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The Appendixes


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The Appendixes are going through a stage of increased publicity. They've sat dormant long enough.

If you would like to join all you need to do is post the K doc you would like to be included in the collection here. All incoming docs are required to be public.


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I have a question.
Does the K-doc have to be related to MagicDuel in a way? Or can it just be a collection of thoughts and opinions?

Edit: Thoughts and opinions is too vague. What I meant is that I'm writing mine on a specific concept that I discuss and explain, but it doesn't tie in to MagicDuel.

Edited by Brulant
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I will answer with examples:

If your K doc is about like McDonalds or horse-riding, I am going to say no.

If your K doc is about philosophy, sociology, or other topics that COULD be applied to the people or places in MD (symbolism, etc.) then the answer is likely yes.

It would be judged on a case to case basis, but as long as it focuses less on real-life subjects and more into general or metaphysical concepts it should be fine. Just be careful of too many direct references to real-life things that don't carry over into MD. I wouldn't want to see B.F. Skinner mentioned, but you could certainly mention his theories and ideas.

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Here is a copy of my research to date. There are images in the actual document.

Plan: To explore the physical and magical connections between locations within MagicDuel.

Method: The physical connections between locations that appear close together on the map, seem to be connected in some physical manner will be examined. Theories based on those connections will be put forward especially if the areas are not able to be travelled between directly. (Some OOC ideas may be brought up in regards to game mechanics.) Items that will be used in this investigation are: image within the area, name of location, co-ordinates and the verse stirred up in each area (if any).

Phase 1: Underground and it's relationship to Overground (Marind's Bell and No Man's Land)

Who/What formed the Underground?
It is my belief that portions of the underground were once an underground river or aquifer possibly fed from the Storm Coast. Reasons for this belief include: a tunnel that leads from The Storm Coast to just underneath Marind's Bell, and the dry well at Fortune's Well. It appears that Fortune's Well (1_-1x1_1)leads directly down to Underway Crosspaths(2_-1x1_1). The co-ordinates appear to show that there is a relationship between them. There is also a shaft of sunlight that shines from Fortune's Well down into Underway Crosspaths. It should be noted that Bells Nymph Archway appears to be located at the top of the stairs in Underway Crosspaths.

It should be noted that there is no sign of occasional water within the caverns at this time. This could indicate a major geological shift (perhaps something that also separated this land from the Lands of the East)that caused the passages to be drained or it could be that the water source was dammed or diverted by someone for their own purposes.

Of course this is not the only connection of the world above to the world below. There is also a grate that spills light down from the Champion's Dome Exterior into the Fateless Doors. It is possible that this grate was added to ensure fresh air in the lower chambers in this area as we can see there is development(in the form of manufactured doors) in the lower chamber here. At a future date I hope to explore more about the Fateless Doors.

There is also a location that claims to be the foundation of the Marind Bell Gates. The co-ordinates indicate that this may be true and the Underground must travel under the walls of Marind Bell at some point so there is no reason to not believe that it is in fact the foundation wall.

The Gazebo of Chaos may be located directly beneath the Gazebo of Equilibrium. The co-ordinates seem to suggest this. It does raise a question as to whether the five pillars of each gazebo are actually the same pillars. Also, since Chaos is usually the oposite of Order or Symmetry and not Equilibrium or Balance. Does this mean that there is a Gazebo of Order (or the like) that is yet undiscovered? Since I have not gained the ability to fly I am unable to search the skies above the Gazebo of Equilibrium for another gazebo there. (After reading my research Awiiya suggested that equilibrium is a form of order which, in my opinion, is true but only so far that equilibrium is made up of order and chaos. I maintain that there is a distinct possibility that there exists a location dedicated to the idea of perfect order)

Why is there a connection between The Underground and Marind Bell/No Man's Land?
A few theories present themselves in answer to this question. The first is that there was a reason to create an exit from Marind Bell; perhaps an escape route for people in the time of war. Another option is that it was originally a route created to allow an invasion force access within the walls of Marind Bell. This theory does not seem likely mostly due to the amount of finished stonework done on Marind Bell side. A third theory would be to allow access to the doors located at the Fateless Doors. At this location, we can see three passages, a door in good shape though locked through some unknown method, a door that seems to have been destroyed by some amount of force, and a rough hewn hole that leads to a bridge and beyond to the Gazebo of Chaos.

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I speak for myself (and if other group members feel that the research is worthy, they will send you an invite), but I would like to see your research head away from questions like "who created the underground?" and toward things like, "what are the connections, meanings of the underground?" I think the myth questions are unsolvable.


Later note: Kets approves of your research, and is sending you an invite.

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Thank you Kets for the invite.

Awiiya, I think I will look into expanding it in that direction but I think I will leave the question about "who" because I think that the question needs to be asked even if there is no conclusion.

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[quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1299640054' post='80417']
I have a question.
Does the K-doc have to be related to MagicDuel in a way? Or can it just be a collection of thoughts and opinions?

Edit: Thoughts and opinions is too vague. What I meant is that I'm writing mine on a specific concept that I discuss and explain, but it doesn't tie in to MagicDuel.
[quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1299640660' post='80418']
I will answer with examples:

If your K doc is about like McDonalds or horse-riding, I am going to say no.

If your K doc is about philosophy, sociology, or other topics that COULD be applied to the people or places in MD (symbolism, etc.) then the answer is likely yes.

It would be judged on a case to case basis, but as long as it focuses less on real-life subjects and more into general or metaphysical concepts it should be fine. Just be careful of too many direct references to real-life things that don't carry over into MD. I wouldn't want to see B.F. Skinner mentioned, but you could certainly mention his theories and ideas.

I'd love to see variety, and subjects not strongly tethered to the form of MD. But I agree with Awiiya that direct references to real-life things don't always carry over well to MD. For example, while MD doesn't declare an era of time, I found Ren's spaceship painfully anachronistic. It's enough to make me cringe when I of something as out of place in MD as, say, McDonalds.

I, myself, tread carefully in such regards, but I'm curious as to what others would think of the "Streams of (Meta) Consciousness" in the "Digests for Awi" section of my KDoc. The inclusion of such a section is important to me, because I don't want MD to be a closed system (if something impacts my character's thoughts, I want it to have the possibility of impacting my real life, and this works best if it's a two way street). But I want to avoid things that clash too strongly with the aesthetics and other elements that make MD appealing. If you have suggestions or criticisms of the content, presentation, etc., please let me know.

Speaking of the Digests for Awi, I would love any help I can get. The publication is simple, but I still need help with recording events elsewhere in the realm, illustrations (if you're interested, maybe you could sketch a more realistic version of the snail in issue 1), and judging the currents in these realms. I am also open to suggestions for new sections.

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Variety is good, I like to see deeper meaning though, not just taking the top layer, but thinking about what's below it as well (metaphorically speaking).
As such I appreciate the thought into why there's no water at the bottom of the well, but would push you to think of alternatives as well, don't just come up with a singular idea, think of other options, be they right or wrong (or more commonly unknown either way), it gives a better perspective on matters.

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