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I know I haven't been in existence for very long in this game, but, I thought I would begin to create a real character for myself. What is below is what will become part of my own back story.

I miss my home...

In heaven, in the great above, we knew nothing but joy. Life was a perfection. As the gods' chosen, we lived in peace. We had law, but it was only a formality, really, for no crime had ever been committed. I only had only but one true rule to follow...

My life, my purpose, was to serve the gods, as was the truth for all of my brothers. However, to my great joy, my destiny revealed an even greater purpose than the simple servitude that was to be expected. I was to be their light. It was my duty, nay, my privilege to look down upon the earth and light its heart with my own. I took my new purpose with pride, and I shone. I was the light of the gods. I was the flame of hope in the hearts of mortal men, and, for a time, it was perfect. For a time.
I was told from the beginning that with my new purpose and the glories that came with it, there came a great burden.
"You shall be our light," they told me back when the idea was new to me, "You alone can claim this title. With it, you will be the only of your brothers that can look through the great gates and see the world below. You shall look down to the faces of mortal men and give them hope, and passion. You will do this for us in our name, however you will not enjoy what you behold. Man is not perfect, as we. They will steal hope from one another. They will use the passion you give to fuel their own pointless wars. It will be painful to watch, and you will be hurt a million times over, but no matter how much pain you endure over the hardships of man, they must remain as such. The lives of men will be their own to use or destroy, you will not intervene in any way. Their life is not your own, and it is not your place to change that. This is your burden to bare. Can you do this?"
When I answered "Yes." to their final question, it was not out of pride. I honestly believed that the words coming from my mouth were true. I was called to serve, and serve I did.
For a time.

Sadly, It is getting late where I live, and I am too tired to continue. But, in the meantime, I would love to hear some opinions on what I have written here or on what I should write later.
Should I continue on with this story? Or is it just silly rubbish?
Heck, maybe you think I'm such a bad writer that I don't deserve to be on the same forum as you.
If you think it, say it! I want to hear any honest opinion, critical or not.

Edited by Dominus Lux
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  • Root Admin

Moved to New Players, Roles and Legends.

A small recommdation from me, forumwise, Look around the different forums before posting, if you cant find any forum which might suit what you want to post, use general or offtopic depending on the nature. If its wrong a mod will change it for you, or you can pm them and ask them.

its quite an intresting story, you might want to wait a little longer before forming a solid backstory so you can perhaps mold it to be slightly more "MD'ish" But it looks good at the moment.

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[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1301637328' post='81598']
Moved to New Players, Roles and Legends.

A small recommdation from me, forumwise, Look around the different forums before posting, if you cant find any forum which might suit what you want to post, use general or offtopic depending on the nature. If its wrong a mod will change it for you, or you can pm them and ask them.

its quite an intresting story, you might want to wait a little longer before forming a solid backstory so you can perhaps mold it to be slightly more "MD'ish" But it looks good at the moment.

Thanks, I'll definitely make sure to be more case specific where I post things from now on. (this is my first forum, so I'm still kind of new to how things work. lol)

And about the story, It's definitely not even close to done yet. There's not a chance I would leave a backstory so unfinished. I already have the rest of it in my mind, I just need to find the time to type it all out. I was just too tired to go on last night. lol

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This is the unfinished version of the story. If you want to see the whole thing, I posted it just a little bit ago. The full completed story can be found at:
Please take a look and tell me what you think! :)

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