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messaging cloud help


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I've had the messaging cloud feature for a while now, and I try to sort every message I get into its' corresponding area in the cloud. The only problem is, when everything is sorted I can't access my messages because it says "no new messages" until I get another one. Is tehre a way around this or should I just keep a message in my inbox at all times? Not a huge issue, just thought I'd ask.

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[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1298311800' post='79226']
No current way around it.

I noticed that exact strangeness and just keep a small message in my inbox all the time \. Honstly, I want my credit back almost because the 'cloud' is not really my favorite interface and I miss hte old "everything in one inbox" simplicity.

c'est la vie, I suppose. :cool:

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[quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1298326793' post='79242']
I noticed that exact strangeness and just keep a small message in my inbox all the time \. Honstly, I want my credit back almost because the 'cloud' is not really my favorite interface and I miss hte old "everything in one inbox" simplicity.

c'est la vie, I suppose. :cool:

You can turn the cloud off in the options ^_^
It's right underneath the above the mood panel statuses and right below the mood panel link.
Once you click on "options" Underneath the header titled "Preferences" there's a box to check for the Cloud.
Hope that helps! :D

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[quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1298328171' post='79246']
You can turn the cloud off in the options ^_^
It's right underneath the above the mood panel statuses and right below the mood panel link.
Once you click on "options" Underneath the header titled "Preferences" there's a box to check for the Cloud.
Hope that helps! :D

That helps a LOT! Thank you.
Figured the options list would expand as I enabled more "options" but I forgot to check there since way back when it only listed the "play music". :D

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