance is the highest goal. [/spoiler]

[size="5"][b]What are we going to do?[/b][/size]
There are 6 days.
Days 1 - 4 will have stories and then 20 min. long fights.
Day 5 will be a story about legendary people.
Day 6 is deathmatch trivia contest.

Days 1-4:
Stories about each war.
People have to sign up IF they want to fight.
If you don't want to fight, you can just come and listen to the story.

Benefits and rules to fighting:
People will be divided into historically correct teams. People fight with historically correct rituals.
Top 3 winners per day, get each 1 point.
Top winner also gets a creature.
Top loser gets 1 point.
People who perform acts of worthy and mentionable roleplay, also get a point.

Day 5:
Stories about legends and honorary mentions about players.

Day 6:
Deathmatch triva.

We will play trivia like we are used to, until we have 16 players who each have 4 points.
So, once you have 4 points, including points from the first few days, you will be placed in the deathmatch contest and you can stop talking for a while :ph34r:.

When we do have 16 players, we will start a deathmatch trivia contest.
First will be the round of 16, or 8 rounds of 1 vs. 1.
After that 4 rounds of quarter finals.
Then 2 rounds of semi finals.
The losers of the semi finals go against each other for 3rd and 4th place.
The winners of the semi finals go against each other for 1st and 2nd place.

Is this clear now? :D [/spoiler]

[b]Where will it be?[/b]
Gazebo of Equilibrium, fights will be historically placed, but within No Man's Land.

It’ll start on Tuesday 22nd of June 2010.
The festival will last for 6 days, and thus will end early am on monday the 28th.

[b]Just so we are clear, the first day is from tuesday to wednesday, not monday to tuesday.[/b]

And what many of you have been waiting for!
[size="5"][b]The rewards[/b][/size]

Fighting 1: Choice between 1 aged and tokened angien, 2 imperial aramors, 1 joker.
Fighting 2: Choice between what is left from day 1.
Fighting 3: Choice between what is left from day 2.
Fighting 4: What is left from day 3.
Legends 5: no rewards…

Day 6;

Places: 16 - 9 (last 8);
1 silver each as a consolation prize.

Places: 8 - 5 (4 quarter-finalists);
5 silver, 1 wpcode, tormented soul.

Place: 4 (lost semi-finals, then lost against nr. 3);
Bloodpact archer, or choice between Bloodpact archer or GG drach, if nr. 2 or nr. 3 don’t want the drachorn.

Place: 3 (lost semi-finals, then won against nr.4);
choice between WP or GG Drach

2 (lost final);
WP code and choice between WP or GG Drach

1 (won final);
WP code and choice between WP or [size="7"][b]Reindrach[/b][/size]


[b]Thanks to Mur for the drachs, yrthilian for wp codes and Zleiphneir for a couple of creatures.[/b]

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BUMP for the reason of more clearly being able to edit this post for the sign up of each different day.
The earlier post is an answer to a question, so this bump is legal! Don't touch it dst! :)

Okay.. this is all you people's fault for being completely predictable in your 'I Dun wanna read forum' ways.
Well, it's actually my fault because I should've seen it coming, but, meh, I'm awesome, ergo, it's all your fault.

Anyway, people tend to not sign up and join in anyway, or they sign up and don't show up.

So, we're changing the sign up rules into pick up rules.
A.k.a. If you're there and you feel like joining in, join in, as long as you pick a team and play by the rules.

Points still go to the people with most wins, and most losses.

However, emphasis will now shift, ever so slightly, from fights to roleplay.
Just a tiny bit, lol.

Send me [b]screenshots[/b] of your battle screens. Top 3 players with most points still get bonus points. Top winner still gets to pick a creature.
Top loser still gets 1 point.

Roleplay can consist of anything, as long as it has to do with fighting, or the war which was discussed on that particular day.
No godmodding, no silencing, no breaking the chat ¬_¬.

Keep to the historically correct rules. So, if there were no Reindrachs back then, don't use Reindrachs in your rituals.
Each day has different rules, which will be shown in time.

[b]Only send me a full battle log if you catch someone breaking the rules.[/b]

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That was almost worth a point lightsage :)

And to remind everyone, even if you don't sign up for everyday, you can theoretically, still win the big fat prize on day 6.
Also, only 4 people can theoretically get 1 point per day on the first four days through fighting, so that leaves an open spot for at least 12.
Though, if we get enough though fighters, I am certain that no one person goes into day 6 with 4 points. Some with 3, that's always a good possibility.
So people going to school/work, don't fret so much.
Just hope someone records all the info I wrote down on each day and posts it on the forum :)

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Just a memo bun buns. On the 1st war (LR+GG vs necro), isn't it the one that was held on the house of liquid dust? Wouldn't it be more nostalgic if it were carried out there instead of necro gates? :)

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Kyphis, MP4, MDA, 450 days
Signing up for all four days.

However, just as with the last conflict, I do not fight for a side, I will be there with my Nutcracker on defence for people who need quick healing.
I will be Roleplaying. I will also be casting Silvertongue if I feel like it.

