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Selling A Windy

Sasha Lilias

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So, as the topic says, I am selling my windy, tokens included (:P) Here are it's stats:

Name: Pui De Dragon

Age: 23

Heat: 436652

Tokens: Claw I, Blood Drop I, Kelle'tha Fire, Fire Drop, Jewel Shards, Dark Shield, Claw II, Blood Drop II, Stardust, Blood Drop III, Emerald Glare, Osiris Belt, Purpur Moon, Purpur Fog and Onyx Fangs.
Total tokens = 15

[u]Rules about bidding[/u]:

[*]I will [b]NOT[/b] just sell for coins.
[*]Here are the offers I will be interested in (left to right): Max tokened creatures, Tokened creatures+age, Tokened creatures,Creatures, Credits, Items, Gold+silver(but only to make up difference).
[*]Rarer creatures will be much more of an interest for me.
[*]ALL bids must be made here, unless for a good reason.
[*]I will [b]NOT[/b] take back this post but I [b]WILL[/b] not sell it for bids I deem unworthy.

[u]Creatures I will accept:[/u]
GG Drachorns
Rustgold Drachorns
Imps(Any sort)

Plus any others you may thinks I will be interested in :D

[u]Creatures I will not accept:[/u]
Elementals(Water or Fire)

Bidding will end after 24hrs after a bid deemed worthy has been made. :)

~Sasha Lilias~

Oh and creatures that I will accept in bids is exactly that. IN bids, so not just by themselves, unless they are worth the amount the windy is.

(Heretics/BP's should have tokens, age or something else special about them.)

[color="#FF0000"]Edit 1: Yes that fits my terms Rhaegar.....doesn't mean I will accept it. :)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][size="4"]Edit 2: First Acceptable Bid- Manda; Post No. 11 [/size][/color]

Edited by Sasha Lilias
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Name: Tsunami

2 tokens claw 1 and 2
Stored Heat 1463624

Age 129


Name: Gian

12 tokens claw1-2 blood drop2-1-3 satardust blacktear onixfangs goldbelt claw3 emerald glare enlighthening
Stored Heat 14374992

Age 117

15 silvers

Edited by Manda
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[quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1304783903' post='84108']
Currently Manda is in the lead - though I would say that it is still a little under priced..18gc?

Rein= 12gc (aver.) Rusty= 5gc (aver.)?

rein 13 (you see ofers of 14) GC
Rusty with those tokens in order 13 GC min thats is sheap

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[quote name='Manda' timestamp='1304784165' post='84110']
rein 13 (you see ofers of 14) GC
Rusty with those tokens in order 13 GC min thats is sheap
Uhh rein's sell for 10-14 gc so, 10+14/2=12. As for the rusty, a rusty will never be worth 13gc in my eyes. Though it does have a good order.

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mm i need to bir more mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Name: Tsunami

2 tokens claw 1 and 2
Stored Heat 1463624

Age 129


Name: Gian

12 tokens claw1-2 blood drop2-1-3 satardust blacktear onixfangs goldbelt claw3 emerald glare enlighthening
Stored Heat 14374992

Age 117

17 silvers

Darrk Archer III

4 tokens satardust claw 2 claw1 kelletha fire

Stored Heat 186173

Age 400

Master of puppets

3 tokens claw1 claw 2 emerald glare

Stored Heat 1761358

Age 225

Aramor assasin

3 tokens claw2 claw 1 emerald glare

Age 229

Edited by Manda
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[b][u]Highest Bid[/u][/b]


Name: Tsunami

Tokens: claw 1 and 2

Stored Heat 1463624

Age 129


Name: Gian

Tokens: claw1 and 2, blood drop 2,1 and 3, stardust, blacktear, onyxfangs, goldbelt, claw3, emerald glare, enlightening

Stored Heat 14374992

Age 117

[b][u]Dark Archer III[/u][/b]

Tokens: star dust, claw 2, claw1, kelle'tha fire

Stored Heat 186173

Age 400

[b][u]Master of puppets[/u][/b]

Tokens: claw1,claw 2, emerald glare

Stored Heat 1761358

Age 225

[b][u]Aramor assasin[/u][/b]

Tokens: claw2, claw 1, emerald glare

Age 229

Edited by Sasha Lilias
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How would you wvalue bid:
GG age 107 clawI
Rusty age 24
Sharpshooter age 106 clawI
BP age 122
please let me know value of Manda's bid and mine - I may add something

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