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Lost Path Treasure Quest

Fyrd Argentus

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My new quest is beginning to materialize. Visit the hut north of Wind's Sanctuary to begin.

I do not yet have prizes lined up for the first few winners (beyond pickle points -- see my quest page) -- I will pursue this soon.

I expect the tasks to be challenging and the quest to take days, but it could in principle be done in a single day once I am finished with all tasks.

Caveat: This is my first major undertaking with MDScript. Each new bug found will result in a pickle point awarded to the first finder(again, see my quest page) over and above any extra understanding of the quest gained.

Have at it!

{p.s. - Start by reading the write-up in the [Quests] tab at top of game screen.}

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Okay, first pickle point for a bug find goes to Totenkopf.

Issue prevented the 13:00-24:00 ST quests from functioning right. Fixed now.

Thanks Tote!

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Again, Tote's careful reports of what was happening let me find a sort-of bug and earned him a second pickle point.

It seems that if you returned to the fountain before time is up, the magic spell is broken and your time allotment is gone!

I have added a warning to the visions NOT to return again. Sorry, many of you were probably going back one minute later, disturbing the vision, and breaking the magic spell .....

Ten lost path treasures now linked to the fountain.

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@Anatoli - start at the beginning and read carefully.

The quest is now COMPLETE in the sense that all time slots are filled with tasks. They may improve with age, and as new code becomes available, and I may even work in new twists. But there are no more dead-ends with Fyrd puffing away at his bagpipes.

In case you havn't figured it out - they repeat on a 12-hour cycle so there should be no time-zone advantages or disadvantages.

We have no completed tasks yet by anybody. This was meant to not be easy, and it will indeed take days....

I appreciate any reports of what MIGHT be bugs..... or might not be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two weeks, and nobody has completed even a single task yet.

Some added incentives:

Rewards for pickle points have been posted on my [Q] doc and include shop critters and gold coins. You can get pickle points for many things, including each task in this quest.

Also, the FIRST person to actually complete a task within this quest will win silver. This bonus prize starts now at 1 sc, and will be increased gradually until somebody claims it.

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Fyrd Argentus wanders by, puffing on his bagpipes.
Fyrd Argentus: I'm getting better at this.
Fyrd Argentus: You should have TWO minutes at the top of each hour now.
Fyrd Argentus: And of course it's odd, but blame the spirits, not me!
Fyrd Argentus: Visions are fragile things...
Fyrd Argentus: I'm putting all the hints I can find in the notes in MDA....
Fyrd Argentus: Do look those over carefully.

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Congrats, I am Bored.

Just to clarify - each player can also find that same treasure. Consider it your own personal psychic copy of the true item which is floating somewhere in the spirit world..... These are not "items" in the MD game sense.... This inventory you can only see in the Magic Mirror....

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Lost Path Treasure Quest - Genesis story - from Ailith's Festival.

All of my instruments are made from the remains of people that were important in my life, for better or worse.
Anyway, I have been using my music to explore the spirit realm here in MD, and I have contacted many spirits,
which you may have been hearing about in the Lost Path quest.
This is the story of the only one I have fully connected with.
I had a vision of some sort of plant beneath a wheel.
I searched under the windmill,the wheel on the fenths press,
And finally found it beneath the wheel of the wishing well.
I touched this pathetic little plant and it spoke to me.
Apparently, this poor soul was once a guard but got in trouble for smuggling smoking materials to the other guards
I wonder if it was nightshade, but he claimed it was just to help them relax
He was bannished from the main guard and set to guard the princess's treasures
And ended up incarnated as a plant for his trouble
He has since repented his ways, and wished to abandon his duties
He asked me to take the treasure off his hands
He said that the stone by my foot was magically transformed
And that all I needed was the password.
And that he would give it to mee if I showed I could calm down without the weed.
So, I relaxed, and gradually got all my AP back
But he said that wasn't enough
I had to go deeper
So I thought a while, and went into deeper meditation on all the magical lands I knew of
(i.e. accessed free credits)
And gained extra ap
At which point he told me I would always be my own person, never over-mastered by the addictive weed.
And told me the incantation was encrypted on teh bottom of the bucket in the well.
So I went to the well, thought "bottom of the bucket" and low and behold
I saw the words "Cigar Network Calm"
Now, I struggled with that riddle for a long time
I contacted other spirits, and was overwhelmed
So I started the Lost Path Treasure quest to get help
But weeks have gone by
Finally, I solved this one on my own.
I knew I was looking for a gem or something and noticed
If you break it down in syllables
You get a GAR-NET in the middle.
So I had "Ci garnet work calm"
"Ci" phonetically becomes "See"
So the incantation was "See Garnet work-calm"
All my archive research led me to
understand the translation issue
calm - trnaquil - peace
That was it!
"work-peace" becomes "Workpiece"
So I used the incantation on the rock
"See garnet workpiece" and it worked!
The rock transformed itself into a garnet, and I had found one of the treasures.
So that is the story of the first (or thirteenth) task of the quest.
This one is done, but I still need everybody's help on the rest.
So, please, help on the quest.
Thank you.

