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Challenge for Bunnies Number 3

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This recurring event will take place whenever the Bunnies get annoying enough to pursuade a Merry Deviler to set snares out. The session will continue as long as necessary, and session scores will be posted here.


Official Rules:

In this version of the popular game of Hangman, anyone from Team Bunny that guesses a correct letter gets a carrot. Anyone who guesses the right word gets all the remaining carrots. But a Bunny that makes any sort of wrong guess is snared, drops their carrots, and can't make any more guesses. Whoever gets to eat the most carrots, which happens between words, wins.

[Clarification: Session score is running total of how many letters you got in each of the words during which you were NOT snared. - Fyrd.]

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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