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Writing Contest

Fyrd Argentus

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Look at "People in the News" section under Legend Speakers.

I need stories - on the topics listed or others. Ideally they should be informative and engaging articles about people that everybody needs to know more about. You'll see some bad starts I've made, and I won't accept anything objectionable, offensive, etc. Best you interview the subject to get their buy-in for the article. Yes, you may write about yourself. I am looking for non-fiction or even tall stories, but not pure fantasy.

Individual stories will be paid as described in the editiorial policy thread.

Now here's the CONTEST - whoever submits the LARGEST NUMBER of acceptable articles by the end of July (about 6 weeks from now) gets a wishpoint!

In case of a tie, the deadline will be extended in 3-day increments until we have a winner.

I will be the sole judge of what is acceptable, but I really do want to flesh this section out. I reserve the right to do copyedit on accepted works.

You can PM me or post the submissions under topics that have been solicited. I will delete unacceptable posts - quickly if objectionable, slowly if there is a public outcry or it just doesn't measure up.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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I would be willing to do number of quality of these descriptions, but as Grido putted it, I am worried that someone with lack of quality and lots of quantity works beats me to it :D

Any further requirements on the articles?

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Length is whatever it takes to cover the topic. An obvious fluff job will be rejected. But CONCISE is good. I'd rather see 20 concise articles than one encyclopedic ramble that puts people to sleep.

I've not seen any submissions yet. I would look silly giving out a wp if there are only one or two submissions. Since I have 9 topics up already in "People in the News" I'm not going to award a wp unless there are at least 10 new submissions. OK? Go!

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ummm Fyrd, I'd be willing to try and submit a few articles myself, but since it already is July, I want to know how much the max is, to see whether it's worth if or not, so can you please tell me?

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Okay, turns out "end of July" is not convenient for me, so deadline is extended to August 15.

All approved stories are posted in People in the News, save one. Just look for the newest ones. I think there are 3.

One other story has been sent to me and I was confused as to whether they just wanted feedback, or were submitting it. It is acceptable, could be better - I gave some feedback -- we need to get it posted. That makes 4. Need to see at least 6 more....

I have not seen any stories that needed to be rejected. Good work!

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not to sound offensive, but can this REALLY be considered a submission : [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10060-necromancer-mortis/"]http://magicduel.inv...omancer-mortis/[/url]

just noticed ^^ ALL my posts (excluding one) have negative rep of -2 or -1 =P!!! and the one that doesn't, I'm sure that that's just bcz it got + rep and turned it neutral =\ oh well =P

Edited by MoM
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  • Root Admin

[quote name='MoM' timestamp='1310464795' post='87696']
just noticed ^^ ALL my posts (excluding one) have negative rep of -2 or -1 =P!!! and the one that doesn't, I'm sure that that's just bcz it got + rep and turned it neutral =\ oh well =P

You get neg rep from silly posts like that, and ones whereby you haven't actually thought about the topic. Posts like [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4659-the-alliance-list/page__view__findpost__p__87743"]this[/url] just show why you get negative reputation.

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well, quite a few things to say , 1 to Chew : I really didn't get the part where she actually said anything =S in any way, sorry...
2, the post WAS related, because 1, I mean my submissions for the competitions, and 2, it was that that I added in the edit, the original one was about whether the above mentioned submission could actually be counted as a submission...
in any way, I would invite any mod or admin to delete my posts if they find them silly (and please do) so that I can learn what's silly and what's now =) that way I guess I'll actually be able to learn what to post and when...

and to keep this in topic, I would like to ask Fyrd something : Xrieg's quote on Curiose was, as she herself said, not good and not actually factual, and so, to correct this, I'd be willing to write one (another one) but I don't know how writing 2 topics with the same title would go, not only for submissions, but also for the alliance itself (and the page) so should I post my submission below X's, or should I just do a new one?

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Please read http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8587-editorial-policy/page__gopid__87770 regarding humor & xreigs posts.

Competition is welcome, please start a new thread.

After the competition, I will be deleting any threads that are less-well-done duplicates, or slanderous, or generally pointed to as garbage by the reading public and/or critics. Really bad stuff will not be counted in the competition.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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I find it fascinating that we all have approached these submissions in our own unique way. When the contest was first announced I did enquire whether we were to do a classic newspaper article (who, what, where, why, why) or if subjective articles were acceptable. I think Fyrd’s openness to accepting either method shows a lot of flexibility.

It is hard to separate the persona of the avatar from the persona of the forum poster at times, but I did attempt to achieve that goal. My forte is in research, flavored with my own impressions of the avatar in-game that I write about. I admit it makes for subjective articles as dst points out but also contend I do try hard to show rather than tell about the person I write on. Sometimes that might “pretty” someone up more than others might like, but never to the point of making them unrecognizable.

Others have submitted purely factual articles that detail the who but not perhaps the why. They provide valuable nuggets of information and illuminate deeds that might otherwise be obscured by time.

Both methodologies are valid and leave it up to the reader to decide what portion of any article is relevant to themselves. Certainly critiques should not be based on the mechanical aspects of the presentations but rather on the dynamics of them.

As some in game know I rely on a screen reader to play this game. This is because my personal real life world is reliant on aural rather than visual input. It tends to flavor the way I react to others when their words are divorced from the nuances supplied by tonal changes. I have to be extra vigilant that I do not read into the cold equations of verbiage any unintended slights or slurs. I’ve been told this is not a problem unique to the visually challenged, that most people can misconstrue the written communications of others. I will try hard to express courtesy of other’s viewpoints and request the same in return.

For me this particular writing contest has proven to be as much an internal journey of exploration as it has been a method of reaching out and appreciating some of the others that share their time in game with me. I cannot thank Fyrd enough for offering that opportunity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any place that is site of a social event could be used. The GGG story is really about a phenomenon, not the place. You could do it on Wind & Rain Pub for instance. Or the GoE (and what goes on there) etc.

This is all to inspire new players to get involved in the realm.

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hmmm august 15, I might not be here... even if I won, there would be no problem right?

as in, if I was not here on aug 15, and I won, it would be OK, and I could... dunno come back later and get the prize

and also, I just want to mention one thing, what if people are planning to play a bit dirty, for example, they would add 'bout 6 articles on the last day, all prepared before hand, I don't think that'd be fair, is there something you can do about that?

Edited by MoM
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@X, my point exactly, take it you were ahead by 3 articles, and I prepared 8, but didn't post any, so you wouldn't try to post any either...
then, on the final day, I'd post all 8, and you'd have NO chance of catching up...
I'd suggest something like a limit of articles per day from now on (or final week before the end)...

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I will find some sort of prize for close runners-up, should that situation occur.

Your efforts WILL be recognized.

Write enough, and the pickles (converted to credits....?) could be worth more than the wp.... well, maybe not.... hmmmm....

And no, your presence on the 15th per se is not required to win.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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  • 3 weeks later...

Right now, score stands at:

MoM 6, Necro & xrieg 4, Stipple 3

Last new submission was back in July. If we hear nothing by day's end, we have a clear winner. If we do get more, we'll wait until 24 hours have passed with no further submissions -- unless the only new submissions are MoM as well.

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Master of Magic wins the wishpoint.

All entries earn pickle points per the editorial policy, and will continue to do so for future submissions.

Thank you for helping to populate "People in the News" with interesting articles!

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