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Spring Festival Announcement Hosted by GOTR and COE alliances


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[b]DAY 78 starting at 00:00:00[/b] The GOTR and COE alliances will be hosting a spring festival! This will most likely last for at least 2 days with each event hosted by one member or a group or members from either alliance. EACH EVENT has its own individual time slot so please.. read the post below:

Time slots are [b]NOT ABSOLUTE[/b] as nothing ever is.. But have your teams and works prepared!

[b][u]Keep everything Spring season related! Be creative as this sort of thing is open ended!
[s][b][s]>Silly poetry!<[/s] Starting at 00:00:00 will be starting the festival off. Location: Maple Road Hosted by *Mya Celestia* herself![/b][/s]
[b]Silly Poetry event started and finished! Lasted for over an hour :)[/b]
Details: A participant must formulate a masterful, witty, and most of all funny work of poetry and be prepared to present it in front of a group of people! The event lasts until the last poet shares his work!

Participants: *Burns*, *Mya Celestia, adiomino, Azurekyte, Phear Wolf, Scitsy, Sunfire, aaront222

[s][b]>Tournament of Champions!< Hosted by Shemhazaj the druid of loreroot himself! Starting at [u]Will be announced soon(er or later)[/u][/b][/s]
Details: starting at 9:00 server, by The Tree (known also as Stag Crossing )

round 1
vitality limit set to 20% of max vit of the opponent who has lesser max Ve.
Limit includes all crit ve, combo ve and personal ve used thru pray power slider.
No spells, max no of tokens used in the battle (no matter if on 1 crit or different) 6
The one with less active days attack.

round 2 - clean fight
No tokens, No spells, No combo.
The defender from round 1 attacks.

round 3 - anything goes
tokens, spells, other nasty stuff you can think of is allowed.
Really, ANYTHING goes.
The one who's faster after command my "FIGHT!" attacks
time stamp on the battle logs page counts.
(you might want to set def rit as well, just in case...)

1. Eternal Glory (tho it might soon be forgotten it stays forever! )
2. who knows...


[s][b]>Team Dance and Poetry!< Starting at 16:00:00 Hosted by Me, adiomino! [/b] [/s]
Details: This is a group event! Organize a group of 2-3 people and devise an epic combinations of dance and song/poem/story! One song/poem/story must be told and acted out through dance or some form of action (for lack of a better word) Teamwork is the key! This is open ended. Single person poetry may be entered without a group after all the performances are done.

The event will be started off with my performance.

Here is the performance:

(Cast list:
Narrator: adiomino
Mother: Sunfire
Spring's harbinger: Xrieg
Baby: Baby Sunshine (lone wolf pup))

[b]Narrator[/b]: The infallible cry of a newborn child.
[b]Baby: [/b]*a blanket of leaves conceals him*
[b]Mother: [/b]*kneels down beside the baby,
she clasps her hands together and her lips move in prayer*
[b]Narrator:[/b] He's known cold before warmth.
Blossom in the spring, plentifully, fruit of youth.
[b]Baby:[/b] *slowly rises from the pile of leaves to stand and reveals a bouquet of flowers,
he buries his face in the flowers and throws them in the air with a toothy grin*

[b]Narrator:[/b] White lights riddled in his open eyes.
[b]Baby:[/b] *he now kneels on one knee, his hands draw near
his face with his head cocked to look towards the sun*
[b]Narrator:[/b] Shun the cold darkness from his fiery hearth!
[b]Baby:[/b] *he takes a clumsy step forward and his hands sweep the air,
his hands slowly rise above his head as he twirls around once*
[b]Narrator:[/b] Cold's mistress would only feed him her lies.
[b]Baby:[/b] *he takes a fall to the ground with his face to the dirt*
That he'd die with no life, buried in earth.

[b]Narrator:[/b] But a seed had been planted in his heart.
Was asleep til spring's harbinger came here.
[b]Spring's harbinger:[/b] *torch in hand, she bounds around the fallen child*
[b]Narrator:[/b] Light tells him to live, til death plays his part.
Now a blossom, he may live without fear.
[b]Baby:[/b] *his face looks up at the audience with an ominous stare, he slowly rises from the ground
and proceeds to stand up tall with his hands shot out to the sides*

[b]Narrator:[/b] Oh, mother gave birth to him in the spring.
[b]Baby:[/b] *he strides towards his mother and takes her by the chin,
he stares in her eyes for a few moments and releases
her to stand before the audience with a triumphant stance*
[b]Narrator:[/b] So then her baby might bathe in spring's blessing!
[b]Mother and Spring's Harbinger:[/b] *they move hastily towards the baby
picking up lying flowers along the way, they now stand at either side
of the baby and commence to throw flowers at him*

Baby Sunshine,
lone wolf pup

[s][b]>Story Time!< Starting at 18:50:00 ST Hosted by Sharazhad! Fiery inside and out! Be prepared to devise a masterful conglomerate of drama, tragedy, history, with literary devices. [/b][/s]
Details: Any story you'd like to share about spring and/or loreroot? Anything relevant to a spring themed festival!


