Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted October 22, 2007 Root Admin Report Posted October 22, 2007 We started work on a new area and at the same time a new feature of the game. I know it sounds crazy, as chapter 3 its not up yet and there are other sections of the game that are still locked (like 75% of them) but considering the current situation i think this is the best way to continue developing the game ...and not wait undefinatly for Adi's chapter 3 last pages. This new area wil be opened regardless of current story progress and later it will get connected to a storyline if there will still be a need for that. So, now more about what this is ... MagicDuel Archives is a library, north of the current map, on a new map. This library is actualy a small castle, with rooms and a surounding garden. Each book in this huge place will be a piece of information, not about the game but about general things, like Math, Biology, Astrology, History pages about Alchemy, all sorts of "MagicDuel style" documentations. Some of the info will be connected to the game, like for example history pages where some of the things we talk on the forum will go. Alliance creation topics will also go there. Tales about legendary players...yeah thats you guys.. thats also a thing you will find there. Work on this new section will be interrupted if something like the rest of chapter 3 pops up. The whole place will be sanctuary area, no battles inside that building will be permited. Moving from one place to an other will also cost a terrible ammount of action points as you will not have on what to spend your ap while in that place. I am searching for editors for MagicDuel Archives, their job will be to search and adjust information form the internet on certain topics, and i will do the final review and approval of the info. Each editor will see a list of available places "books" in a location and will be able to place the info in the selected book, so that when someone clicks that book he will see the info that the editor added. You will probably ask whats the reason for all that , well if you do ask that, please try to figure out the answer yourself, i think its obvious and its a great addon to what MagicDuel is starting to become, and thats more than a simple game, ... its a community of people hold together by the 'world' of this game, and that world needs to expand. MagicDuel Archives will be advertised and released as sort of a addon to the game , consider it similar to an expansion pack in other games. On the other side of this 'world', work is done to start the first wars and to divide alliances between lands and count the score of fights between them. ...BTW hurry wih the alliance requests as they will be stoped very soon. I am not sure what will be allowed between players from same alliance or from same land but thats something i will talk in an other topic.
ugauga Posted October 23, 2007 Report Posted October 23, 2007 Manu I'll help as much as I can and as much as my time allows it
Progenitor Posted October 23, 2007 Report Posted October 23, 2007 What area of the current map connects to this new area? -p
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted October 23, 2007 Author Root Admin Report Posted October 23, 2007 not sure yet, probably a way north from winds sanctuarytha wil go to the new map ican be connected also to loreroot
Hoganis Posted October 23, 2007 Report Posted October 23, 2007 So... We cant go there yet. Is the area open? I searched for it everywhere and currently I cant find it. Im very confused.
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted October 24, 2007 Author Root Admin Report Posted October 24, 2007 Man read the topic,i said we are just starting to build it ...its at concept level for now
Progenitor Posted October 24, 2007 Report Posted October 24, 2007 King Manu said: not sure yet, probably a way north from winds sanctuarytha wil go to the new mapican be connected also to loreroot Can't find Lore Root on the map, but I get the idea. I suppose you already have plans for Sage's Keep, otherwise, it sounds like this would be the place for it! Quick question though - will players that belong to Alliances of foreign lands, be able to access the lands in Marind Bell freely? If not, maybe just put a tower in No Man's Land that accesses it. -p
Jsnow Posted October 24, 2007 Report Posted October 24, 2007 As I sayd other times I'd like to help as much as possible, so if you need I'm here
dakiller555 Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 maby you will need to join a alliance to get there?? good idea
Leemaths Posted November 16, 2007 Report Posted November 16, 2007 yeah that area sounds great and I can't wait to go there when it's finished
shadowice Posted December 24, 2007 Report Posted December 24, 2007 i dont really know how i missed this post the first time around but id be happy to research some stuff if needed. This sounds like it has the potential to be really really neat
Actraiser Posted December 27, 2007 Report Posted December 27, 2007 Anyone who would seriously like to be involved with getting research together for this project, please PM me either here or in-game. thanks
thrall Posted February 18, 2008 Report Posted February 18, 2008 great land i can't wait until is finish
Lan Manderagoran Posted February 29, 2008 Report Posted February 29, 2008 Will there be a map of the archives? Because I went in there and now I'm lost. Never mind I found my way around. Now I'm taking the path to loreroot but I ran out of exploring points. Someone also attacked me while I was in there so I'm guessing it's not finished because you said it will be sanctuary area.
Steadfast Steno Posted March 1, 2008 Report Posted March 1, 2008 If you read the changelog, it said that an additional map of MDA will be provided later.
Isaki Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 I'd like to become an editor of the Magic Duel Archives. Are there any criteria and if so, which are they? Or should I send a message to Manu and ask him personally?
Ren Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 This is something the Archivists do. You can certainly come work for us, should you desire. Though the actual physical proof will take more time to appear, since the Archives themselves are not open right now.
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