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Ideas for WAR

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

1) alliance members can attack only other alliance members, normal players only normal players ..that will divide gameplay between alliance members that can join wars and the others. beeing part of an alliance will be a task to continue the story.

2) alliance members cant attack eachother

3) separated score counting wins and losses against enemy alliances only, making current wins/loss score useless. This will leave a door open to "cheats" to adjust honor and upgrades inside a land. The score will count on the alliance page and will reset every war.

4) Prises per war for the winning alliance. Winning alliance (highest score) will get a point to their stats bonus, permanent (?? ..how will this affect longtime play ??..)

5) Alliance capacity increased to cover 25% of active players, that will make alliances of about 15 members . There are about 1000 active players (yeah i dont see them either, but the stats show they login and play ever day). 8 alliances per land will give enough space for those who care about it.

6) during wars no attacks on friendly people (same land) are allowed, only enemy. As wars happen only for alliance members but war changes affect all members, that means normal players will get faster more intensive fights between them

7) wars last 4hours, 1 minute regeneration times!!!, once a week OR 2 hours every 3 days

8) no honor penalization or reward during wars !!! that means strong players will smash weak players, faster creature wins for upgrades ... considering players are part of an alliance they should be ready to take some serious hits also.

9) during wars , player attack restriction time TRIPLES (24min) making it more of a chess to attack enemies, and avoiding repetitive attacks to gain score.

waiting for opinions and other sugestions!

p.s. all these modifications will requore serious changes of the engine, dont expect them over night, but expect system instability until they are done. P_L_E_A_S_E if you discover logic flaws in this system, cheats, or anything that could boose your character to unnormal stats, DO NOT USE THEM, if you do i will be forced to reset all accounts at end of ALPHA, if the accounts will look normal at end of alpha we could move on to beta WITHOUT RESETTING. I have some players on my list that will be required to reset due to unnormal account activity, if that list increases over some decent number (over 20 thats it) ALL will get reset...think about that before beeing happy that you found a bug.

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we understand manu :D

4) Prices per war for the winning alliance. Winning alliance (highest score) will get a point to their stats bonus, permanent (?? ..how will this affect longtime play ??..)

5) Alliance capacity increased to cover 25% of active players, that will make alliances of about 15 members . There are about 1000 active players (yeah i dont see them either, but the stats show they login and play ever day). 8 alliances per land will give enough space for those who care about it.

6) during wars no attacks on friendly people (same land) are allowed, only enemy. As wars happen only for alliance members but war changes affect all members, that means normal players will get faster more intensive fights between them

7) wars last 4hours, 1 minute regeneration times!!!, once a week OR 2 hours every 3 days

Im happy with all of tese aswell. Though an i suggest that for n 7) wars should be once a week methinks. that way they can be emphasised as a IG event?

Kepp up the good work, were all behind you ;)

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4) Prises per war for the winning alliance. Winning alliance (highest score) will get a point to their stats bonus, permanent (?? ..how will this affect longtime play ??..)

I think bonuses should be permanent but each alliance must get some bonus, regardless of how small the bonus will be. If only the best alliances get something only those will get better and better each time and will become unbeatable.

Also I think it will be better to have a winning alliance in each land and an alliance winner for all lands.

And maybe add some bonus land points and let's say when you get 500 points all players that are from that land will get a bonus, 1 point in regeneration or something like that.

7) wars last 4hours, 1 minute regeneration times!!!, once a week OR 2 hours every 3 days

I think it is better to have it once every 3 days and maybe at different time intervals, more players will be able to join in, I say this having in mind that we have players from US and Asia also, not just from Europe and we're on different time frames.

I'll get back with more later on.

Cheers ;)

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Will all four nations be at War at the same time, or will it be one-on-one between just two nations?

What about un-allied people?

There needs to be restrictions on that as well, as I could forsee people using un-allied people for "healing" fights and then go off and attack an enemy. Or use non-allied people to sap Vit from an enemy and then strike them. You might need to make it so that non-allied people can't attack allied people and vise-versa during War times.

If the restriction is going to be 24 minutes per attack on a person and the total time of "War", is going to be 4 hours, 240 minutes, that means you can attack one person 10 times during a war, which isn't bad and I like that it works out with even numbers.


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Also, the 30 AP for accessing Loreroot - shouldn't all areas cost the same to enter and leave, via No Man's Land?

Or for members of Alliances that are aligned with a region, don't have any (or an AP cost of 1) to enter and exit their own land?

Perhaps have it so that non-allied players it costs 20 and enemy alliance it costs more to enter an enemy land??


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  • Root Admin

well i allready said that .... i suggest gameplay should be divided between normal players and alliance members ..those two types wont be able to attack eachother.

Wars are only for alliances so using non allied chars to heal or do something else wont be possible as you wont be able to fight them anyway

No sanctuary during wars but alliance members will be able to enter only their capitol not any other one.

Land entrance cost have a point to be different, consider it part of the story somehow. loreroot people are 'slower' more expensive reagarding time, but with more power over time ..i cant put my words better after 20h without sleep sory. Entering and exiting own land should cost the same to avoind fast in/outs and attacks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great idea manu heres some suggestions id like to make for you.

Winning alliance gets like 1-2 stat points whatever you feel is fair, then all participating alliances get like maybe half a point or something. This way everyone will still join and have fun while making their group stronger.

Also instead of making it so normal can only attack normal, let the non alliance people be like mercinaries, and in the capitals have like a temp alliance that can hold alot more members then the cap and they can sign up there to participate. They wouldnt be eligible to be the winning alliance, but theyd still have fun like they were in the alliances.

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