List - No one, dst, Chewett, STF, Glordamar, Omegaweapon, Actraiser, Shadowseeker, BigC, Wodin, Khalazdad, Awiiya, Valy, Alche, Aqune, Liberty, Ailith, Granos, Metal Bunny, Zleiphener, Innocence, Burns, Jonn, Rex Umbra Killer, Akasha, MRD, Jtz Champion, Tarquinus, Sagewoman, Udgard, Deetn, Ugauga, Nelya Setesh, Yami no Sakura, Eden, and Phrog.

PS: 00:00 is 7am here, so it is entirely possible I will miss every single event ;)

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Pipstickz, MP5, Seal of Six, 600+ active days
Signing up for day 1, 2, 3, 4.
List: MRWander, Granos, MRD, AqlBeast, Khalazdad, Renavoid, Ailith, Cryxus, Grapefruit, Zleip, Udgard, Burns

May not be able to make every day, but I'll try all I can >>

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[quote name='Metal Bunny' date='16 June 2010 - 07:31 AM' timestamp='1276648280' post='61967']
[s]Where will it be?[/s]Gazebo of Equilibrium
[s]What time? We don't want to miss the world cup![/s]It’ll start on Tuesday 22nd [b]Juli[/b] 2010. The time on which it will begin, will be a time in which most Europeans and presumably almost all Americans can play. Ever so coincidentally, it’ll be just after most of the exams (one of which is mine on Monday the 21st :P), and the times will inconspicuously start right after the matches of the ever glorious World Cup have been played, meaning it’ll start on South Africa time(GMT+1, or Server-1) just when the last game of the day ends; which is usually at 22:15, with extra time, it’s about.. 23:00… which is 0:00 server time. But why 0:00 server time? The group matches don't have extra time!
Well, the festival will last for 6 days, and on the 26th and 27th extra time is a possibility.

Buns, is it 22nd of June, or Juli(July)? I assume it is June this month, but just to make sure :b

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' date='20 June 2010 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1277058941' post='62369']
Do we have to appear even if we don't "appear"?

Uh, if you mean that you have to be there, even if you can't be there, meaning that you'll be idle or even logged out, then, meh. It doesn't entirely matter, it's more of a nuisance to the other players, because they can't attack you if you are not there. But, if you want to go idle on the battlefield, then go ahead.
And yes, if you can't make it, but did sign up, and you're logged out, then it won't be an enormous problem. It's a voluntary festival, not a mandatory camp of suck.

[quote name='Mr Mystery' date='20 June 2010 - 10:53 PM' timestamp='1277067189' post='62387']
wait wait, does it last a whole day? or just a few hours after 0:00 server time?

It should last approx. 1 hour. (25 mins for story + 15 mins extra for slow readers/long story/ interruptions. Then 5 mins to get prepared/questions. Then 20 mins for fighting = 65 mins. So close to an hour per day, for the first 4 days)

[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='21 June 2010 - 12:59 AM' timestamp='1277074792' post='62396']
However, just as with the last conflict, I do not fight for a side, I will be there with my Nutcracker on defence for people who need quick healing.
I will be Roleplaying. I will also be casting Silvertongue if I feel like it.

Just roleplaying, and picking no side, is alright with me, but you'll still be put into a group.. Probably Necrovion, because that was the side that 'lost' :P.

[quote name='Udgard' date='21 June 2010 - 01:00 PM' timestamp='1277118048' post='62417']
Buns, is it 22nd of June, or Juli(July)? I assume it is June this month, but just to make sure :b

Yup, this month :D And it would be more nostalgic if it was at the house of liquid dust, lol. I guess we can fight anywhere, as long as it is in No Man's Land.

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[quote name='Metal Bunny' date='21 June 2010 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1277119282' post='62418']
Just roleplaying, and picking no side, is alright with me, but you'll still be put into a group.. Probably Necrovion, because that was the side that 'lost' :P.
Perfectly fine with me :D

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wait..... there was only 1 war......... and it was truely a war...... the battle at the house of liquid dust was the last and some might say only real battle in the war....and they didn't lose..... no-one lost, khal went in and never came out, that's all there was to it.......

and yes i will participate...

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[quote name='I am Bored' date='21 June 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1277134263' post='62427']
wait..... there was only 1 war......... and it was truely a war...... the battle at the house of liquid dust was the last and some might say only real battle in the war....and they didn't lose..... no-one lost, khal went in and never came out, that's all there was to it.......


http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5216-diposing-yrthilian-as-king-of-golemus-golemicarum/ (which, in contrary to the current situation in Loreroot, did provoke major conflicts and internal turmoil, much like a civil war would)


Any particular day bored? Or are you just going to listen to the stories and participate in the last contest?

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Lifeline, mp5, SoE
Signing up for:
Day 1, 2, 3, 4

PS: the 1 point that goes to whoever looses the most battle...if a fight goes for 20minutes alliance member have a disadvantage there they can only be attack once whil no ally member can be attacked twice.

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