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Just Wondering


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[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1289077475' post='71612']

I just see an annoying noob grinder.

What is "actually" wrong?

obviously something is amiss with the way the game is set up if someone can sit in lower mp levels till the point they become uber strong. makes me wonder what has changed in the game to allow this? is it because they sit in SG all day and grind? is it there is no reason to go to mp5 unless you can go there when extremely big? this is what i mean by wrong.

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Well, most people are somewhat aware what awaits them in mp5. Perhaps they just try to prepare themselves properly before moving up to this mindpower level. Most of us mp5s have been in MD for too long allowing us to grow stronger and it is a fact that a month old mp5 or even younger in age, does not have many chances for training their characters to fight against them.

MD is a game that requires a lot of patience. You would need to realise that as soon as possible before moving up. Letting your creatures age in the meanwhile can prove helpful once you advance.

Just my two cents here.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='pipster' timestamp='1289079937' post='71619']
obviously something is amiss with the way the game is set up if someone can sit in lower mp levels till the point they become uber strong. makes me wonder what has changed in the game to allow this? is it because they sit in SG all day and grind? is it there is no reason to go to mp5 unless you can go there when extremely big? this is what i mean by wrong.

If you think the sparring ground has anything to do with this you are severely mistaken.

Some people do this, its a fact. they abuse certain peoples rituals to become super strong and destroy peoples fun by becoming this strong.

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[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1289081987' post='71623']

Some people do this, its a fact. they abuse certain peoples rituals to become super strong and destroy peoples fun by becoming this strong.

i guess that sort of answer my question although i will have to disagree with your assessment of SG. since a player like this can sit there and farm wins it prob helps a lot. DarkPriestess made me wonder other things. has the game become to limiting that people don't want to hit mp5 because after then you have nothing to do other then be cannon fodder unless you pump yourself like crazy before you hit it. does this effect the drive for players to continue playing? should the story continue after mp5 so this don't hold things up? why after 3 years hasn't the story gone on?

i do know one thing, before you couldn't reduce your experience from sacrificing creature so once you hit 4 mil it shoved you into mp5, sort of same with lower mp levels. when did this change? should it effect all mp levels?

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='pipster' timestamp='1289083084' post='71624']
i guess that sort of answer my question although i will have to disagree with your assessment of SG. since a player like this can sit there and farm wins it prob helps a lot. DarkPriestess made me wonder other things. has the game become to limiting that people don't want to hit mp5 because after then you have nothing to do other then be cannon fodder unless you pump yourself like crazy before you hit it. does this effect the drive for players to continue playing? should the story continue after mp5 so this don't hold things up? why after 3 years hasn't the story gone on?

i do know one thing, before you couldn't reduce your experience from sacrificing creature so once you hit 4 mil it shoved you into mp5, sort of same with lower mp levels. when did this change? should it effect all mp levels?

Then you are lucky we have free speech here mostly. because i will again totally disagree with you. Most of these people who have farmed their way to the top have not used SG mostly since it is too much of a risk because people come and break such people there. And it is not that efficient as there are either people with really strong rituals or ones who are dead.

Since your question has been answered i am closing this topic.

If you wish to make points about storymode and other such things open a new topic. But i can assure you all these points have been raised many times before.

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