[s][b]Trivia time! Location: Defensive Quarters Inside Loreroot! Hosted by *Mya Celestia* and Darigan![/b][/s]
Details: MD related trivia! Learn your stuff!


[b]>>Service by Amoran K Kol and Tarquinus of the COE! Starting at.. (will be announced)[/b]
Details: Will be announced


Difference prizes for each of the events!

So far this includes:
aged imps
aged pimps
silver coins
EXP infused creatures.


Sign up here or pm me in game or in the forum
Include your playername and if you have a group... include their names

[b][u]Prizes will be handed out after the entire festival ends.[/u][/b]

Edited by adiomino
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*Special note:

You don't have to sign up to be a part of the festival! They are not required (except for the tournament I'm assuming) Simply show up fully prepared
But sign ups are nice.. so hosts have an idea of who is actually sharing what.


All donations of short term prizes are welcome and appreciated! Pm me for info

Edited by adiomino
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The notice is a bit short for team based stuff, isn't it?

[s]If anyone needs a dancer to help act out a story/poem/song, feel free to drop me a line. [/s](Assira the black is also an excellent choice, but I can't speak for her of course :P)
Just realized this starts at 1am for me, so I won't be able to make it :(
Happy to help with Choreography though.

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"][b]>Tournament of Champions!<[/b] (I didn't make up the name! ;) )

starting at 9:00 server, by The Tree (known also as Stag Crossing :P )

[u]round 1[/u]
vitality limit set to 20% of max vit of the opponent who has lesser max Ve.
Limit includes [u]all[/u] crit ve, combo ve and personal ve used thru pray power slider.
No spells, max no of tokens used in the battle (no matter if on 1 crit or different) [b]6[/b]
The one with less active days attack.

[u]round 2[/u] - clean fight
No tokens, No spells, No combo.
The defender from round 1 attacks.

[u]round 3[/u] - anything goes
tokens, spells, other nasty stuff you can think of is allowed.
Really, ANYTHING goes.
The one who's faster after command my "FIGHT!" attacks :P
time stamp on the battle logs page counts.
(you might want to set def rit as well, just in case...)

1. Eternal Glory (tho it might soon be forgotten it stays forever! :D)
2. who knows...

I'd like the winners to send me parts of the battle logs:
time, creatures, tokens, influence (% and combo) who won, % vs % result + types/names of the spells used before the battle.
thank you

hope it'll be fun!
Edited to add combo rules[/size]

Edited by Shemhazaj
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[color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Here's the "poem" we created during our silly poetry event. May do another one at a different time if people enjoyed it. I know I was laughing at some of it.

