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January Sale


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ID: 504770
Age: 158
Tokens: none

ID: 504823
Age: 214
Tokens: claw1, blooddrop1, antifreeze, stardust
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 7SC - stavaroiu[/color][/s]

ID: 510177
Age: 219
Tokens: darkshield, claw1, purpurfog, kellethafire, emeraldglare
[/s][color="#ff0000"][s]Current Bid: 6SC - Ratbert[/s]
ID: 510205
Age: 219
Tokens: purpurfog, blooddrop1, emeraldglare
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 4SC - Brulant[/color][/s]

[s]Heretic Archer
ID: 41189
Age: 703
Tokens: claw2, firedrop, blooddrop3
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: Bloodpact - Fyrd Argentus[/color][/s]

[s]Heretic Archer
ID: 39756
Age: 704
Tokens: firedrop, blooddrop1, claw3
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: Bloodpact - Leixer[/color]

Imperial Aramor
ID: 67291
Age: 1003
Tokens: purpurmoon, darkshield, claw3, stardust
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 2GC 10SC - Leixer[/color][/s]

[s]Imperial Aramor
ID: 350380
Age: 88
Tokens: blacktear, emeraldglare
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 3SC - nadrolski[/color][/s]

[s]Imperial Aramor
ID: 606822
Age: 222
Tokens: claw3, sunshine, claw1, antifreeze
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 4SC - Esmaralda[/color]

Joker (shop)
ID: 342308
Age: 208
Tokens: blooddrop1, purpurfog, goldbelt
(only selling 1 Joker, whichever gets the highest bid)
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 3SC - Esmaralda[/color][/s]

Joker (shop)
ID: 590598
Age: 243
Tokens: sunshine, stardust
(only selling 1 Joker, whichever gets the highest bid)

Pimped Grassan
ID: 481000
Age: 516
Tokens: none
(only selling 2 pimps, whichever get the two highest bids)

[s]Pimped Grassan
ID: 564617
Age: 280
Tokens: stardust, firedrop, purpurmoon, goldbelt, claw1
(only selling 2 pimps, whichever get the two highest bids)
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 10SC - Manda[/color][/s]

[s]Pimped Grassan
ID: 575199
Age: 267
Tokens: claw3, stardust
(only selling 2 pimps, whichever get the two highest bids)
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 4SC - VonUngernSternberg[/color][/s]

Unholy Priest
ID: 418784
Age: 678
Tokens: claw2, blooddrop2, emeraldglare, antifreeze, claw3
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 5SC - Phantasm[/color]

Unholy Priest
ID: 564624
Age: 467
Tokens: blooddrop1, emeraldglare, kellethafire, goldbelt
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 3SC - Yala Sviseusen[/color]

[s]Unholy Priest
ID: 564837
Age: 467
Tokens: goldbelt, blooddrop3, claw1, emeraldglare
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: 4SC - Shemhazaj[/color][/s]

ID: 38742
Age: 681
Tokens; osirisbelt, claw3, stardust, antifreeze
(Will only trade for another Windy + coins/crits - see below)
(Lowest ID of a Windy in game)
[color="#ff0000"]Current Bid: (Windy +) First Marksmen Purchased when they were released[/color][/s][color="#ff0000"][s] + 1 gold coin - Junior[/s] [/color]

Acceptable creatures for offer (I do not care about age or tokens);
[s]Shade (tutorial)
Shade w/sword[/s]
GG Drachorn
Tainted Angien
BP Heretic Archer
Rustgold Drachorn

other creatures without a name will also be accepted

Final date of sale is the end of January, last minute bids will extend bidding on that item by 2 days.
Batch bids are accepted.

Edited by Grido
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[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1293764266' post='76442']

Imperial Aramor
ID: 350380
Age: 88
Tokens: blacktear, emeraldglare


me bid 3 SC for this, boss Grido


me also bid 3 SC for this, boss Grido

ID: 510205
Age: 219
Tokens: purpurfog, blooddrop1, emeraldglare[/i]

Edited by nadrolski
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Imperial Aramor
ID: 67291
Age: 1003 = 1 marksman

windy = gg drach,soulweaver, marksman

can't believe that by giving initial offer in an auction will get neg reputation hahaha, i remember a rare creature in an auction with a starting value of 1 GC zzzz

Edited by eigger
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current bids edited into first post

eigger, I'm presuming that your bid doesn't include a windy (which is required when bidding for mine), if I'm wrong, please correct me

LE: Junior, What's the ID of the Marksman?

Edited by Grido
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I had actually completely forgotten about that wish...hmm

I was writing a thing about how RJ wasn't drach master when I got the egg, but I realised something else. Drachorns weren't released when I got my ~Aramor~ (to the best of my memory), so if there are older ID GG Drachs/Windy's out there, then they'll belong to either Mur or possibly Summoned Army (And those might actually surprise me), unless I'm mistaken in my thinking ofc

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