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  • Root Admin

A wizard is waiting...for something to happen, for someone, for nothing, for ...for what is the wizard in the image waiting is what you should answer.

This is the secound 'contest' posted on MagicDuel, the last one prooved to have an obvious answer that unfortunatly no one figured out correctly. This one has also an answer that will make you crazy after you will find out you missed it hehehhehehe.

None of the team members knows the answer so everyone is welcome to try.

This time the answers ae PUBLIC this means all can see what you post and other can post the same thing.

I will not give you clues, I will read all the time your answers even if i wont reply... i might come with replyes to this post but what i want is YOU to come with something realy smart..or realy stupid ...but correct

The painting is oil on canvas and its not 'stolen' from the web as you might suspect, its original, sry if you don't like it but for now i can't paint better.

..come on amaze me...



i got two answers idk if u can do that but im still going to put them. my first answer is he waiting for the sun to come up to point him in the directions of the invisable village. my second answer is that he is wait sun to come up because he likes watching the sun to rise and set. while watching hes smokeing on his pipe and thinking of his odd dreams he had the night before and what did they mean.


Ahhhh, 'tis quite obvious although with a subtle mystery about it...

The Grand Wizard before you awaits the Dawn(which represents the beginning of our adventures here), as the Sun rises our new world will be illuminated revealing the Creators labors in making lands for us all to explore and experience.

((On a side note, i do believe the Wizard to be none other than the Creator himself in disguise, looking down over us as our journey's begin))


'None of the team members knows the answer so everyone is welcome to try.'

I don't feel right with this. I think a contest is made for users not for team members (my opinion) I find it unusual to give gifts between us, so I will not take part on this one. :angry:


Hmmm, is not the contest a gift in itself?

Pay me no heed, me mind wanders at times and i find meself rambling like this often, must be all the time i spent trapped in the Void :angry:

  • Root Admin

Hey, 'the Elder' , i like your way of speaking so much, maybe you can help me with some of the texts, like for the intro and such ..sounds very poetic.

And about the answers, hey be more creative all of you, i wouldn't put a different question for the same answer would i?

Hey, 'the Elder' , i like your way of speaking so much, maybe you can help me with some of the texts, like for the intro and such ..sounds very poetic.

And about the answers, hey be more creative all of you, i wouldn't put a different question for the same answer would i?

Awwww well kill my last guess hmmm....

The wizard is the guardian of the desert and all things that reside upon its land, all creatures from the stirring snake to the silent cactus he stops all beings from harming them.

Hey, 'the Elder' , i like your way of speaking so much, maybe you can help me with some of the texts, like for the intro and such ..sounds very poetic.

And about the answers, hey be more creative all of you, i wouldn't put a different question for the same answer would i?

Well i am honored me words are deemed poetic, if i may be of service i will gladly aid however i can.

As for the Wizard, hmmm that poses quite a quandry... If not the Creator, perhaps he represents our opposition in these lands, he looks down upon us as we enter these new lands sizing us up as it were, and awaits for the battles to begin... **sighs** well that is my second guess, so it is null and void, good luck to everyone else in solving this riddle.


Hate to tell you Elder, but that image is off the web. I've seen it on a site a long time ago. Stolen. :angry:

I would display link on here, but it is considered advertising and is forbided, but if wanted ill add.

But if i had to guess, i'd say he is an dark wizard who travels, wreaking havoc, reigning terror on all who come across his path. Trying to conquer and control the lands.

- Z e r o

  • 2 weeks later...

yup, Manu is right, one fight on this forum is enogth.And i think i'll move those posts to manifesto. :angry:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

He's waiting for whoever is playing him to click the mouse, so that he can cast a meteor shower, fire storm, or whatever mass destruction spell he might have, or maybe summon the faceless angel from the other contest.

Or maybe not, he's just hungry and waiting for his just ordered pizza to arrive.


i think the wizard is waiting for the "whatever that is" from the first contest to get it out of the ground so that the wizard could use his powers to open the sealed "thing" that the "whatever that is" is geting from the ground ;))

or maybe he's the god of this game and is looking down on what he has created till nowlooking forward at the long road head of him :D

mmmyeeeaa...u gota read that a few times to get it :D))

P.S. i have a question regarding the nationality of the admins... i see some names are romanian...so.,.are u romanians? :D if so... "Salut adminilor" ;))

The Admins are Romanian, good guess. (Mod V.)

  • 3 weeks later...

hmm... I would say hes waiting for The world to grow he stands on the edge of the world that has been created waiting for the rest to rise up. I belive it is a crime punishable by banishment to state other games so i will only state a joke from one <if you know wich game its from good if you dont im not tellin> He will wait for... 2 weeks .

or he could be waiting for a bathroom to be made... poor guy all out there just standing he must have to go by now.

I AM LUCREN RULER OF THE LAND OF ANNOYING LOUD DARK WIZARDS WHO EVENTUALLY DIE FIGHTING THE FEMANITE MALE HERO FOR SOME DUMB REASON MUWAHHAAHAHAHAHA!! its actually soso sad that male video game heroes are so....unmanly looks over at tidus "your nothing but a disapointment!!!!!!"

P.S. i have a question regarding the nationality of the admins... i see some names are romanian...so.,.are u romanians? :) if so... "Salut adminilor" :))

The Admins are Romanian, good guess. (Mod V.)

Yes, we are from Romania. Buna :P

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