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Posted (edited)

Hiya MD players,
This is an invitation open to all, especially newbies and players who like picnics to join our unofficial alliance 'The Cake Eaters'. Our group aims to have fun, socialize, train together and help players in need to the best of our ability. Being in our group will not conflict with any actual in game loyalties such as alliances or homelands. We are affiliated with no particular land and as an alliance we will not take sides in any wars. Members are free to choose to fight in wars if they wish to. Our current base of operations is at Marind Roundabout and we will often be found there but that does not mean we are associated with Marind Bell. Post here if you want to join or just pm me. Picnics may be prearranged or impromptu depending on how many players are on line. The places and times of each picnic will be posted here. Non members are welcome to drop by.

Methys - Supreme Cake Master
Magustrick/ nukerextreme - Demented Cake Thrower
Dracoloth - Demon Cake Maker
Iridian MoonBlossom - Crazy Cake Eater

Other Member(s) (and their titles):
bloodelvenwizard - Pie Lover
Darigan - Frosting Aficionado
Adiomino - (title pending)
Apophys - Delicious & Moist
Luinir - Cake Connoisseur
Agis Asticles - Taste Tester
Askefise – Gateau bateau
Raine castaway – Coco monster
Baiano - (Title pending)
Trixz – Sinisterly sweet
Lozober - Cake Detective
Spirit Weaver – Silent Cookie
Petrus Feanor - Elvish Baker
Yala Sviseusen - (Title Pending)
Oceane Xara - (Title pending)

*Note: We are currently working on creating a system so you can check which members need wins or losses at will as well as if they are ready to be attacked. Any further developments will be posted here.

I look forward to hearing from all of you,

~Supreme Cake Master Methys

*May your days be filled with cake and your [s]stomach[/s] heart be full of sweetness*

**Note: New Members please paste the following onto your personal page on your MD account so more people find out about 'The Cake Eaters'

~The Cake Eaters~
We are the cake eaters!
We eat Cake! We feast on many different flavours of cake and other things in our picnic meetings! We aim to help other players, members or not. Our group is growing and many of our players are new but we will help to the best of our ability! Join us and have fun. For more information, or to contact us, use this link: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7702-join-the-cake-eaters/
You are welcome to PM members with inquiries but we would appreciate it if questions and applications were conducted via the forums.

EDIT: To fix up various things, and edit member list

Edited by methys

Just to make this clear. we may be called the cake eaters but our picnics serve every kind of food possible. Players are also encouraged to bring their own. We do not discriminate against any foods.


the new message that we ask you to put somewhere on your in game character is now this! please copy and paste it to wherever you want to put it!

~The Cake Eaters~
We are the cake eaters!
We eat Cake! We feast on many different flavours of cake and other things in our picnic meetings! We aim to help other players, members or not. Our group is growing and many of our players are new but we will help to the best of our ability! Join us and have fun. For more information, or to contact us, use this link: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7702-join-the-cake-eaters/
You are welcome to PM members with inquiries but we would appreciate it if questions and applications were conducted via the forums.

Posted (edited)

Hooray for cakes of all kinds and cake eaters everywhere!!!
Cake Book: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7746-md-cake-book/

Edited by Luinir
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I would just like to say that instead of the original message we will now be using this:

<object width="750" height="465" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10.0.0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="allowNetworking" value="all"/> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="base" value="http://static.wix.com"/><param name="movie" value="http://static.wix.com/client/app.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="FlashVars" value="pageId=OD6kvUI7z5I-a&embedFormat=websites&embedID=U059aUYTjhbTRVKaBJxJQTkoqv;fF98CuiECjUFEV893qTIi3BoYprerbGXAnnlva&partner_id=WMGs4POB1ko-a" /><param name="scale" value="noScale" /><param name="salign" value="tl" /><embed src="http://static.wix.com/client/app.swf" quality="high" allowNetworking="all" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" FlashVars="pageId=OD6kvUI7z5I-a&embedFormat=websites&embedID=U059aUYTjhbTRVKaBJxJQTkoqv;fF98CuiECjUFEV893qTIi3BoYprerbGXAnnlva&partner_id=WMGs4POB1ko-a" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="750" height="465" base="http://static.wix.com" scale="noscale" salign="tl" ></embed></object><br/><a href="http://www.wix.com"><b>Free website</b></a> - <a href="http://www.wix.com/create/website" ><b>Powered By Wix.com</b></a>

just paste it into the HTML section of whatever page you are using and it will work. however it dosen't work if you edit ANYTHING that includes centering it. it will just go blank. if this happens go into your HTML section and delete the old code and replace it with this again. then do edit anything! thx!!! for an example of what it will look like find me and look at my "hate page" it is there!

Edited by Dracoloth
added html tag for the code
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Next Picnic Time(s) is decided:
13th November
23:00pm (server time) - Tranquil Plains
14th November
12:00pm (server time) - Tranquil Plains

All are welcome, this is a great chance to meet other players and make new friends. There will also be opportunities to earn some easy silver (albeit in small amounts). As an incentive I currently have 3 silver (apart from what is being used for the contest) that is up for grabs for anyone who really livens up the picnic. This may be split up and given to two or three players or, if someone makes the picnic exceptionally fun they will get all of it.

This time there will also be a contest. It involves participating in a series of three games which will earn you points. The person with the highest number of points will get 3 silver and the person with the second highest will get two silver. As there are two picnic times there will also be two contests however only the person with the highest score overall (regardless if they participated in the first or second contest)will be awarded the prize. The games are:

Guess the Title (5 points) - A title of one of the CE members will be given. You must name the player that owns the title and pm me with your answer. 1 point is given for each correct answer.

Appease Muffin (5points) - Muffin, the Cake Master's pet baby mutant cake has for some reason become disagreeable and angry. You will be given two chances to 'appease Muffin'. Points will be awarded for degree of success and creativity. Each attempt will be scored out of 2 with 0 given for unsuccessful attempts, 1 for marginal success and 2 for completely appeasing Muffin. The fifth point will be awarded according to the creativity of your method. (as judged by me, Methys)

Cake Design Competition (Five points)- Come up with an idea for a new cake with a description of its appearance, description and effects (if it has any). Check the MD cakebook for an idea of what you need to do. Points are awarded for creativity, detail and appeal (ie a cake of rocks is not very appealing. Again it will be judged by me). Submissions should be sent through pm.

Rules of Participation:
1. No alts allowed
2. No groupwork
3. Pm's must be sent before the 23:59pm, 14th November

The contest prize will only be given out if there are at least five participants. Also if there is a tie for first place a tie breaker will be held and the loser will get the second place prize. (if there are more two people tied then the tiebreaker will still be used and first and second place will get the prizes)

Edited by methys
  • 2 weeks later...

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