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New Festival Medal?

Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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I've been scanning through the avatar shop recently, and I've been noticing the diversity of the avatars that have been uploaded. I see a couple of old ones, usually, mixed with a lot of terribly made avatars, and then a few new uploads that are of decent quality.

Perhaps there should be a medal awarded for people who upload high quality avatars? My thinking here is that it may possibly encourage the productivity and quality of avatar uploads in the future.

Just a thought, an achievement or something would work for the idea too.

(Now, this is just going by the thought that you can track who uploaded what avatar.)

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It would make more sense for it to be an achievement for one of your uploaded avatars to be upgraded to Gold, however I think having that done is its own recognition and don't really see the need for a new achievement or medal. If your work is good you will get to see your avatar outside the shop. If it isn't good enough, you wont.

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I believe you missed the point of what I said Kyphis. It would be something to encourage high quality avatars, rather than low quality avatars that will sit in the shop and likely not be used.

Something could mean a medal, it could mean an achievement, I don't know.. ideas are welcome.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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Aye, I understood that. I just don't see the need for it. The only benefit would be that you wouldn't need to shuffle the avatars as often. Mur seems to be getting more strict about what avatars are good enough on his own, with the more high quality submissions he gets the fewer low quality ones he lets through. Sure there are some weird looking ones, but we don't see ones as bad as when this system first started turning up any more.

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I think more of an encouragement would be if avatars which were lower quality were not given credits and moved to the vault, and could only be traded amoung people, That would mean if you cant shift your avatars yourself you would end up trying harder to make ones that are decent.

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