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Searching For Specific Avatar


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I joined MD in September and the avatar page had a perfect avatar for me. I was not able to access the shop at the time, so I hoped and prayed it would not be purchased before I could acquire it.

I do not know if it was purchased, but around the end of September or beginning of October my entire level 0 avatar collection was shuffled (apparently due to a bugfix) and it was gone.

I recently opened the level 1 avatar shop, and I already spent at least $35 credits shuffling with no success finding the missing avatar.

I am hoping someone will find it and help me acquire it.

The image is a man in a robe (and sandals I think) walking to the left, wearing a knapsack and playing a flute. I am a wandering flute playing poet so I think this fits perfect.

Asterdai dropped a brief note on my behalf in the avatar shop, but I thought it would be wise to post my need as a separate topic.

One last note, I picked a temporary avatar (a vision of myself as an old man). When I find the appropriate avatar, will I be able to save the old man in my 'vault' for future use?

Thanks, everyone.

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  • 1 month later...

It has been almost two months and not a word from anyone regarding this avatar. I am posting again to get it back up on the forum list. Please check your avatar shops people. I have a little bit of money now and I will purchase this avatar if you can find it.

Thanks everyone!

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