*Burns*: Some April rain, and flowers bloom,
*Mya Celestia*: there is a leak in my room
adiomino: Oh no! I have no bucket!
AzureKyte: Ugh I'll find my muffet.
aaront222: Suddenly I hear the thud
aaront222: *a thud
Sunfire: i go and take a look
*Burns*: Just to see my girlfriend took
*Mya Celestia*: A splat in a large puddle
adiomino: Now shivering and cold, she wanted to cuddle.
AzureKyte: So I grabbed a blanket and to the couch we went.
Scitsy: my hair caught as the fire place went
aaront222: when we put it out i was almost dead
Sunfire: so shocked I went straight to bed
*Burns*: I dozed off, and soon slept deep,
*Mya Celestia*: It wasn't long before my girlfriend tickled my feet
adiomino: I laughed and kicked and flailed my arms
AzureKyte: Until I rolled from my safe spot unto the cold hard ground below.
Scitsy: then she covered my face with a pillow
aaront222: we kissed and rolled
Sunfire: on the stones, so cold
*Burns*: Her hands were over me like insect swarms.
*Mya Celestia*: Quickly my skin warms
adiomino: How lucky I was to let the night unfold.
AzureKyte: I look at her with a smile on my face amd a blush coating my
Scitsy: and tell her i haven't paid rent in weeks
aaront222: she bites my lip and goes for the kiss
Sunfire: how could i denial her this?
*Burns*: I simply turned my head away
*Mya Celestia*: I could not kiss today
adiomino: Outraged, she slapped my face.
AzureKyte: So I went to call my good friend Jace.
Scitsy: he said his place was better than the couch
aaront222: and he had some illegal stuff in a pouch
Sunfire: so we hung back in our seats
*Burns*: And tried some dried nightshade weeds.
*Mya Celestia*: Then followed where the bunny leads
AzureKyte: And I saw my handsome twin.
Scitsy: I broke the mirror instead of punch him out
aaront222: And then I ate some sour kraut
Sunfire: all the time wondering if it is real
Phear Wolf: we decided we deserved a hot meal
*Burns*: So i called the italian and asked him to bring
*Mya Celestia*: a big pile of spaghetti and don't sing.
adiomino: Then along came the chef who took a spill.
Phear Wolf: and crying wrote his last will
Scitsy: he brought good food
aaront222: my girfriend came back with a hug and put me in the mood
*Burns*: But i shoo'd her away cause of aaront's crude
*Mya Celestia*: There'd be no way I'm going nude
adiomino: So she walked out the door without a word
Phear Wolf: while I left to save the world
Scitsy: I realized that I was no hero
aaront222: i went home and ate a churro
Sunfire: pondering what to do now
*Burns*: when through the window, there swept in a crow,
*Mya Celestia*: I ducked under the bed
adiomino: And hit my head
Phear Wolf: the creature laughed at me
Scitsy: so i hit his head against my knee
aaront222: i was on a killing spree
aaront222: ahh i meant to not say that
Sunfire: and looked around for my next victim
*Burns*: aaront loses.

We ended there when we seriously went astray. This has been edited to remove all the extra chatter that happens when doing something like this.[/font][/color]

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Reward List:
1 *Burns* - 1 silver coin
[s]1 *Shadowseeker* - Water daimon infused with 4.2 million exp[/s]
[s]2 *BFH LIGHTHING* - exp infused imp[/s]
[s]3 Azull - exp infused joker[/s]
[s]4 xrieg - 2 unaged pimps
5 Sunfire - 2 unaged pimps
6 lone wolf pup - unaged pimp[/s]

And here is the reward list:
2x unaged pimps
2x unaged pimps
1x unaged pimp
1 aged imp infused with enough exp to max
1 aged pimp infused with enough exp to max
1 silver coin
1 water daimon with 4.2 million exp on it.
1 aged joker with 1.2 million exp on it

Winners pick list the prizes on a scale of 1-8. 1 being the one you want the most 8 being the least[/b][/u][/size]

Edited by adiomino
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2x unaged pimps (4)
2x unaged pimps (3)
1x unaged pimp (7)
1 aged imp infused with enough exp to max (6)
1 aged pimp infused with enough exp to max (5)
1 silver coin (8)
1 water daimon with 4.2 million exp on it. (2)
1 aged joker with 1.2 million exp on it (1)

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1. 1 silver
2. 2x unaged pimps
3. 2x unaged pimps
4. 1x unaged pimp
5. 1 aged imp infused with enough exp to max
6. 1 aged pimp infused with enough exp to max
7. 1 water daimon with 4.2 million exp on it.
8. 1 aged joker with 1.2 million exp on it

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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"][b]TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS[/b]

the contestants:
*Burns* vs. Mithrandil --winner--> *Burns*
TTL vs. Tupu --winner--> TTL
TTL vs. Neno Veliki --winner--> Neno Veliki

detailed results will be put here shortly.
All contestants received Eternal Glory and 1 silver coin.
Mith received bonus Imperial Aramor for bravery in hitting spiked wall of Burns' def.

hope you enjoyed it.

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1-3 being the only things I'd really be able to use later:
1 water daimon with 4.2 million exp on it.
2 silver coin
3 aged joker with 1.2 million exp on it

2x unaged pimps
2x unaged pimps
1x unaged pimp
1 aged imp infused with enough exp to max
1 aged pimp infused with enough exp to max

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[size="4"]1. 1 water daimon with 4.2 million exp on it.[/size]

[size="4"]2. 1 aged imp infused with enough exp to max[/size]

[size="4"]3. 1 aged pimp infused with enough exp to max[/size]

[size="4"]4. 2x unaged pimps[/size]

[size="4"]5. 2x unaged pimps[/size]

[size="4"]6. 1 aged joker with 1.2 million exp on it[/size]

[size="4"]7. 1x unaged pimp[/size]

[size="4"]8. 1 silver coin[/size]

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