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Ghost Hunting - The Lost Path Shadow Army

Fyrd Argentus

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New Quest! Fun! While technically a sequel to the Lost Path Treasure Quest, you do NOT have to do that first, and this is much, much easier. Something fun to do!

It also starts by going to the hut north of Wind's Sanctuary for the story, and checking some info in the fountain of the Lost Path north of the MDA. You see your progress, and a vision of the marching Shadow Army.

Because this is pseudo-weird-combat and we don't want to confuse the new players, you must go inside Willow's shop and "talk" (password) to the shopkeeper to select a special experimental weapon.

You then go to the Clash of Ages and "hunt" (password) for the monster of your choice. The Shadow Army parade starts fresh every 30 minutes and you must jump out to attack at the right minute mark on the clock, with the matching weapon, to take out your targeted monster.

Much easier quest, more for fun than anything, so prize is just 1 pickle for anybody who takes out the entire army, plus 5 credits to the first player to do it. Plus, as always, since code is always buggy, 1 pickle for the first report of each code bug (more severe than just a mis-spelling) found.


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This is pretty sick! I like it! new quest rewards... for once!

Fyrd your quest has some troubles:
1. when i went to the hut it had the first quest's message
2. when i went to the shop all the weapons where locked.

Edited by The Great Pashweetie
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In the hut north of MDA, you need to read all the way down. Both quests are discussed.

To get a weapon, you MUST say "talk" to the Willow's Shopkeeper. You must then scroll to the bottom of his speech and select one from each category, then hit the "hunt" button ONE time. At which point the radio buttons uncheck themselves. If you hit it again without re-selecting your choices, you just chose nothing.

This weapon is good for ONE shot at Clash of Ages. Then you must return to willows to reload.

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