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Knowing it was a weird phonetic puzzle would have helped a while ago, thought I was trying to enter it incorrectly :) But still...linocular, line occular...nothing is a real word! 4 minutes left! :cool: Fail.

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  • 1 month later...

All tasks span 4 places.

1. You must see the vision in the fountian at top of the hour (repeats on a 12-hour cycle).

2. You must find the place the vision shows. 11/12 of the time no password is needed. You must show up at that place within an hour, and do the thing required at the vision place to get the location of the riddle, and the simple password to access it. If successful, you are also told the place of the treasure.

3. You put the simple password in at the place of the riddle to get the riddle. You solve the riddle per the notes in MDA study room.

4. You put the riddle solution in the place where the treasure is.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Clarifying hint given out today:

The Lost Path Treasure quest is totally within public lands that anybody can get to.

You need to follow the trail - the hut for background, the fountain for one of 12 visions (top 10 minutes of each hour), the initial contact by finding the spot, execute a task to be told the password to where the riddle is hidden, then solve the riddle for a password to a final spot where the treasure is hidden. And read all 4 pages of notes in the MDA for clues - new clues appear here.

Also please note, we are coming up on 3 months old on this quest. Top 3 players have 8, 7, and 6 tasks complete out of 12.

I have had to refresh passwords 7 times now. Soon I will tire of that and put the password "LOOK" on many of the initial contact scenes that currently don't need a password, so that the quest lives on without so much attention. If this happens, be forewarned....

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 months and I am calling an end to the Lost Path Treasure Quest as it stands now. It will be morphed and mingled with the Lost Path Shadow Army quest to form the foundation of the "Lost Path Adventure".

You can continue to play the quest for pickles, but there will be pickle-free shortcuts to the treasures which are useful objects in the ongoing adventures. Taking the shortcut to a "copy" will NOT prevent you from finding the "original" later on for a pickle.

All of the sites of the visions (this does not include the hut and the mirror yet) will be password-coded with the phrase "Look".

Three players distinguished themselves in this quest and will be receiving wishpoints.

Zleiphneir did best, with 8 of the 12 tasks completed.
Kafuuka did very well, with 7 of the 12 tasks completed.
Von Ungernsternberg completed 6 of the tasks, and in addition was first to complete the Lost Path Shadow Army Quest.

Honorable mention goes to I-am-Bored who was first to find all 12 riddles, but only followed through on one of them.
Ozzy is the only other player to complete a task.

Congratulations to our three winners, and I will be awarding the wp's as soon as I get the codes from our Kings.

Thanks to King Lifeline of Marind's Bell for providing 2 wp codes, and King Firsanthalas of Loreroot for providing another wp code.

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So Von Ungernsternberg is the mysterious player with 6 tasks solved. If I'm not mistaken, Von started a whole lot later than me and Zleiphneir did and it's impressive to have gotten so close. It's been a while since me and Z were threatening that damn slowpoke of a slug with salt and other means to persuade 'im to move faster. Slowpoke!
Yes, a mean quest with mean riddles, mean conjured creatures being super slow, and mean players shouting madly at the creator, the clickies and anything that bothered listening.

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Unfouchenently my vivid imagination was a major problem. When the eye is described when fighting I feel like vomiting because the image is there. So actually i more admired the brilliant writing instead of the actual code (I cant because I cant code I might appreciate it more if I could). On earthier account great quest I hope to see some more of it in the future.

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It is now possible to assemble the crown jewels without ever solving a "weird phonetic riddle".

Everything but the hut and mirror have been put under password so I don't have to keep refreshing all the clickies. Try "Look" everywhere that does not have a more -- meaningful -- password ....

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