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  • Root Admin


The three winners will be able to pick ONE of the following. Once picked, that prize won't be available to be picked by the next winner.

- Usable item, type: gathering tool (probably for water)
- One time enhancement to all your creatures (or a selected group) to allow them the next trade (only) to be done without penalty.
- Pack of two unmorphed morphs. They are tradeable untill morphed (might turn as never before seen variations or as existing one)
- 100 credits, on the account of your choice
- Get full tokens on a creature of your choice, regardless of current owner.
- 3 shop resets (to be used anytime)
- a tour for TWO people (at the same time) to various limited access places, including prison, locked places, unreleased locations and such. (no screenshots allowed, time limited, escorted by me)

more might come on the way, tombola ends on 28 november


My original post was based on two thoughts:
1. I seriously doubt that this method will increase revenue. I don't have any qualifications in economy, but the fact that my paypal revenue objection is not ridiculous doesn't help to make me believe it is going to help much.
2. WP value has, in my opinion, been under attack lately. There are not that many rare, merit based, things in MD that I am aware of and any 'threat' to one of them will be met with criticism from me. Afaik darks are very very rare. New creatures or features on the other hand I encourage on them being developed and distributed in whatever quantity is deemed fit.

n° 2 is no longer an issue, so I currently have no objections. (It's very unlikely to change my perception of n° 1, but not necessary anyway.)

I did NOT try to say Mur is greedy. n° 1 Above should be enough proof of why such an implication is ridiculous. Neither did I try to keep the value of my own dark, since I have none.


well, i am one of those players who have come back to this game after being gone for a long while. Activity days: 31% (A total of 287 out of 927 days), the game had money problems back when i played it. i was a subscriber back before i quit.

this tombola idea isn't a bad one but it is to limiting if you need to raise money. next month will come and you will be in the same shape your in now(if not worse as players will spend more this month and less next if no prize is to be had), so what will happen another tombola? each time you have something like this you will need to increase the payouts to incite more people to buy into it. the novelty will wear out fast, and your right back to square one.

i would think the main problem is the game just don't have enough new players in it. add to this the older players are so over powered it isn't even funny. try being a mp5 now and you just get killed everywhere you go. that isn't exactly making a game fun and i wouldn't doubt this causes a lot of players to just quit when they reach this level, if they hadn't quit before then. i think this may even hold true with mp3, you can make a ton of alts and this will make it harder for newer mp3 to find and interact with those who are just discovering the game.

i will mention something a bit off topic here but i think this needs to be said also. the game for the most part ends at mp5 the story is over and your just about where your ever going to get to. people can disagree but look at all the mp5 who have super high activity days but are still at mp5. it was probably meant to be this way but it just don't help in my opinion for the overall growth of a game to lump everyone into such small groups and not really have much to aim for once you hit mp5.

the removal of free credits probably removed a lot of people hearing about this game. so just how will new players come here and ultimately become subscribers? i think this should be the main goal is to get more people into being a subscriber over a long period of time. it is the only way i can see how you could make enough money to keep a game that costs 1k per month going.

i didn't write this to piss you off mur, i am just stating things how i see them. i feel this would be best for the game overall if everyone would just come out and say what they think the problem is. we know it is your not making enough money but i don't see anyone coming up with a decent long term solution to anything.

  • 5 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

Winners are:


[b]Adam D'Orazio
Robert Prigmore
David Park[/b]


additional secondary rewards will be dispatched directly to those present at the event today.

SElected items won't be available for the next tombola.
When or if the next tombola will take place , idk yet. It depends on what you will pick from the list. Some are more unbalancing than the other rewards.

  • Root Admin

These are the secondary rewards.

The list of winners is not random, it will include just the people from the paypal logs that i consider, based on their payment ammounts. Only people present at the event will get a secondary reward, if you are missing from the event you won't get anything, regardless of your total payments.
Main winners of the tombola will not be selected for secondary awards.
Each winner picks one from the list, and then that item is no longer available for the others.

5 cr
5 cr,
[b]20cr, - [i]CrazyMike[/i][/b]
1 magic CTC on cr id,
1 magic CTC on cr id,
2 magic CTC on cr id,
[b]+1 shop reset, - [i]Zleiphneir[/i][/b]
[b]+50% max Ve, - [i]Eon[/i][/b]
[b]+50% max Ve, - [i]dst[/i][/b]
+20k max Ve,
[b]+100 attack, - [i]Yala Sviseusen[/i][/b]
+30 briskness,
+5 cr slots,
+5 cr slots,
+1 gold in cash,
+3 gold in cash,
+10 silver promisory note,
+10 silver promisory note,
+20 silver promisory note,
-200 combat wins,
+200 combat wins,
+500 honor over zero,
[b]name cosmetics request - [i]Dark Mystic[/i][/b]
name cosmetics request
[b]XP reset to zero - [i]BigC[/i][/b]
1000 to one of the principles you have
2000 to one of the principles you have
4000(max) to one of the principles you have
1 random item selected from postman inventory, by postman
1 random item selected from postman inventory, by postman
1 random item selected from postman inventory, by postman
1 random item selected from postman inventory, by postman

THIS POST WAS MADE WHILE EVENT WAS ONGOING. It is for the people at GOE to know what to pick from.

Do not dare to complain about anything regarding secondary rewards. They were not supposed to be there at all, I just made most of you a gift. Just making sure you won't ruin my fun with idiotic comments like some lately.

  • Root Admin

I saw that now, it seems what you want was not on the picked list, so everything should be happy. I will announce it here after we finish talk on email.

LE: don't worry, i am evil just when i punish, when i reward i am more than understanding :)


[quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1290987966' post='73629']
I saw that now, it seems what you want was not on the picked list, so everything should be happy. I will announce it here after we finish talk on email.

LE: don't worry, i am evil just when i punish, when i reward i am more than understanding :)
I wasn't aware of when the winners were picked.Any chance of letting us in other timezones know ahead of time so we can get online when the draw is done. thanks.0800 hrs my time is midnight MD time.. and yes. i contributed $100 to shop to help support MD. its a good case..

  • Root Admin

I posted a topic about new shop/tombola idea. With that one i can better organize such events, but on random events only i can manage i can't do better than dragging it over six hours to wait for everybody. I am sorry this is obviously unfair for those on different timezones. This was not normal hour even for my timezone, i tried to shift it as much as possible, but there are some hours i will never be online.

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